
Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Letter // Blog Tour & Book Review

Hello everyone! Today I'm participating in the blog tour for young, Christian author Willowy Whisper's new novel, The Letter. :) 

First it was just a letter, maybe a joke, a coincidence. Now it was more than that. Now it was a living nightmare, threatening everyone he loved, pulling his greatest fear into a reality . . .
As the letters keep coming, Brock Sumner watches his world shatter at his feet. Building a wall around his heart seemed like the only answer. Is there any other way to protect the woman he loves?
A drunk, with no incentive to change; a runaway, with a price on his back; a young child, afraid in the dark . . .
Will the letters, perhaps, pull their lives together? Or will the killer find a way to destroy them all? 


Wow. Let me start by saying this book is incredible. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it tore my heart out and trampled it with like a herd of stampeding horses... 

*cough* But seriously. I'm writing this review two days after I finished the book because I'm still trying to recover from the barrage of emotions it brought along with it. ;) 

I'm quite terrible at writing coherent book reviews, so let's move on and talk about the splendiferous characters. ^_^  

Brock Sumner is the main character. He' Everything he goes through made me want to cry. (Oh, wait, it did make me cry.) How he pushes everyone away, thinking he's protecting them and himself, was so heartbreaking. :'( Then there were others times I wanted to slap him, but he was always a wonderful, realistic character. ;) 

Lacey Moore has been attracted to Brock Sumner since they were kids. But he's never seen her as more than a friend...or has he? Brock and Lacey's romance was so sweet! <3 

Harvey and Abigail were such a sweet couple. Usually I'm saying that about dating/courting or engaged couples, but not in this case. :) I loved how this young couple were there for each other no matter what. Through whatever life threw at them or tried to steal from them, they always had God and each other. 

Jake was another fabulously written character. His struggle was so real and believable. Ahh! *hugs the characters* 

Quinny – how could I not mention Quinny? His story from destruction to redemption incredible. 

Emma Mae was one of those characters that I didn't like at first, but she grew on me. I think I didn't like her because I couldn't really relate to her. But later...everything going on with her and another character was...amazing. :) 

Don't even get me started on the killer. *shudders* What a horrible, evil person! I certainly wasn't expecting that!! 

For there to be so many different people, different lives going in various directions, going on – I didn't find it confusing. At first I was a little lost, but a couple more chapters and I had it all sorted out. ;) The wonderful way the author weaves all these different lives together was so amazing and very well-done. :) Lots of plot-twists I wasn't expecting AT ALL. Yay!! :D 

I wouldn't recommend this book for children for several reasons. There's lots of sadness, darkness, and death along with some murder, violence, and drinking. 

There's also lots of romance in this book. A scene or two as kind of 'border line' for being too much for me, but other than that I was fine with it. Several kisses between unmarried people, so if that bothers you just a heads up. 

The faith-strands of these characters were so deep and real. People surrendering their lives to the Lord while others are learning to trust in Him, lean on Him, and find comfort in His arms no matter what. :) 

Even in the darkness of desolation when it seems all hope is lost and there is nothing left, He is always there. Good triumphs over evil! God is in control of all! 

*I received a free e-copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.* 


Willowy Whisper is a seventeen-year-old author. Living in the quiet hills of West Virginia, Willow writes novels, short stories, and blog posts. She is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, and an incurable romantic. 

You can visit Miss Willowy's blog HERE
You can purchase The Letter HERE
Willowy Whisper's other books can be found HERE

Thanks for reading all! :D Posts coming soon include a short story, my April recap, and a couple tags. ;) 

Friday, April 29, 2016

A Few of My Favorite Things! // Tag

Aloha, all! *waves* (No I'm not in Hawaii.) I know what you thought when you saw the title of this post... "What?? But she does soooo many tags!!!" But I also know that you're reading this anyway. B-) (Well, I hope you are. If you're not, then I... Wait, if you're not reading it you don't care, do you?) 

I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I've posted here. Sowwwy. ^_^ As I mentioned before, construction is going on. Mom threatened to hack into this blog and leave a quick post telling you all what's happening and that you would see me here after it's all over. But she didn't. B-) Did she? *quickly scans over previous posts* Nope. ;) 

I do have oodles of post coming up soon though, so be watching. ;) Like seriously. My settings look like this... 

Draft, draft, draft, draft, draft. xP Blah. If your eyesight is good enough to make any of that out, congratulations. You get a sneak peek into upcoming stuff. ;P 
While we're on the subject of pictures and excuses for not room looks like this right now...

See what I mean? B-) 

I've been a horridly terrible blog follower lately too... :-/ So if you've posted something and I didn't comment, I did see it and I will get to you soon. :) (Translation: my inbox is beyond overflowing and I'm hoping to clear it out by...uh...July? *nods*) 

Anyhow. Lauren from Lauren's Amazing World tagged me for her own unique tag, A Few of My Favorite Things. :) Shall we get started? 

Cool, yes?

• Write down ten of your favorite things. 
• Tag at least three others! 

Before I get into my list of favorite things, I'm going to stop and say that, first, all of these favorite things are extremely random. And second, this is far from all of my favorite things. Thirdly, I noticed that like everyone else added family as one of their 'favorites', but I'm not. That's not to say my family isn't special! I'm just...not adding them to this list. ;) LOL. 

1) Dogs. 
Dogs are girls best friend! Well, this girl anyway. ;) Biskit is my 100+ pound Yellow Labrador Retriever. :) 

Biskit approves of my reading material. :) 

Biskit's brother, Bullet, is my brother's dog. He's smaller and darker in coat color. :) 

2) Candy. 
What would I do without candy?! One thing I probably wouldn't do without candy is write. ;) 

Skittles and Jolly ranchers are my favorites. :D

These are the best jolly ranchers. DO NOT ARGUE! 

3) Pottery. 
Some of you may not have known this, but I'm a potter. ;) I love all the aspects of pottery that I've been blessed to experience and learn from, but my favorite is wheel-throwing. :-) 

Some dishes from a dinner set I made last summer. 

Another important aspect of pottery (in my opinion at least ;)) is test tiles. Test tiles are small, hollow blocked used to test different glaze combinations. Lots of potters will keep their favorite test tiles, or all of them, on a shelf at easy access. And they're so pretty too! Here's mine. :) 

4) I Love Lucy
I Love Lucy is like my favorite TV show. It's an amazing comedy from the '50s starring Lucille Ball, and I absolutely adore it. :) 

5) Notebooks. 
Who doesn't love little books filled with blank paper?! :D I have lots of notebooks and binders for school, church, and writing notes. :) 

Just look at them in all their paper-filled glory. :) 

6) Music. 
What would I do without music?! Honestly, I listen to music all. The. Time. While I'm doing school, while I'm writing, while I'm reading, in the car... You name it, I've probably got my earbuds on. ;) 

7) Bloggers. 
That's right. You!! What would I do without all my blogger friends and followers? ^_^ 

8) Pictures. 
I love pretty, vintage-y pictures. (Check out my new header. :)) 

9) Good Books. 
I was originally going to include movies here (because y'all know I love books :P), but I decided against it. Because books are much easier for me to talk and talk and talk about. Books are amazing. Books are wonderful. Books are words upon words upon words. Books are life. *nod* :) 

10) *plays creepy music* Wait for it... 
Of course... World War Two. I know, I know, who has a favorite war?? But I really love reading about WWII and the '40s. :) 

And I tag... 

Rebekah Eddy @ Rebekah's Remarks 
Lydia Dyslin @ Through the Wardrobe 


A few things before I scamper off to finish a story, read a book and...yeah. ;) 

-- There's an awesome giveaway going on, hosted by Christian author Rachel Starr Thomson! Click here to check it out!! :D 

-- My friend Amy from Living in Faith and Fun is hosting a writing challenge that ends on May 1st. If you hurry, there's still time to enter! :D Details are HERE

-- I am aware that literally everything here on the blog is out of wack. I've tried to fix it, but Blogger keeps shutting me down for some reason. >_< Any advice would be appreciated! 

-- And lastly – join me in taking the challenge to become more responsible in every aspect of our Christian lives. Check out this post on Chosen Vessels

Thanks for reading everyone! More posts, coming soon. :D 

*6th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th pictures are from Pinterest. The rest are mine.* 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Writers Unite ~ Writing Contest!

Good morning everyone! :) The day has arrived. The Writing Contest (I just feel like capitalizing it.) begins today!!! *skips through the house* Yippee!! This is going to be such fun. :D 

Contest Dates: April 15 – May 16 
Winners Announced: May 30 
Maximum Word Count: 7,000 words 
Theme: Sacrifice 

To enter the contest, submit your story to: writersunite2016(at)gmail(dot)com

1st Place // Critque and The Choosing by R. Dekker 
2nd Place // Critque and Space Kitties 
3rd Place // Critque and songs: 1) What Are You Going to Do Now You Are Not Saving the World? (From Superman: Man of Steel) 
2) Superman - Man of Steel 
3) Legend - The Celtic Collection

For everyone (that's right, not just the winners get prizes :)) we're including the links for two free ebooks. :) 

Be sure to check out everyone else's blogs (links with the bios) for other amazing prompts. :) 

*NOTE: Please, no inappropriate scenes or language. Preferably no magic, though powers are okay. 

Judges' Bios
Now, let me introduce you to the Writer's Unite members (also the judges of the contest XD)... 

1) Introduce yourself: name you want them to see (does not have to be your real name
2) What is your favorite genre of book to read?
3) What is your favorite genre to write about?
4) When not reading/writing what are some things you enjoy doing
5) What is you favorite kind of music to listen to?
and this last one is totally optional because I have no idea who likes Marvel/DC movies
6) Whose side are you on for Captain America? Civil War team Cap or team Iron man? whose side are you on for Batman vs. Superman? Superman or Batman?

1) I’m SMB
2) I loved to read Biblical and historical fiction, as well as fantasy
3) Everything! I have a ton of different stuff I am working on right now, or have plans for: fantasy, futuristic, historical fiction, and a few other things as well. :)
4) When I’m not reading and writing I’m usually either dreaming up stories, traveling and doing outdoor adventures, or on Pinterest.  :)
5) I like to listen to a lot of different music. I have a playlist for when I’m writing, but for everyday life I like to listen to stuff like Jamie Grace, Moriah Peters, For King and Country, and similar artists/songs.
6) Up to this point I’ve been team Captain America for the Civil War.

1) Raechel
2) Oh that's a tough one...I love many genres, but two of my top favourites are Christian fantasy and Biblical fiction.
3) Christian fantasy with no magic, and a sort of 'medieval' ish feel to it.
4) Well...I'm almost always reading or writing, but I also love throwing my tomahawk/knives at my log target, and just being with my family.
5)I don't have a specific favourite kind of music TobyMac a genre? XD I like upbeat, exciting Christian music.
6) None? I'm not into Marvel stuff. 

1. Hi, my name is Jesseca Dawn. :) 
2. My favorite genre to read would have to be historical fiction. It's awesome. ;)
3. And, my favorite genre to write would be historical fiction as well! I love all the research that goes into it. 
4. My favorite kind of music is movie soundtracks! They're the best! ;) Hymns tie with the soundtracks for a favorite, and contemporary. 

Aiden - 
1) Aiden
2) Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Superhero (whatever that genera is called)
3) Fantasy-Sic-Fi
4) Cosplay, Marital Art, and Parkour
5) Almost anything
6) Well team Spidey for Captain America Civil War, and Superman for Batman Vs. Superman

1) My name is Sierra, though I also go by Sparrow a lot online
2) It depends on my mood, I read a lot of different genres. If I had to pick one, I'd probably say fantasy.
3) Again, I write all different genres. Probably fantasy is my "favorite". 
4) I like drawing and... uh... wow I sound like a boring person. I don't do all that much besides read and write and draw. I love photography though.
5) Also depends on my mood... *hides* I'm not a consistent person. I just have a bunch of spotify playlists with groups of artists and bands together. Right now I'm listening to the TobyMac and Capital Kings one, but last week it was BarlowGirl, ZOEgirl, Addison Road, and Superchic(K)
6) Team Cap! 

1) My name is R. J. Steele
2) My favorite genre is probably fantasy, but dystopian follows closely.
3) I write fantasy with some futuristic.
4) I like to hang out with my friends and cousins in my free time.
5) ...Um, I listen to a lot of different kinds of music....not just one
6) I am Team Cap for the Captain America Civil War. 

1) Hey, I'm Faith P.! 
2) My favorite genre of books to read is historical fiction. :)
3) My favorite genre to write is historical fiction as well. :) 
4) I enjoy pottery, camping, kayaking, and hanging out with my dog. ;) 
5) Contemporary Christian :) 
6) I'm not familiar with any of those, sorry! 

I can't wait to see any and all entries for this amazing contest! Sacrifice – what a great them, huh? Well, what are you waiting for? Go get writing! :) 


--My prompt and the judge representation pictures are from Pinterest.-- 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Just a Fact Tag.

Hey everyone! :-) Sweet Raechel from God's Peculiar Treasure Rae tagged me for this neat, fact tag. ;) 

  • Take the banner and paste it to your post. 
  • Tell a single, meaningful fact about who you are. 
  • Explain this fact as open, and explanatory as you can. 
  • Tag at least one other blogger, and give a reason why you think they should do this. 
  • Add a Bible verse to close out this tag. 
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you. 
  • Have fun! 
So. Every other blogger that I follow who did this tag, did more than one fact. ;) So I'm joining in the rebellion and giving a couple facts as well. Just cuz I can. B-) 

\ Fact 1# \
I looooove learning about World War Two, the 1940s, and people of the greatest generation. :) I've read oodles of books on the subject (fiction and non-fiction) and I'm always looking for more. :) 

Let's face it. This era had THE CUTEST couples. ;) 

\ Fact 2# \ 
I'm a very visual person. I can perfectly 'see' all my characters in my mind. And I will spend lengthy amounts of time looking through tons of pictures to find the perfect one that IS my character. ;) That brings us to the next fact... 

\ Fact 3# \ 
I'm ADDICTED to Pinterest. Like, seriously. I have boards for all my WIPs and finished stories, not to mention boards for oodles of other random things. ;) 

\ Fact 4# \ 
I've been doing a little photography lately. I take pictures of random things all the time – food, books, dogs, and whatnot. But I've been paying more attention to different angles and ideas recently. :) 

Since I tagged a multitude of folks just last night, I'm going to tag someone I didn't tag. :-) (I don't want to overload anyone. :P) 

And now for the verse. :) 
“For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.” -- Mark 13:34 KJV

Thank for tagging me, Raechel!! :D 
Signing off, 

-- 2nd and 3rd image from Pinterest. ;) 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

// The Liebster Award //

Hey everyone! Me again. ;) (Like, who else??) Lydia from C'est La Vie (isn't that a beautiful blog name?!) tagged me for the Liebster Award! :D Yay! Here goes! 

The rules for the Liebster Award:
Link back to the person who tagged you.
Answer their 11 questions.
Tag 11 bloggers.
Ask them 11 questions.
Let them know you've tagged them.

~The Questions~ 

1. Have you ever taken a Myers Briggs personality test? 
No, I have not. I've taken the 16 Personalities test though. My personality type is INFP (introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving). Doesn't it just fit? FP is my initials!! :) 

2. Do you know how to dance? 
You mean like "oh, I love this song! *dances through the house*"? No? Okay, then no, I don't know how to dance. ;) 

3. What is your favorite way to communicate with others? (i.e. talking on the phone, email, texting, talking in person, letter writing, etc.)
Probably letter writing. :) I feel like an old soul when I'm hand-writing a letter to a friend. (Or writing letters between fictional characters is always great too. XD) I write in swirly cursive and add cute little flowers and doodling to the sides of the paper. :) 

4. Do you have any siblings? 
I have one younger brother...on the days I claim him. ;) 

That's us. ;) 

5. Have you ever performed in public? 
I used to play violin, and had recitals every so often. Not really in 'public', just friends and family of fellow students. :)

6. (If you drive) Can you drive a standard/stick-shift? 
No, I cannot. Dad says he's going to teach me this summer, but...I'm not sure he wants me in his truck yet. B-) 

7. Name one thing that makes you happy-- 
My dog, Biskit. <3 

I mean, who doesn't want that as their screensaver?? 

8.What was the last song you listened to? 
Be One by Natalie Grant :-) 

9. What, would you say, is your biggest talent? 
Oh dear. I guess I would say writing is my 'biggest talent'. I'm not very good by comparison, but I'm a great writer. :) 

10. Do you collect anything? 
BOOKS!!!! :D No, seriously, I do. ;) 

I really need this. ;) (from Pinterest) 

11. Do you sing or play any instruments? 
I sing in the choir at church, but that's it. No instruments. :) 

Now for the tagging part. ;) I tag... 

~ My Questions ~ 
1. What is your personality type? 
2. What part of writing a blog post takes the longest for you? (Ex. In my case, it takes me longer to find/stick in links and pictures than to actually write the post.) 
3. Would you rather smell fresh-cut grass or campfire smoke? 
4. What's the last song you listened to? (And did you like it?) 
5. What's the last movie you watched? (And did you like it?)
6. What's the last book you finished? (And did you like it?) 
7. Do you have a reading goal for this year? 
8. Would you rather use a pen or a pencil? If you chose pen, what color of ink? 
9. What's your favorite historical time period? 
10. Describe yourself in one sentence. (It's almost a question.) 
11. Do you enjoy tags? (Or are you only filling this out because you feel obligated? B-)) 

Thanks for reading, guys!! :D The writing contest starts Friday! Details coming soon. :) 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bookshelf Tour!! ~D & F~

Hey guys! I'm back with the next installment of the Book Tour! :D I'm combining D and F because I only have a few books of each. ;) 

A quick heads up before we get started... There's an awesome giveaway going on over at A Writer's Faith. Check it out!!! 


The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh 
The Bears of Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh 
Early Sunday Morning: the Pearl Harbor Diary of Amber Billows by Barry 
Escape by Mona Dunckel 

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 
Growing Up Duggar by Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar 

(We're skipping E because apparently I have zero E books. LOL. XD) 


A Lancaster County Christmas by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Christmas at Rose Hill Farm by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Favorite book(s): A Lancaster County Christmas
Books I haven't read: Growing Up Duggar and Early Sunday Morning.  
Book I've had the longest: Escape
Books in this post: 8 
Books thus far in the tour: 134

Have you read any of these books? Which ones? Did you love them? Are any of these on your TBR? I'd love to hear! :D  

P.S. Lots of fun post coming soon, including several tags (I'm so behind), Pinterest stuff (I may or may not need therapy for my Pinterest addiction), and an awesome writing contest starting the 15th!! :D