
Thursday, May 5, 2016

// Ten Things to Do When You Have a Cold //

Hey guys. *waves* :) Take a look at the title and take a wild guess at my health status at the moment. I have a million other posts I should be doing, but this came to mind so your getting it. (Period.) 

1. Drink sweet tea. 
This is a necessity in the south anyhow, but especially in times like these.  

2. Clear out your inbox...
...and reply to all those emails that are piling up. In other words, I'm leaving lots of comments and sending lots of emails. (A certian someone will be getting about 4-5 emails from me today.) ;) 

3. Eat junk food. 
Anything will suffice, but fruit gummies are best. 

4. Read books. 
And I don't mean school books. Honestly, who can concentrate with a cement block for a brain?! 

5. Write a story about someone who's sick. 
You can accurately describe things best when you're living through it. 

6. Threaten to strangle the person/people you caught the cold from. 
Even if they don't believe your threats, they might at least give you some quiet. 

7. Wear a big, baggy sweatshirt. 
You can hide in it and stay warmerish

8. Blow your nose constantly. 
Even if it's not always necessary, it'll scare annoying people away. Coughing works well for this too. 

9. Be as grouchy as you like. 
After all, you most likely caught this gunk from someone in your household. It's their fault their having to put up with your grouchiness. 

10. Watch movies all day and tell mom you're 'counting it' for history. 
I suggest Return to the Hiding Place, Beautiful Dreamer, or The Waltons. 

Special thanks to mom for helping me come up with a few of these (my brain flew the coop) and for putting up with my grouchiness even though she's not the person I caught this from. 

*coughs and leaves to take her own advice* 



  1. Aww, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. <3 I agree with all of these except for #5. Because I positively cannot write when I am sick. Which is so sad. But I can manage to edit. Unfortunately.
    Oh, but what story are you writing in?!?!
    And those movies!! I need to come a watch them with you. And hey, it totally counts as history. ;) My mom just makes me write a report on what I've learned when I tell her that movies count as school. B-)
    Anyway, I hope you feel better soon! *sends lots of flowers and chocolate*

    1. Aww, that is unfortunate. >_< Ooo, editing? Editing is good. B-)
      Not the one you're hoping for... Actually I didn't get much writing done at all. ;)
      *nods* Yep, you do. ;) The only one I actually got the watch was "Return to the Hiding Place". And it was even better the second time around! :D A report? Oh dear, don't give mom any ideas!! :P
      Thanks!! :)

  2. Bummer! Being sick stinks :-( But I thoroughly enjoyed reading your top ten list. I totally agree with baggy sweatshirts!! So comfy n cozy. Watching movies all day is great too.

    1. Yep, it does stink. >_< Oh, yeah. Baggy sweatshirts and movies are totally musts for sick days. :P

  3. Feel better! I have a cold at the moment, too. It's no fun. :P

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. Thanks, Lydia! Get well wishes to you too!! :)

  4. *chuckles* Yes I would definitely agree with all of these. Especially baggy sweatshirts. They're just important. (*whispers* But also, pajama pants. :P)

    1. *grins* Oh, most definitely. Baggy sweatshirts and pajamas or work-out pants are necessities for sick days. ;)

  5. Hope you feel better soon! I'll be praying!

    Totally agree with all these! (The few advantages to being sick :D) Have fun drinking sweet tea and watching movies! (I seriously need to catch up on my inbox, it is getting so far out of hand.)

    1. Thanks, Bethany!! We're all feeling better this morning, I believe. ;)

      Haha, exactly – the few advantages. :D Yep, overflowing inboxes aggravate me...but I'm working on it. ;)

  6. That's a bummer that your sick. I hope you feel better soon! Nice list! I love hot mint medley tea with honey when I'm not feeling well.

    1. Thanks, Addyson! We're feeling much more chipper this morning. :) Ooo, hot tea with honey sounds delightful. ^_^

  7. Oh I'm sorry that you're ill! That's never fun at all! :( I pray you feel better soon.
    #8 is particularly funny. XD

    1. Nope, not fun. =/ Thanks, Raechel! Feeling better this morning. :)
      Hehehe. ;) That one isn't working out like it's supposed to. I caught the cold from Dad and Tucker, so they're not 'concerned' about catching it. ;)

    2. Glad you're feeling better! I hope that continues to be the case. :)
      Haha, no I don't suppose they'll have to come up with more tactics. XD

    3. Yep! I think Dad, Tucker, and I have gave the cold to Mom... Whoops. ;)
      Hahaha, I sure will!!! :D

  8. I'm sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well, Faith. That's no fun, but I'm really glad that you're feeling better this morning! :)
    I loved your list! :) I'll have to keep this in mind next time I get a cold. ;) My favorite was number 8. ;) And I definitely agree with you about watching movies and reading books. :) If you have to be sick then you might as well do something fun. ;)

    1. Thank you so much, Rebekah!! :) Yes, I'm feeling a lot better today. :-)
      Hehe, okay. LOL. Number 8 seems to be pretty popular. :P Exactly!! Reading and watching movies are good things to do anytime. :)

  9. Hope you feel better soon! Eating junk food made me smile. I know a lot of people enjoy doing that when they are sick but I never have. Just makes me feel worse! I agree with all of the rest though. :)

    1. Thanks, Lydia!! I'm feeling much better today. :) I probably *shouldn't* eat junk food (sick or not) but I don't really want broccoli and Brussels sprouts when I'm not feeling well! :P

  10. Sorry to hear you're sick, Faith! Hope ya get better soon! :)

    1. Thanks, Blessing! I'm feeling lots better – must be from all the get-well wishes from you all. :)

  11. Hey, a fellow sick person! *coughs and sneezes a few times for effect* :) Yeah, I've been sick for the last few days, frantically trying to put off resting until AFTER my senior recital. Which is now over!!! *huge sigh of relief*
    However, unlike you, I MAY have been the person who then spread my cold to the rest of my family. *coughs again* I'm so appreciated. ;) Since I couldn't blame family members for being sick, I blamed church family...which is probably where the blame is due anyways. ;)
    Hope you get better faster than me! (Yes, that's a challenge. I dare you. ;)

    1. Ah, yes. I can totally relate. ;) The other day I was like "um, no. I don't HAVE THE TIME to be sick!!" *cough* Apparently the germs weren't listening. -_-
      Oooo, nice. ;) 'Our cold' started with my grandmother...who passed it to dad...who passed it to Tucker...who passed it to me...who passed it mom. ;) We were all *technically* sick Saturday, but we still did stuff. :P Haha, that's so funny! One of our deacons wives said everyone should blame Dad. Literally the whole church is sick!!
      Challenge accepted!! I'm pretty much 'healed' now. :D
