
Monday, December 21, 2015

"All I Want for Christmas" ~ Part 1

 Hello all of you sweet blog readers! I'm visiting here on Faith's blog today. A guest post, I believe she called it. :) 
 My name is Alaina Seagle. My husband, Cpl. Aaron Seagle, USMC, is currently overseas on deployment. He had to leave exactly one week after our wedding. That was almost eight months ago. (You can read that part of our story by clicking HERE.
 I miss Aaron very much, especially now that Christmas is almost here. But he's in God's Hands and I trust that He will keep my Aaron safe and bring him home soon. :) 
 So now that I've introduced you to my life, I'll let you read this story that Faith wrote, covering my special Christmas this year. ;) 
 Enjoy part one of "All I Want for Christmas"!! 

     -from Pinterest-


~December 21st~  

 Dear Journal, 
 I usually scribble my thoughts down in here before I go to bed, but I'm writing this earlier than usual because the Christmas dinner and play at church are tonight. I probably won't be home until late. 
 At first I considered not attending. I don't feel like being cheerful and having to make conversation, but I know Mom and Dad want me to go. It is good for me to get out of the house; Aaron wouldn't be pleased to know how often I would rather be alone than socialize. Of course, if he were here I wouldn't be alone and I wouldn't mind going places. 
 The youth group are putting on a Christmas play after the dinner, and I know Colin and Melissa would like for me to be there for that. Melissa is playing the piano for the choir and Colin is King Herod. At first he didn't like being cast as the 'bad guy', as he put it, but the role has grew on him, I think. 
 My phone just buzzed with a text message from Melissa. They're leaving the house. I better grab my coat and purse, and head downstairs. I don't want them to have to wait on me because I'm feeling sorry for myself and wishing my husband could be present for our first Christmas as a married couple. 

 Alaina ended the entry as she always did, by writing out the prayer that was constantly in her heart and on her mind. A prayer for Aaron. 

Dear God, please be with my Aaron. I pray his deployment doesn't get lengthened and he'll be home soon. But above all else, keep my beloved husband safe from all harm. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. 

 She stopped in front of the mirror on her way out of the room and scrutinized her reflection. Pretty red sweater, knee-length black skirt, tights and black boots. Her hair was twisted up on the back of her head with a few wisps hanging around her face. The silver locket with a poinsettia etched on the lid and Aaron's picture tucked inside completed her outfit. 
 Alaina sighed. Her outfit was festive, but it didn't match how she felt inside. “God, please help me to be happy and give us all a joyful Christmas. I'm missing Aaron now more than ever, but please help me to keep my focus on you and not dwell on his absence.” 
 Realizing how long she had been standing there, she checked her hair and hurried off down the hall. She grabbed her purse from the foyer and her coat from the closet. Taking a quick peek out the living room window, she saw her parent’s SUV pulling into the driveway. 
 Perfect timing. 


 Alaina slid into the back seat next to her sister. “Hello, everyone.” 
 Mom, Dad and Melissa returned her greetings. Colin, however,  didn't look up from a handful of papers strew across his lap. 
 “King Herod is nervous about the play tonight,” Melissa whispered. “He suddenly decided that he should've been learning his lines for weeks, instead of pouting because he didn't like the part.” 
 Colin spoke up without looking away from his reading. “I did not pout, Lis.” 
 “Well, I'd call how you acted pouting,” Melissa retorted. 
 “That's enough you two,” Dad called over his shoulder. “If I recall correctly, our lead angel has been quite nervous too.” 
 Melissa blushed. “Well, at least I don't have to speak as much as Colin does.” 
 Alaina snickered as she observed the banter between her siblings. Thank you, God. I'm already enjoying myself. 


 “Alaina dear, you look absolutely beautiful this evening,” Mrs. Raby sweetly beamed as Alaina passed her on her way through the crowded church kitchen. 
 “Thank you,” Alaina smiled. She continued on down the counter until she came to Mrs. Coggins. 
 Although there were no real ‘positions’, Mrs. Coggins was usually nominated head of the church’s kitchen for such occasions. She was who Alaina needed to ask about what needed to be done. 
 The middle-aged woman turned from the sink and smiled warmly. “Good evening, Alaina!” 
 “Hello, Eleanor.” Alaina returned the smile and friendly greeting. “What can I do to help out?” 
 “You know you don't have to help in the kitchen, dear.” 
 “I want to,” Alaina said. “I don't do much cooking these days unless I'm at Mom and Dad’s.” 
 Mrs. Coggins nodded. “Alright. If you insist, I'll put you to work. You can get the rolls out of the oven and put them in those baskets.” She stepped away from the sink. “We’re about ready to serve. I'm going to ask Pastor Jamie to get everyone's attention and say grace.” 


 “What are your plans for Christmas this year?” Eleanor Coggins asked Alaina as they stood behind the counter helping serve the church family. 
 Alaina knew what the woman was really wanting to ask. She sighed. I guess mine and Aaron's first Christmas together will have to wait until next year. “I'll be at Mom and Dad’s Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and then I'm going to Aaron's parents place the day after. Aaron's sister, Dana, can't be here until then so they're planning their family get-together for a day after everyone else.” 
 “That's wonderful,” Eleanor smiled. But her expression dimmed slightly as she continued. “I know you wish Aaron was here.” 
 Alaina sighed. “I do...but his deployment is almost over. So hopefully I'll have him back soon.” 
 Eleanor chuckled softly at the young woman's choice of words. 

(Just to make sure we're all on the same page, Alaina is fictional... :)) 

Instead of the usual "Christmas Tidings", we're going to have daily Bible verses from now, on each day this week. ;D 

Today's "12 Days of Christmas" fun! ;) 
~ Visit Whimsical Writings for the first part of Jesseca's Christmas story! 
~ Visit Lauren's Amazing World for a Christmas story! 
~ Visit Counting Your Blessings One by One for a fun recipe! 
~ Visit Living in Faith and Fun for the fourth installment of Amy's Christmas series! 
~ Visit my other blog, Chosen Vessels, for the story behind a Christmas song! 

Thank you all for reading and/or participating in this fun Christmas-y blogging! Catch ya later! :D


  1. Aww, that was such a sweet story! I love how you used Alaina to introduce your post. It was so cool! To be perfectly honest, I could't figure out who Alaina was at first. When I first read it, I was like "Okay, I've heard of her before, and she sounds SO familiar, who IS she?" didn't figure it out until I clicked on the link ;)

    1. Thanks, Blessing! I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Alaina starting the post was an idea I had a few nights ago during a severe case of writer's block on this story. ;)
      Hahaha! You made me laugh. :) I thought some of y'all might remember Aaron and Alaina from the story I write back in September, but I kinked back to it just in case. ;)

      Thanks for commenting, Blessing!

  2. I CANNOT WAIT TILL PART TWWWOOO! ;) I love this story so much!!
    I love how you started it as though Alaina was writing a guest post. It was so, so perfect!

    1. YOU WON'T HAVE TO WAIT LOOONNNGG! B-) Thank you, Jesseca! Glad you're liking it. ;)

  3. I loved your story, Faith! I'm really excited for part two. : )
    I also really liked the way you started your post. : )

    1. Thank you so much, Rebekah! :) Part two will be posted tomorrow!

    2. I just went back to the story you wrote were Alaina and Aaron got married. It was great! I guess I should of read it first though. ;)

    3. Thank you, Rebekah! I'm glad you liked it. ;) LOL. I guess it doesn't really matter. :)

  4. Aww, this is great! It's cool you linked back up to this story this year. ♥
