
Friday, June 19, 2015

Writing Contest?

 Unfortunately I have not yet finished part-2 of Being Little Sister. So until then....
I have a splendid idea! What if I started having writing contests on this blog? 
would call it 'Imagine this'. I will post a picture and you all write a story, couple paragraphs, etc., of what you imagine is going on in the picture. Then I post them in the order for which ones I think best fits the picture. 
Would anyone be interested in entering? Let me know and if anyone's interested I'll get the first picture up ASAP. 



  1. I know I'd love to give it a shot! ;) Great idea. Writing contests are always fun.

  2. I will, I will! Sounds sooo much fun! I'd recommend you give out a word count we can't go over, though, because I know I have a problem keeping people's stories short (and my own, hehe) and that helps a lot when there is something we can go by.
    I can't WAIT for the first picture.... B-) I'm sure it's going to be "really" cool. ;) Hehehehehehehehehehehehe....

    1. A word count is a good idea, Emily. I, too, have problems keeping stories short. Things like this or your 'Write this Piece' assignments aren't quite as hard for me as in a contest where it has to be a COMPLETE story with so few words...*sighs* :D
      Thanks for commenting! I think you'll like the picture, haha! :-)

  3. YES!!! I'd love to do it! I agree with Emily, post a word limit!!! :D Otherwise we will go waayyy over. B-) Can't wait to see the picture!!

    1. Thanks Jesseca! I'll be posting it later today. ;D
