
Friday, June 3, 2016

The Corner of Summer // May Wrap-up

June??? Already??? I'm quite certain that I just wrote my April wrap-up last week. I mean, there's no possible way we've already lived through 31 days of May (and 2 days of June. Pardon my tardiness). It's just not possible. 


Since it is kind of hard to argue with a calendar, we'll just go with it. XD *clears throat and dives into this thing* 

First off, aren't the blue evening skies in the above photo absolutely gorgeous? Yep, that's the view from my porch. B-) 

>> Life

~ May started out kind of strange. I mean I was living in a homeless shelter. What do you expect but crazy? 

~ Mothers Day dawned bright and glorious... With one exception -- little brother woke up sick. We'd all had a cold, but apparently he was still not well. :( So needless to say Dad and I were the only ones in church that morning. ;) 

 Yours Truly on Mother's Day afternoon 

~ On our way home from that afternoon, I had this conversation with Dad... 

Me: What are those purple things? *pointing out the car window* 
Dad: Weeds. 
Me: *gasps* No kidding. Don't they have a name? 
Dad: If they do I don't know it. 

And then he has to go and drag out this ridiculous grin like he's world's finest comedian. ;) 

~ I took pictures of dogs... (When do I not? ;)) 

And flowers... 

~ Oh, and I did a photoshoot!! More on that later, but here's a teaser for ya... B-) 

~ I realized that someone by the name of Britt Nichole had 'saved my pin on Pinterest'. THE Britt Nichole is spelled without the 'h' (Britt Nicole) but still. It was an interesting moment. ;) 

~ Mom and I went to a cooking show with friends from church. About halfway through it I noticed the shoes of the man two rows up from I had to snap a quick (and quiet!) picture. :P 

~ Strawberry pudding!!! :D 

~ Overhearing this brief bit of dialogue...

Tucker: Dad, are you taking the Isuzu? 
Dad: Yeah, I'll watch the movie. 

Well, that changed a lot as it traveled on air across the front yard... :P 

~ I moved back into my room!! Hooray!! XD Here's a nice photo of me moving books in. Mom would have to take the picture when I'm standing on my head... :P 

~ I got windshield wiper fluid in my eyes. And all over my face. And in my hair. Before you start laughing and assuming the worst, let's make one thing clear. It. Was. Not. My. Fault. Actually, Mom did it. ;) I was climbing into the car and she was trying to clean the windshield... Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time! 

~ We planted our garden! Make that gardens. Tucker and I planted four rows of potatoes here, and there's a row of sweet potatoes there now. :) 

~ I sat cross-legged in the floor in front of the stereo while eating Nutella out of the jar (it was almost empty!) and listening to Love Calling. Don't judge me. 

>> Writing

Writing... Um, yes. More like, um no. I don't really have any writing news at this time... I'm trying to get gearing up for Camp NaNo in July. And someday soon I'm going to reveal some epic book-y news (well, it's epic to me. Y'all might be bored to tears, but we'll just have to wait and see. XD), but that's about it. 

My word count for this month was 8,632. Pretty good, huh? But... I wrote in 14 different projects/fanfics. XD Yeah, I may or may not have problems. (I do, I do.) 

Also, I found this post very encouraging earlier this month. :) 

>> Music

Ooooo, one of my favorite sections. ^_^ I listened to lots and lots of music this month. My favorite songs throughout the month were... 
God is on the Move by 7eventh Time Down 
You Loved Me Anyway by Sidewalk Prophets 
Light up the Sky by The Afters 
He Said by Group 1 Crew 
The Broken Beautiful by Ellie Holcombe 
Beautiful by Dan Bremnes 
I Need a Miracle by Third Day
Save My Life by Sidewalk Prophets 
Breathe by Jonny Diaz 
What Did He Die For by Twila Paris
Diamonds by Hawk Nelson 
Name by Nicole Nordeman 

>> Books

Book haul time! :D With Janette Oke, Sarah Sundin, Tricia Mingerink, Wanda Brunstetter, and Cara Putman -- this will be fun. *nod nod* 
got a total of 12 books this month. (I really need to start setting limits for myself... ;) Do y'all see that happening? Yeah, me neither. B-)) 

I won a ThriftBooks giftcard so I spent that on... 
Dana's Valley 
A Woman Named Damaris 
A Bride for Donnigan 
Too Long a Stranger 
The Bluebird and the Sparrow 
Julia's Last Hope
Canteen Dreams 
Sandhill Dreams
Shadowed by Grace 
The Lopsided Christmas Cake 

I also got Deny from the author's website. (As in my copy has been signed by the awesome Tricia Mingerink! *crazy grin from a happy bookworm*) 
Annndddd I got Anchor in the Storm from a super sweet friend. ^_^ 

As far was reading goes, I read/completed 11 books this month. :) And they were...

Once Upon a Summer by Janette Oke -- Five Stars 
A Woman Named Damaris by Janette Oke -- Five Stars 
Who was Anne Frank? by Ann Abramson -- Four Stars 
Faith Under Fire by Steve Rabey -- Review HERE. -- Five Stars 
The Sparrow Found A House by Jason McIntire -- Review HERE. -- Five Stars 
The Soldier's Bride by Rachelle Christensen -- Review HERE. -- 2.5 stars 
The Bluebird and the Sparrow by Janette Oke -- Four Stars 
Deny by Tricia Mingerink -- Five Stars 
Defy by Tricia Mingerink -- Five Stars 
Letters From a Scatter-Brained Sister by Amanda Tero -- Four Stars 
Finally Home by Deborah Raney -- Four Stars 

My favorites would have to be Deny and Defy though almost all of these books were utterly amazing. Finally Home was really good too, a short story set in the '70s and centered around a Vietnam vet. :) 

>> Movies 

I only watched two new-to-me movies in May. They were Meet Me in St. Louis and Sergeant YorkAs far as re-watching goes, I saw Return to the Hiding Place, The Redemption of Henry Myers, and 23 Blast. All super amazing. Go watch theeeeemmmm. 

'"Meet Me in St. Louis" is a classic MGM romantic musical comedy that focuses on four sisters (one of whom is the

I enjoyed Meet Me in St. Louis. It was funny, sweet, and entertaining. :) 

'A hillbilly sharpshooter becomes one of the most celebrated American heroes of WWI when he single-handedly attacks and captures a German position using the same strategy as in turkey shoot.'

Sergeant York was a movie I would not have watched had Tucker not picked it up at the library. It was pretty good, and it was fun to learn about the guy who won the Medal of Honor, but it wasn't a favorite movie for me. ;) 

>> Blogging 

I was a really pathetic blogger this month. I did 9 posts, but several of those were tags (which I'm still behind on, by the way). ;P

I'm not going to link to anyone else's awesome posts because we might be here all day (and I have things to do). So let's just say that everyone's Memorial Day posts were amazing. :) 

Oh, and I added some new pages to the blog!! :D Now, along with a stories page, I have an About Me page and a page for my WIPs. :) Check them out and let me know what you think! 

>> Goals 

*gasp* A new addition to my monthly wrap-ups! ;) Actually, this one may only stick around a little while... But I have some goals for June so I might as well share 'em. :D 

-- Read/finish at least 7 books. (May not sound like much compared to other months, but I have a lot of other stuff to do in June.) 

-- Tackle this hunormous (it's like huge and enormous...together. XD) stack of research books. In other words, prep for Camp NaNo in July. :) 

-- Write 100+ words everyday. (I'm participating in Go Teen Writers' summer challenge. :)) 

How was your May? Have you read these books? Watched the movies? Heard the songs? How is writing going for you? Are you ready for summer? 

And while we're on the subject of awesome stuff, hop on over to Emily M.'s blog and enter to win some super cool keychains!!! :D 



  1. Loved this post!!! :D
    Okay, I just have to point this out... every single book you got by Janette Oke this month I also got!! (Well, except the Bluebird and the Sparrow.;)) I paid a grand total of $0.75 each for Brand. New. Books. All that to say I was so excited to see you got the same books. ;)
    Oh, have you read any of Cara Pitman's books? Are they good? I need to try some of them sometime!
    Sergeant York is AMAZING!!All my siblings and I love it! It's one of the few all of us will agree on to watch. ;)
    And... you've already read about my May. And no, I'm not ready for summer, but it's coming anyway. ;)
    I want to see your stack of research books. B-) Mine for nano was beyond ridiculous. My dad couldn't believe how many I had. :)
    I really enjoyed this post! Hope your June is awesome!

    1. 75 cents for brand new books??!?!? *dies of bibliophile jealousy* Wow. And I paid $3.50 for them each from ThriftBooks. :P
      I haven't read any of Cara Putman's books yet (except for the one in Where Treetops Glisten) but I'm really looking forward to reading these; they sound amazing. ^_^
      Really?? Sergeant York was pretty good, but it wasn't a favorite for me. ;) I did enjoy it though, and I liked the girl...what was her name again?
      SAME!! Summer is like here and I'm like "um, what happened to spring??" :P
      Research -- yes. Right now I have 10 nonfiction books to read...and that's before making a library trip. ;) Also, we have an encyclopedia set (they were Dad's when he was in school so they're pretty much ancient) so I'm planning to scour anything WWII, planes, and '40s from those. ;)

      Thanks for commenting, Jesseca! A lovely month to you too! :)

  2. I can’t believe that May is already over too! I still need to really get my monthly highlight post up, like tomorrow. ;) I also have a couple tags that I need to do.
    That picture from the view from your porch of the sky is sooo gorgeous! :) The color of blue is super pretty! :)
    I can not wait to see the pictures from your photoshoot!!! :D I love the teaser picture. ;) Is your profile picture also from your photoshoot?
    I LOVE your bookshelf! It is SO cool! :D
    Oh my. Windshield wiper fluid all over you. Yes, definitely in the wrong time at the wrong place. ;)
    Lots of great songs. :) I really like I Need a Miracle. I also really like God is on the Move. :)
    Lots of great books too! :) “Julia’s Last Hope”, “Dana’s Valley”, “Too Long a Stranger”, “The Lopsided Christmas Cake”, and “Anchor in the Storm” are all on my to-read list. ;) Out of the books that you read this month, I have only read “A Woman Named Damaris”, and “The Bluebird and the Sparrow”. ;) ;)
    The Redemption of Henry Myers is just so good. 23 Blast is pretty good too. :)
    I had a lot of fun reading about some of the highlights from your month, Faith! :)

    1. I know, right??!? I have NO idea where this month went...its craziness. ;) Oh, I can't wait to see your highlights!! :)
      Isn't it?? :D I loooove our sunsets. They can be anywhere from pink, to blue, to purple-y grey or orange. ^_^
      Yes, my profile picture is from that day too. It's probably my favorite. :)
      So. Do. I. This is like a dream bookshelf...ahhh. :)
      Yes...the windshield wiper gunk. That was quite the experience. ;) And of course it was when we were on the way to town so I had this soapy substance all over me that I was *trying* to wipe off. :P
      I Need a Miracle and God is on the Move are both awesome songs! :D Have you saw the music video of I Need a Miracle? It makes the song all the more powerful! ;)
      You've read "A Woman Named Damaris" and "The Bluebird and the Sparrow" too?? What a coincidence... B-) LOL. I hope we can read some more of those! ^_^
      Yep! Both amazing movies. Love 'em! :D
      I'm glad you enjoyed it, Rebekah!

      Thanks for commenting! ^_^

    2. Sunsets are just sooo pretty. We have some really pretty ones out here too. :) I especially liked seeing the different sunsets while we were at the beach. :)
      Okay, I was kinda wondering if your picture was part of the photoshoot. It’s a really nice picture, and your dress is so pretty! :D
      When I saw that picture of your bookshelf I was like, “Wow!” It is just so cool. I love it! :) Have you gotten all of your books on it yet?
      No, I haven’t actually seen the music video for Need a Miracle. I’ll have to look it up. :) The first time I heard the song was on a movie trailer for the movie Home Run. The song wasn’t actually in the movie, just the trailer. ;)
      That is a coincidence that we both read “A Woman Named Damaris” and “The Bluebird and the Sparrow” this month. ;) ;) I hope we can read more of them sometime too. :)

    3. Oh, yes. Beach sunsets are super pretty!!! :) *sigh* I think my family needs another beach vacation...soon. ;)
      Thank you!! <3 :)
      So. Did. I. :D Ahhhhh, it's just so lovely!! Yes, I have got all my books on it. :) They're all arranged in alphabetical order, except for the larger books, picture books (which are up top), and my WWII research books. :)
      Yes, do look it up!! It's so awesome. :P Oh, I haven't seen Home Run. *looks it up* Wow, that looks good!! :D
      Isn't it? I wonder if we read them on the same days... ;) Yes, same here!! Reading books together is always such fun. =D

  3. First off: Your room!! Your SHELVES!!! Oh my goodness, I am drooling just a bit (okay a lot). That is so beautiful, Faith! What a blessing to have. :)
    That’s a lovely photo of you! I love the colours too. :)
    Looking forward to the photoshoot!!
    Hehe funny thing about “Britt Nichole”! A dear friend of mine has a cousin named that. ^.^
    Aww, bummer about the windshield wiper fluid!! Ick!!
    You have a nice garden! Looks like a fair size too!
    I don’t judge you at all. I have definitely eaten Nutella straight from the jar (and the container wasn’t empty...) XD
    That’s great that you wrote in 14 different projects!! May I ask what you’re fanfic-ing? Open-mouthed smile
    I’m *loving* “Breathe” by Jonny Diaz. Really good!
    Great book haul!! And so glad you can enjoy “Anchor in the Storm”!
    Wow, that’s quite the list of books you read! Mine was not near as impressive. ^.^ Two books maybe?!
    Best wishes for researching!! :D

    1. Gahhhhh. Yes, the shelves are SO GORGEOUS!!! Having them frame out the door like that was Mom's idea and I absolutely A.D.O.R.E. I.T. Yes, it is such a blessing. :)
      Thanks! And I hope you enjoy the photoshoot. ^_^
      Really??? I guess there's a lot of people named Britt just took me a minute when I caught that on Pinterest. ;-)
      Yes, the windshield wiper fluid. *shudder* THAT wasn't on my bucket list. XD
      Yes, we do! And that's actually the smaller of the two gardens. :P My grandfather used to have a garden in that plot and since he passed away my brother and I have 'kept up the tradition'. :-)
      That Nutella stuff....goodness, it's amazing. ;)
      I guess it is...but I'm never going to finish any of these projects at this rate! The fanfics I was working on this month were for The Waltons and "Finally Home" by Deborah Raney. =) Previously I've started (and never finished...) fanfics for "A Distant Melody", Big Valley, and "Under His Wings" by Liz Tolsma.
      Yeeeeeezzzzz. "Breathe" is super amazing. Love the message. :)
      Thanks to you!!! ;)
      I was quite pleased with the number of books I read this month. I added it up (like I have nothing better to do...:P) and I read more *pages* this month than any other so far this year. :D
      Thanks; I have a feeling I'll need it. :P

      Thanks for reading and commenting, Raechel!! =D

    2. *Happy sigh* Bookshelves are so beautiful! :)
      Haha no, I don't imagine it was! But I guess it added a quirky achievement...XD
      Oh really? Nice. :) That's really cool that you've kept up the tradition of your grandfather's garden! How sweet and meaningful. :)
      Hehe, I feel you. I have so many writing projects I want to finish's not looking too good. XD Oh those sound like great fanfics! Especially the "A Distant Melody" one :D
      Ditto; such a beautiful message and reminder!
      :D That's awesome! (And of course counting page numbers is important!!) :D

    3. Aren't they??? Ahhh, I could spend all day drooling over amazing bookshelves on Pinterest. :-)
      Very quirky. And...slimy? B-)
      Yeah, keeping up Papa's garden is really special to us. :)
      I completely agree. Sometimes writing just can't be top matter how much I would like it to be. ;) If I even finish the "A Distant Melody" one and add it to FanFiction, I'll let you know. ;P
      Oh, of course!! ;)

    4. Me too!
      Haha yes, very slimy I'm sure! Ew. XD
      Yep very true. That sounds great! :D

    5. It's practically a hobby (Pinterest scrolling, that is). ;)


  4. Dana's Valley is one of my favorites!!!!!
    One book that definitely touched me, both spiritually and emotionally. And I hardly ever cry over books.

    1. I've heard some really good things about that book. But, yeah, it does sound like it will make me cry... :'(

      Thanks for commenting, R.!

  5. Yesssss…..that blue sky looks so beautiful! I remember seeing something like that up in the North Carolina mountains just a few days ago ;)

    Love your Mother’s day outfit! :)

    Your dogs are SOO cute!!

    Your room looks so pretty! THOSE SHELVES!! They’re BLUE!!! They go AROUND THE DOOR!! AHHHHHHHHH!!

    Oh. Ow. Did it hurt getting windshield wiper fluid in your eyes? ;)

    And all those books… *sighs* ;)

    Really enjoyed reading your post, Faith! Hope you’ve had a pretty good June so far! :)

    1. Doesn't North Carolina just have the most beauti-mous sunsets!? :D
      They are! Love 'em so much!! ^_^
      ARENT THEY GORGEOUS?????? *shrieks* I adore the blue (it's called 'Retro Chic'. ;)) and how they go around the door... Eeps! :)
      No, it didn't hurt...but it burned and felt nasty. :P
      Beautiful books <3

      Thanks for commenting, Blessing! Glad you enjoyed! XD

  6. I feel like we like a lot of the same music! I love God is on the Move! And many of the other songs you mentioned :)

    Okay I'm gonna list some songs you should listen to:

    Hillary Scott - Thy Will
    Meredith Andrews - Pieces
    Love & the Outcome - The God I know
    1GN - Guard your heart
    Britt Nicole - Who you say you are; Hanging on
    Francesca Batistelli - Run to Jesus; If we're honest
    Jordan Feliz - Beloved
    Group1Crew - Dangerous

    And hahahah I know that was a lot of songs but they are greatttt :))))

    1. And oops I just realized you posted this a really long time ago oh well XD

    2. God is on the Move is a great song! :D

      I love The God I Know (and others by Love & The Outcome), Who You Say You Are (and practically everything Britt Nicole), Run To Jesus, If We're Honest (a couple others by Francesca Battistelli) and...yeah. :D Also, The River by Jordan Feliz -- such a catchy song. ;)

      They are!!! Thanks for sharing 'em. :) Thanks for commenting, Rishona!

    3. Haha, not *that* long ago. :P
