
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Little House Blog Party ~ The Tag!!

Heellllooo peoples!!!! You'll never guess what delicious fun I have in this post for y'all!! (Not like the title gave me away or anything... *coughs*) Yep, you guessed it. Ashley over at A to Z is hosting a Laura Ingalls Blog Party!! Isn't that a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious idea?? (And aren't y'all pleased that I can spell that?!) But seriously, y'all should go over and check it out. :) There's lots of fun posts, a giveaway, and a Little House tag! 
So grab your bonnet, hop in the wagon, and we'll be off!! :) 

1. How did you discover Little House?
Was there every a time I didn't know about Little House??? I grew up on Little House! My mom had bought the series (the Laura ones. You know, with the gingham covers?) sometime or other, and we had family reading time every night. We read through the entire series at least twice. : ) I remember Dad reading aloud, and him skipping some of the lengthy dress descriptions. Apparently that wasn't very interesting to the guys... ;) 

2. Which Little House series have you read? Which are you favorite? (Laura, Martha, Rose, etc.)
I've only read the Laura books and one of the Caroline books (On Top of Concord Hill). So I guess Laura is my favorite. :) I also have The Road from Roxbury and Across the Puddingstone Dam from the Charlotte Years. I hope to read them, and all the others for that matter, sometime soon. :) 

3. Have you read any "extra" Little House books? (non "canon", cookbooks, song books, craft books, little kid books, etc.)
Yes, I have! I got the My Little House Books set for Christmas when I was maybe nine or ten. I think I read them all that day. :) The pictures are soo pretty!! <3 

Then in fifth grade I did The Prairie Primer by Margie Gray! Required for that was The Little House Cookbook, The Little House Crafts Book, and The Little house Guidebook. I had so much fun with all the little house activities and assignments that year!! (I also have the little house paper dolls, but they're currently not in a place I can access them for pictures. :-( ) 

4. Have you read any biographies/autobiographies about Laura or any of the Little House girls?
Laura's Album by William Anderson. It's a remembrance scrapbook of Laura's life, with lots of 'real' pictures and stuff. :) 

5. If you could be in any character's place, who would you choose and why?
Laura. :) Because she's so fun and tomboyish, but she grows up to be a responsible young wife and mother. (And she's a writer so that makes her doubly awesome. xD) 

6. What's your favorite Little House ship? (AKA couple)
Laura and Almanzo!!! <3  Because any couple who gives each other nicknames is pretty darn adorable in my way of thinkin'. ;) 

According to Pinterest this is a behind-the-scenes picture, but I like it. ; ) 

7. What's your favorite Little House book? Cover?
Oh, dear, I don't know if I can answer that! I love them all!! *hugs the books* My favorite book would have to be a tie between The Long Winter and Little Town on the Prairie. Oh, and Little House on the Prairie. (It's a three way tie.) My favorite cover (of the original Laura books and covers) is These Happy Golden Years. :) 

8. If you could invite any secondary character from any of the Little House books over for dinner, who would you choose and why?
Just one??? How about a few. ;) 
 Ida Brown – because she's so sweet and Laura's friend. :) 
 Cap Garland – because he went with Almanzo to get the seed wheat and that's make him a jim-dandy fellow in my book. ;) 
Mr. Edwards – because he's so funny. Maybe he'd be willing to teach me how to spit... B-) 

9. Have you watched the Little House TV show? If so, do you enjoy it?
YES!!!! Grew up on that too. ;) And now we have all nine seasons. *happy dance* Enjoy isn't the word for it... I LOVE THAT SHOW!! :D I know it's not like the books, but it's such a great, family show I'm willing to overlook that. ;) *nods* 

10. If you could watch a YouTube miniseries on any Little House book or series, which would you choose and how would the basic plot go?
Hmm, that's an interesting idea. ;) Maybe The First Four Years. I'd like to see more of what Laura and Almanzo's first years of marriages early were like, instead of the TV rendition. (I mean that's awesome, but not very much like the book. xD)

So there ya have it, folks! Be sure to check out Ashley's blog and here's the link to the introduction post and giveaway!!! :) 

Thanks for reading!! :D I'll have more posts (a new story!!) up this weekend for you all!! :) 
~ your sister in Christ, Faith 

**The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and twelfth picture are mine. All others are borrowed from Pinterest.**


  1. Wow! That's a cool idea. I liked reading your answers.
    I LOVE Little House!!!

    1. Isn't it? I thought so too. :) Me too!!! Little House is so...good!! xD

      Thanks for commenting, Lauren!

  2. I had a lot of fun reading your answers, Faith! :)
    I really like Little House too, especially the time period. ;)
    I also have the Little House paper dolls. I remember having a lot of fun with those. :)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Rebekah! Me too!! The pioneering days are fun to learn/read about. :) The paper dolls are so cute! And lots of fun of course. ;)

      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah!

  3. Oh wow! This is such a great tag idea. I never knew there were Little House books! I knew of the show only. However, I watched it all the time with my dad. :) I loved watching Laura and the rest grow up. I don't remember where I stopped watching - but I know I was super surprised by an adult Laura!

    1. I think so too! I love it; it's such a fun blog tag. :) That show is SO GOOD!! I absolutely love it. Aww, that's great! :) If you like the show (and it sounds like you do!) then you so need to read the books. They're so amazingly good and there's tons of stuff in them that's not in the show. ^_^

      Thanks for commenting, Eve!

  4. The gingham covers are my fave.
    Across the Puddingstone Dam is sooooo good!
    The picture books are so gorgeous!
    Oooh that's the second time I've heard about a Little House school year this week! The paper dolls sound fun!
    Their nicknames are too cute! (Nicknames usually are. Usually.)
    Mr. Edwards for dinner tho!
    First Four Years would be interesting as a web series...
    This was so fun! Thanks for doing it!

    1. There so pretty. :)
      Well, I'll have to read it sometime!
      Aren't they? I love Garth Williams pictures.
      Oh, yay!! I absolutely loved school that year. :)
      They were!
      Yep, usually. I love nicknames, as long as they're not embarrassing.
      Wouldn't that be an entertaining evening?! :D
      I think so. :)

      I really enjoyed it!! Thank for hosting this blog party, and thank you so much for commenting, Ashley! : )
