
Monday, June 13, 2016

One Year Blogiversary // 2/2

Hello everyone! It's time for the second half of the Q&A session!! :D Again, thank you all soooo much. Without such awesome followers, I doubt if I would still be blogging. :) 

Here's goes!!!! XD 

~ Ashley 

What is your favorite beverage? 
DR. PEPPER!!!!!!! Seriously, I love that stuff. Probably not the best thing I could be consuming, but...yeah. And I don't drink *that* much. :P

I love this!! :D  -- Pinterest 


He. Hehe. Heh. That's hilarious. Mr. Pibb is just NOT the same. XD 

Does caffeine affect you? 
Hehe, funny question. ;) Sometimes it makes me really goofy and giggly, but that's all. In other words, I can drink a cup of coffee and go to bed no problem. :) 

What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Interacting with all you amazing bloggers!!! :D Y'all are seriously THE BEST. <3 

~ Jesseca You-know-my-last-name

Hmmm. I wonder who this could be... B-) 

What have you learned in your year of blogging? 
I've learned that sticking to the plan does NOT work for me. Which is why I don't post on certain days, it just doesn't happen that way for me. I've also learned a ton of abbreviations I didn't know before (ex. OTP, BTW, IKR.) I also wouldn't understand words like 'shipping'... ;) 

What do you enjoy most about blogging? 
*refers to Ashley's question* Getting to know other bloggers, meeting amazing, talented people. It's seriously the best part of it. :-) 

Will you be sharing more of your writing with us soon? B-) 
I might...and I might not. We'll just have to see, won't we? 


Yes, I will be sharing more of my writings soon. Probably this super-crazy-dramatic-the-sky-is-falling short-story I started while we were camping. ;) Are you curious yet? No? Well, here's a teaser picture to help your lacking curiosity... 


Any goals for what you want to accomplish during your next year of blogging? 
Oooo, yes!!! I want to share more short stories here on the blog, be more consistent in my blogging schedule, and keep my posts/pages/blog more orderly. :) 

What do you most enjoy seeing on other blogs? 
Stories! And randomness!! And writing challenges!! And excerpts from everyone's everyday lives are always my favorites. :) 

Do you think you are crazy? 
*snickers* Oh, yes, absolutely. Aren't all writers? ;) 


Do you like random weird questions? 
Yes, I do. (And the above one is one of my favorites. XD) 

What is your favorite thing about other people asking you questions?
Hmm, that's a tough one. The funny part is I usually run from answering questions about myself in person-to-person conversation. Mainly because I stumble over myself a billion times before I finally get out what I want to say (if I ever do). I don't know why, but this is just so different and I enjoy it. :) 
*realizes she still hasn't answered the question* Um, okay... One of my favorite thing about this would have to be that I can share things about myself that would be awkward to just say in a conversation. Also, I like how y'all can ask whatever you want, so I can find out what y'all want to know more about. ^_^ 

~ Bethany R. 

What inspired you to start a blog? 
Reading other blogs. I know that's a super boring answer, but that's the honest truth of it. :) Reading others' blogs and justing getting a feel of the blogging world made me want to become a blogger myself. :) 

What were your original goals? 
Share my stories – weekly or more – and to get feedback was my original plan for this blog. Obviously that didn't last long. :P 

When did you first begin writing? What was your project? 
I first started writing towards the end of 8th grade (spring of 2014). The project was a mystery set in an Amish community, focusing on two girls who find an old letter hidden in the attic. (It was ingeniously titled "The Letter in the Attic". Pfft.) I didn't write in it for long though. Then that fall I started writing fanfictions when I discovered the Circle C writing contest. Everything has just escalated from there. :-) 

How did you become a fan of World War II? 
I saw a movie. And I'm not even kidding. I saw this adorable-ly sweet, heart-rendingly amazing, make-you-cry good movie and I've been hooked ever since. That's when I started writing my WWII novel (March of 2015) and my infatuation of that era has only increased. :) 


Favorite books on the era? Fiction or nonfiction? 
*grins at a good excuse to shove some awesome books y'all's way* Hmmm, I think I can come up with some. *strolls to the bookshelves* 

A Distant Melody, Where Treetops Glisten, Interrupted, A Christmas Gift for Rose and The Fences Between Us (fiction) and G.I. Joe & Lillie, and Faith Under Fire (nonfiction) are all favorites of mine. Also, I just started reading in The Air War over Europe and I'm really enjoying it. :) 
(Also, if you ever have some WWII recommendations, I WILL TAKE THEM.) 

Do you enjoy reading fiction or nonfiction most? One of your top favorites of each category?
I enjoy fiction the most for anything I'm reading. I can usually get more from it, though there are some great nonfiction books as well. :) Only one top favorite?? Fiiiinnneee. ;) I'll choose two that I didn't use with the above questions... XD 

Fiction: A Cousin's Promise by Wanda Brunstetter. This book has been among my favorites for a loooonnnggg time and probably always will be. :) 
Nonfiction: The Battle Plan for Prayer by Stephen and Alex Kendrick (link leads to my review). This is an incredible book about strengthening your prayer life. :D 

~ Rebekah Ashleigh 

Do you prefer to have long hair or short hair? 
Long hair, but not too long. I got my hair cut recently and now it's a few inches below my shoulders. I really like this length. ;-) 

Do you like to paint your nails? 
Yes, ma'am! I usually just paint my toenails because whenever I do my fingernails it chips out and looks awful (also, if I bite...then I'm eating that stuff. O_o). But I do enjoy it. :) Right now they're a reddish/pinkish coral and grey-blue. :)  

What's your favorite animal? 
Dogs. :) Always and forever, it's dogs. (Preferably Labrador retrievers. :D) My family has always had dogs, and...yeah. Girls best friend. <3 

So far, what has been the best movie you've seen this year? 
SUCH A HARD QUESTION! Um, okay. *clears throat* I honesty don't think I can pick one. Choosing between God's Not Dead 2, Return to the Hiding Place, 23 Blast, and The Redemption of Henry Myers is just. too. impossible. (In other words, all of those are best movies. :)) 

What's your favorite winter activity?
Probably snow tubing. :) Or sledding. I love just about any activity that involves snow. :D 

~ Abi 

What's your middle name? 
For Internet safety and all that, I can't answer this one. But I will tell you it starts with an L and y'all can guess. ;) 

What state do you live in? 
North Carolina :) 

Have you ever traveled out of the country? If so, where? 
No, I have not. Though I would love to! :D I plan to travel the world one day... *dreamy sigh* What, don't you believe me? 

What is the #1 book series you would recommend? 
Uhhhhhhh. Wow. Another hard question... I would have to say the A Life of Faith: Kathleen Mckenzie books by Tracy Leinginger Craven. They're such great books with the strongest faith themes I've read. :) 

If you were going to be executed, what method would you choose? 
Oh dear. That's a scary thought. Um, I don't know; I've never given it much thought. Whatever is quickest and painless-est. What about freezing to death? I've heard that you just sort of go to sleep... I don't like being cold, but I'd rather be cold than hot. (So I don't want to die in a burning building.) So. Yeah. I really don't know. ;) 

What inspired you to begin blogging?
*refers to Bethany's question* Reading other blogs. Seriously. :) 

~ Hosanna Emily

Are you going to publish your writings one day?!? Is this still a distant dream? 
I would LOVE to publish my writings one day!! :) Don't know when it will happen though so, yes, it's still a dream. :P 

What are you currently working on?
Lots of things? Okay, not quite. ;) Most faithfully, I'm working on my WWII novel, War Tears. (Summary is under the 'writings' page.) It's a special story to me and...Ahhh, I just love it! *hugs the characters* I'm so pleased with how it's coming along too. :) 


Notice how I'm sticking in all these cute WWII snapshots?? ;P 

~ Lauren S. 

Awesome idea Faith :D I was wondering what your favorite Bible verse is and What your favorite Bible character/story is and why? 
My favorite Bible verse has been 1 Peter 5:7 for a loooong time. I also really love Isaiah 40:31 and John 16:33. :) 

My favorite Bible story is Ruth...or the Resurrection...or the prodigal son...or... ;) Ehehe. Get the picture? Aside from those already mentioned (and Jesus ^_^), my favorite Bible character is David. :) 


I hope y'all enjoyed reading this two-part Q&A as much as I enjoyed writing it up! :D 

Thank you all so much for being so faithful to read my blog and comment with your thoughts. :) Y'all are seriously the best! <3 I couldn't ask for better blogging pals. :) These two words seem so insignificant, but: THANK YOU!! 



  1. Another great Q&A! And YES to Dr.Pepper!! Me tooooo! I don't get it much (my body doesn't do well with caffeine - I don't get hyper or anything, but I feel almost sick. :( ) but it tastes soooo goooood! :D
    I'm excited about your short story! Tell us more 8-)
    I'm crazy too. Yep, definitely. ^.^
    Anyway, I enjoyed this!! :)

    1. I LOVE MY DR PEPPER!!! XD (Aww, that's too bad. =/ Probably better for you health wise though. ^_^) Yes, it is really good. :)
      Thank you! I'm excited to share it with y'all too!! :D's this for a hint -- it involves people. B-)
      Hehe, it's totally a writer thing. :P

      Thanks for commenting, Raechel!!

  2. Mmm, so good! Hehe, that's true I guess, but still...I love Dr.Pepper. XD
    *Gasp* It involves people!!! Yay!! ;) Hehehe.

    1. Hehe, isn't that a pathetic hint? ;)

    2. Haha! It's enough to interest me! ;) I do love stories with people in it :D

  3. I loved reading all these questions an answers!! :D
    And those cute, sweet, adorable pictures of WWII couples!!!! I may have to steal that first one for David and Elaine. (You do know that David is called home to serve in the Army air corps, right?) So yeah. The uniform he's wearing in that picture is perfect!!
    I think I'm crazy, to. And I love the quote you found for that! Also, I'm terribly glad you like weird random question. xD
    Every single book you showed in the WWII section... all amazing!! I totally agree with you on that one!! Though, of course, there are a few I like better *coughcough*BluesSkiesTomorrow*coughcough*
    And "Faith under Fire is one of my favorite ever non-fiction books! And "Where Treetops Glisten" and "Interrupted"!! :D Soooo awesome!
    *squeals* Return to the Hiding Place" and "23 Blast"!!! Definitely at the top of my favorite movie list as well!! ^_^
    I believe that you'll travel the world someday. I mean, we already have tickets to London.... *dreamy sigh* But wouldn't it be awesome to really travel and see a whole bunch of awesome, historical, beautiful sights?!
    Yes, you will publish one of your writings one day!! YOU MUST! And please, don't be *too* distant of a dream...
    Oh, oh, I am pleased with how "War Tears" is coming along as well. You've gotten so much done! I love that story so much!!!! :D
    And David is my favorite Bible character as well! I think I've figured out how we both got a David on our stories... B-)
    And I love Isaiah 40:31!! Such an amazing wonderful verse!! :)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed! :D
      Aren't they the ADORABLE-EST??? ^_^ Awww, I can so see that as them!!! :) (*gasp* WHAT??? Uh, no, I didn't know that! can that happen if he isn't a US citizen anymore?? O.o)
      Writers pretty much have to be crazy... It's a thing. :P
      Aren't they? :) Uh, huh...for some reason I knew you'd feel that way. I'd nearly forgotten about your Ray. ;) This morning I was reading something in A Memory Between Us and Jack's all "Ray could never make it flying mission" and I'm just like "yeah, you thought Walt was always tongue-tied around girls too". XD
      "Faith Under Fire" was soooo good. :) And "Where Treetops Glisten" and "Interrupted" -- of course! ;P
      RttHP is SUCH a powerful movie. Whenever I get stuck during Camp NaNo I'm going to go watch that and cry and I'll be okay. :') And 23 Blast -- I just love that movie so much. Especially Travis and Ashley. <3
      Yes, yes, yes, yes. After we explore all the Wichita libraries and tour London, where should we go next? Normandy? (*gasp with a sudden remembrance* So last night I was reading here and there in Unexplainable Mysteries of WWII and I came across the story of this guy that lost all three of his brothers during the war. I all but cried!! :'( So heartbreaking.)
      Yes, one day I WILL publish. When -- I don't know. ;)
      *squeals with delight* Eeeps!!! Yes, War Tears is coming along nicely and I'm so tickled over it!! <3
      Haha, same!! I'm hoping to incorporate a lot of the Bible-David's story into WT. He wasn't perfect, but God used him. He did many wring things, but God still called him a man after His own heart. :) <3
      I love that verse! :D Have you heard Soar by Meredith Andrews? It uses that song. :)

    2. *cringe* Verse, not song. :P

  4. Hmm…you like Dr. Pepper? One of my brothers and another friend of mine love that stuff too, but personally I think that it is disgusting. ;) But I did think that that second Dr. Pepper quote was so hilarious! :D
    I’m looking forward to reading that story that you started while you were camping. :)
    “A Distant Melody” is just so good! So is “The Fences Between Us”. I really want to read “Where Tree Tops Glisten”, “A Christmas Gift for Rose”, and “Interrupted”. “A Cousin’s Promise” is really good too. :)
    Oh, I’m the same why with painting my nails. I like to, but I usually only paint my toenails. :)
    I had so much fun reading all of these questions and answers! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer all of them! :)
    And again, Happy (late) Blogiversary, Faith!

    1. Really?? I can understand that, I suppose. My mom doesn't care for Dr. Pepper and Tucker prefers Mr. Pibb (traitor!!!!). But to me...its just so good. :) Haha, wasn't it?? Now whenever I'm asked that I'm going to want to use that response... B-)
      I hope that little story lives up to all y'all's expectations!! :)
      "A Distant Melody" (<3 <3 <3), "The Fences Between Us", and "A Cousin's Promise" -- all favorites of mine. I know you will enjoy "A Christmas Gift for Rose" (wonderful 1940s Amish fiction :D) and I think you'll like "Where Treetops Glisten" and "Interrupted" too. :)
      Another thing in common. :P I enjoy doing it but I'm so bad about letting it slide for...awhile. My toes look horrid right now. ;)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed, Rebekah! You submitted some amazing questions and I thoroughly enjoyed them! :D Thank you for being such a enthusiastic follower, reader, and commenter on my blogs! :) It means so much to me. <3

  5. Haha, that last Dr. Pepper quote is sooo hilarious :P To be honest, I've never drunk (is that the right tense?!?) the stuff in my life. What is it exactly? Another version of coke or root beer?

    Same here with coffee; it really doesn't affect how "awake" I am :P So if I'm tired in the morning, coffee doesn't help at all make me wake up more. I just drink coffee for the taste...SO GOOD! :D I could probably sleep after just drinking a cup of coffee; but weirdly enough, I CAN'T sleep after drinking a cup of tea...

    Oh, now you got me hooked....tell us tell us tell us what the story is about soon, plleeeaasseeee??? ;)

    1. You've NEVER drank Dr. Pepper??!?!? How are you still alive?? Okay, I guess that is possibly...sort of... ;) Yeah, it's kind of like Coke. It's not as strong as Coke, and it's got a caramel-y taste. :D (And...your asking me about tense -- the girl who could quite easily flunk English? XP Sure, sounds good to me. ;))

      Haha, yeah, me exactly. This morning I'm like "I need coffee!!!" And then I'm like "not that it'll do any good to awaken me". ;P Yes, coffee taste soooo amazing. (My 'treat coffee' is an iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks. That stuff is THE BESTEST. XD) Really?? Hmm, the only tea I drink is iced tea, and I've never really noticed how it affects my sleeping. :P

      I'll *try* to work some more on that story I can write a coherent blurb and tell more. ;)
