
Thursday, January 21, 2016

Earliest Memories ~ Tag!

Hello everyone!!! Bethany from A Great God and Good Cocoa came up with this sweet tag and nominated me for it! :D Let's get started! 

1. What is your earliest memory?
Going fishing with my daddy when I was about three. :) When went out in this little lake in a john-boat. I don't remember us catching anything, but Dad might have. I remember having to where a life-vest (and not liking it one bit...) and eating M&Ms. :) Then, when we were leaving, Dad took me and put me in my carseat in the truck. When he went back for the boat, it had floated away... So he went for a little swim, needless to say. Hehe. ;) 

2. What is your earliest memory of a birthday?
I can vaguely remember my fifth birthday. We had a party here at the house and I remember playing games in my room with others kids, but that's about it. I can distinctly remember all of us pushing on the bubble of a Trouble! game I'd just gotten. xD 

3. What is your earliest memory of a food?
My grandpa smoked salmon at the aforementioned birthday party. I don't remember birthday cake, but I remember the salmon! :-) 

4. What is your earliest memory of a gathering?
Does church count? I would say church and some family gatherings that I vaguely (there's that word again) remember. :-) 

5. What is your earliest memory of family?
Christmas Eve at my grandparents house every year. ;) 

6. What is your favorite memory?
That's tough... Okay, here's a few. ;) 
Although I've been homeschooled ever since, I went to a private Christian school for kindergarten. At this school the classes are so small that they combine ever two grades. Ex. K-4 and K-5, 1st and 2nd, etc. Me and another girl were the only two kindergartners that year, and there were three girls in K-4. No boys. It was a great year. B-) 
I've made lots of great memories camping with friends and family through the years. A mission trip I went on last year, and when we went out west this year would have to be at the top of my list too. ;) 

7. What is your earliest memory of a gift?
I'm sure there's something I've overlooked, but I'll just go with this. When I 'graduated' from kindergarten our teacher have each student (all five of us) a gift. I got a journal and a few other little things I can't remember. I loved it so much and it made me feel quite grown up. :) I still have it somewhere, I think. 

8. What is your earliest memory of an embarrassment?
Hmm... Okay, just telling this will be embarrassing. When I was about ten, a friend of mine's mom was in the hospital and we were going with Dad to see them. This was the maternity wing of the hospital so the doors were locked and someone would have to let us in. I saw this box-like thing on the wall with a handle that said "pull here". So I pulled it...and it came off in my hand. Alarms started going off, the doors started slamming. Mom tried to stick the thing back on the wall, but that wasn't happenin'. A nurse came running to see what was going on. She laughed at our interesting dilemma and let us in. To make matters worse, when we got to the room they asked what the alarms were about and Mom and Dad got to relay the story. I still haven't lived that one down... *sigh* 

9. What is your earliest memory of when you were scared?
At the Christian school I attended, I remember being terrified of the 1st-2nd grade teacher. One time in particular, we were sent to the 1st-2nd grade classroom because our teacher had to give some possible students' parents a tour of the school. I didn't enjoy it... (at all!!) 
Other memories of being scared would include the first time I got bee stung and being warned of fire ants at my grandparents house in Florida. (We don't have those little red-devils 'round here. ;) ) 

10. What is your earliest memory of a camp? 
A three day Girl Scout day camp the summer of 2008. I'd just started Girl Scouts at the time and I really enjoyed it. Those three days I spent at the rec park were a lot of fun. :-) 

11. How young were you when you received Christ? (optional)
I was eight. *smiles* When I was at the Christian school (mentioned above) I remember the teacher taking one of the girls in my room at going right outside the door. Everyone else in the class including me stayed in the classroom. Mrs. R was giving us an illustration of who was saved and who wasn't. That really made me think. :) 

Here's some old photos of me and my brother the Christmas of 2007. :-) 
If you look closely, you'll see that I'm missing my two front teeth! 

You can definitely tell in this one ;) 

Most of you who I would've tagged have already been tagged, but I'm going to tag a few others. :) I nominate... 

Here's the questions again to simply y'all's lives. ;) 
1. What is your earliest memory?
2. What is your earliest memory of a birthday?
3. What is your earliest memory of a food?
4. What is your earliest memory of a gathering?
5. What is your earliest memory of family?
6. What is your favorite memory?
7. What is your earliest memory of a gift?
8. What is your earliest memory of an embarrassment?
9. What is your earliest memory of when you were scared?
10. What is your earliest memory of a camp? 
11. How young were you when you received Christ? (optional)

Thanks for reading everyone!! 


  1. I loved reading your answers, Faith! :) It was so much fun learning more about you.
    I loved the pictures. You were so cute! :)
    Thank you so much for nominating me! I really look forward to doing it. : )

    1. Thank you, Rebekah! :) I can't wait to see your answers.
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Aww! How cute you were, Faith! :D Thank you so much for the tag. This is like the worst tag that I could ever attempt to do, though LOL. Besides having an already questionable memory, whenever I'm asked questions like these it all goes blank. Can't think of a thing (how annoying is that?!). So I'm afraid I have to decline this one.. :)

    Loved hearing about your earliest memories!

    1. Haha, thanks, Eve. :) Well, my memory (make that my mental status in general...) has quite often been questioned. xD I thought over these questions for days before I finally got answers to all of them, LOL. So, yeah, I understand. ;)

      Thanks for commenting, Eve!

  3. I really don't know why those fire alarms have a "pull here" thing. I mean really?? They're just ASKING to have a little kid who doesn't know any better come along and pull it. Sheesh.
    In other words, I enjoyed reading your answers. ;)

    1. Don't I know it... It's terrible. Maybe I'll have those things outlawed when I become president. B-)

      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah!!

  4. I'm so glad that you did this, Faith! Thanks! I really enjoyed reading your answers. Those pictures were adorable! I really enjoy the memories I have of going fishing too. :D Man, reading everyone's memories is reminding me of a ton I should have put in my original post! lol. Thanks again, Faith!

    1. I'm so glad you nominated me, Bethany!! Hehe, I had fun digging through some old photo albums and finding those. ;) Haha, maybe you should do your own tag again! *wink*

      Thanks for commenting, Bethany!!

    2. Yeah, I thought about it. lol. I'm glad you had fun!

  5. Hey, Faith! Here's your prompt for the Flash Fiction Challenge. It's always sparked some interesting ideas in my mind, so hopefully it'll be easy for you to work with. Otherwise I apologize. xP -

    1. Thanks, Katie Grace!! Haha! Hmm...this will be interesting. ;) *runs off to brainstorm*

  6. Awww....Faith, those pictures are SO CUTE!!! :)

    Haha, so was it actually a door handle, or just an alarm thing like the doors in the store that say "If fire, use this door. Alarm will sound when you exit"? :P

    1. *smiles* Thanks, Blessing!

      No, it wasn't a fire alarm. I'm not really sure what it was... Whatever it was, it didn't open the door like I thought it would!! xD

      Thanks for commenting, Blessing! :)

  7. Here are my answers!
    1. What is your earliest memory?
    Seeing spirit, Stallion of the Cimmaron, in the movie theater when I was six. I remember wanting my own horse afterwards because I wanted to talk to it and have it talk to me like the horses in the movie.
    2. What is your earliest memory of a birthday?
    Spraining my ankle after jumping off something (I don't recall what) at my 7th birthday). I remember crying for a while and then when I got over it my parents would not let me go outside to play with the others because of my ankle. I was so mad.
    3. What is your earliest memory of a food?
    Eating cake at a friends birthday when I was little, then throwing an absolute fit because I hated it. I still do not like cake to this day.
    4. What is your earliest memory of a gathering?
    In general, my earliest memories of a gathering always center on going to my Uncle and Aunt's for Christmas, which also happened to be my Grandma's birthday.
    5. What is your earliest memory of family?
    My dad letting me watch movies like Star Wars and Indiana Jones when I was probably way too young to be watching those movies. I remember snuggling next to my dad staring at the screen in total awe of what I was watching.
    6. What is your favorite memory?
    Riding a big quarter horse for the first time, and being enrolled in a horse co-op to learn all about horses later. It was a dream come true for me at eight years old!
    7. What is your earliest memory of a gift?
    Getting the American girl doll Felicity for my birthday!
    8. What is your earliest memory of an embarrassment?
    Being called short, which I was back then and still am now. It is something I am very insecure about.
    9. What is your earliest memory of when you were scared?
    My parents enrolled me in gymnastics. I hated the balance beam because I was always scared I was going to fall off.
    10. What is your earliest memory of a camp?
    Don't have anything here as I have never really been to camp and can literally remember next to nothing about my earlier years in VBS.
    11. How young were you when you received Christ?
    Around 5 I think. I prayed with my mom :)

    1. Thank you for filling this out, Emily! I loved reading your answers. :)

      I'm short too! Well, not reeeeaally short, but shorter than the rest of my family. When your brother (who's three years younger than you...) is several inches calls for some interesting situations. *sigh*
