
Sunday, October 30, 2016


Today I'm bringing to you all a post that I've been wanting to do all month... And it's finally happening. :) I did a similar post last year – Autumn, My Favorite Season. Leave me a comment and tell me what October is to you! :) 

... October is traipsing around the farm with a picture-snapper in hand to capture the moments ... 

... October is mums blooming in the sunshine, in all their red, purple, yellow, and pink loveliness ... 

... October is dragging all the dusty, musty blankets and sweaters from high closet shelves ... 

... October is making delicious pumpkin bread and other tasty treats ...

... October is stomping down a well-beaten path just to hear the leaves crunch ... 

... October is long, leisurely walks through dank woods and browning fields ... 

... October is browsing Pinterest for pretty pictures and colorful doodles ... 

... October is Old Glory against a backdrop of golden hues ... 

... October is waking up to sunlight on leaves and fog in the creek valley ... 

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

**Some photos from Pinterest (pictures 4, 6, 7, and 8). 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Hidden Gems: Defy by Tricia Mingerink's my third and final review for the week!! ^_^ Five posts in four days, quite the doozie! Hopefully, I'll have another post up tomorrow for y'all...and then my October recap next week...followed by an explanation to why all this is coming your way at once. :P 

The war for Acktar has begun. 

With his betrayal revealed, former Blade Leith Torren flees into the Sheered Rock Hills, pursued by King Respen’s vengeful Blades. 

Left behind at Nalgar Castle, Renna Faythe tries to find her purpose, yet that purpose isn’t what she expected. 

Brandi Faythe has been torn from her sister, and that isn’t all right. If Leith can’t rescue Renna, Brandi will take matters into her own hands. 

War demands sacrifice. Courage falters. Who will find the strength to defy King Respen?

Acktar rests on one hope: 
The Leader is ready.

My Review

Ah, yes. Defy. The book that broke my heart... And I'm not even kidding. For at least the last 1/3 or 1/4 of this book I was an absolute emotional wreck. (LIKE WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING TO MY PRECIOUS CHARACTER.) 

I read this book in two days, starting it the same day I finished Deny. If I had to pick a favorite of the three books, it would be this one. (And no, not just because it's the last one I read. :P) There was just so much to love!! I loved getting to 'visit' Eagle Heights!!! How cool!! :D The part in the Waste, the parts in the castle, the near-ending in the Meeting Room. The war for Acktar. The leader. Honestly, I didn't know what to make of him at first. (Especially when he locked *blank* up!!! >_<) But he 'grew on me', I guess, and I turned out liking him in the end. 

ALSO. This is the book where the romance that's been hinted at since the beginning actually begins to be obvious. And can I just say... It's perfect. The end. *smiles* 

Finally! A book that didn't end on a horrific cliffhanger. XD I was so glad to actually find some happiness for the dear, sweet characters at the end of this one. The ending was very nicely done, yet not wrapping up everything so we still have some questions for Deliver to answer. ;) 

(As with Dare and Deny, I'll give a couple cautions. This book, Defy, probably has the most blood and violence out of the series thus far. Especially towards the ending. Some torture, some descriptive battle scenes. Again, I would say pre-teen and up.) 

Five stars!! Though I'll be sorry to see the series come to an end, I can't wait to read book four, Deliver!! :) 


Hope you enjoyed my reviews! :) So tell me, what's your favorite of The Blades of Acktar? Have you read Deal, a short story available by subscribing to Ms. Mingerink's newsletter? Are you looking forward to Deliver

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hidden Gems: Deny by Tricia Mingerink

Hey everyone! :) I'm back for the second part of my reviews of The Blades of Acktar series by Tricia Mingerink. For details about all this, check out Monday's post! :D 

All lies have consequences. 

Promoted to the top rank among King Respen’s assassins, First Blade Leith Torren hides his involvement with the Resistance. How many lies will it take to protect his secret? 

Renna Faythe has done nothing but survive for the past four years, but now Leith’s courage inspires her to try to be something more. If only she could figure out what that duty might be. 

When the unthinkable happens, faith waivers. Friendships tear. What else will they be forced to deny? 

But this time, Leith faces his greatest fear. 

He can’t save everyone. 

My Review

**Minor spoilers for those who haven't read Dare.** 

When I signed up for the blog tour of book three, Defy, that included an ARC copy of the book. At which time I realized that (ahhhh!!) I hadn't read this one yet! O.O So, because it was however long until the blog tour, I ordered a copy of this book from Ms. Mingerink herself (yes, it's signed). Unfortunately, this is still the only paperback book of the series I have (wedged right there between Anne of Green Gables and Jonas & Olivia). But I'm hoping to change that soon. ^_^ 

I sped through this awesomeness in four days this May. Okay, okay, so that's not *that* fast. BUT. It was pretty good considering all that was going on at the time. XD I also dove right into Defy minutes after I finished this one. Thankfully, I didn't have to endure another cliffhanger...not for long, anyways. 

The resistance-y stuff in this one is great as well. With Shad, Leith, Renna, and Brandi's disguises...gahhhh, I loved that part so muchly!!! ;) 

As with the other books, I loved all the characters. Leith...I mean, I even love his name. I enjoyed watching him change through all of the books. :D For some reason I didn't mention Shad in my review of Dare, but I really do love him. He and his girlfriend are super cute. <3  And Jamie! Another cinnamon roll character to be sure. :) 

Like, I mentioned before, this one ends on a dreadful cliffhanger too. Like, really Leith?! How COULD you?!? Okay, I know, she told him to. BUT... *cries* It did give a lot to the story though, and open some doors for a lot of stuff that happened in Defy. So I loved that. :) Bring on the tension and pain. I can totally take it... xD  

(As with Dare, I would give a few cautions for this one. There is some darkness – I mean, we're fighting really bad dudes here. And like one murder. Kidnapping... But I would say pre-teen and up. :)) 

Another 5 star!! :D 


Have you read Deny? Check back Friday for my review of Ms. Mingerink's most recent book, Defy!! :) 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Beautiful Books ~ 2016

Hello everyone! Two posts in two days, what's up with that, huh?! Well, I have a lot of stuff to catch up on with these last couple of days of October... So let's do this thing. XD 

Instead of the usual Beautiful People, this month Cait and Sky are hosting Beautiful Books – in preparation for NaNoWriMo next month. I'm not participating in NaNo *cues all the sad faces* but I'm doing this anyway...because it's awesome-sauce. *winks to two cool peeps who totally get this thing* 

I know I use it all the time, but I'm using War Tears again. :) It's the WIP I'm currently focusing on getting finished, and I need all the inspirational help I can get, soooo... ;) 

1) What inspired the idea for your novel, and how long have you had the idea?
The original inspiration for this book came from the movie, Beautiful Dreamer (2006). WWII, pilots, POWs,...this movie (one of my all-time favorites) shares a lot of similarities with my book. :) 
Well, the file says it was created in March of 2015. So, technically I've been working on it for 19 months at the current time, but I haven't been very serious or diligent until this year – especially since spring. :)  (Also, those notes I scribbled in March of '15 are veeeerrrryyyy different from how War Tears is now. ;P) 

2) Describe what your novel is about! 
'Describe your novel' – why is it that I always moan over hearing those words? *sigh* Okay, let's try this. 
David Carnathan feels like he's living the perfect life – working on cars, living in a small town, and married to his sweetheart. That is, until Pearl Harbor is bombed and he soon finds himself at the enlistment office. As bomber planes fly across Europe and letters fly across the Pacific, both he and his wife Bethany's lives are changed in ways neither of them could have ever expected. 

That's the best I can do for now. :P

3) What is your book’s aesthetic? Use words or photos or whatever you like!'s this? 

4) Introduce us to each of your characters!
Each? That would take an eternity. How about four of my favorites? 

David Carnathan: David is a pilot in the USAAF. Nice, outgoing, charming, and a great Christian guy, he' favorite. ;) 

Bethany Carnathan: Bethany is David's wife. She's quiet and keeps to herself, but when you get to know her you see that she's super sweet and caring. :) 

Joshua Trueheart: Joshua is David's co-pilot and good friend. He's a great guy with a big heart who's known for cracking jokes. ;) 

Lenore Anderson: Lenore is David's six year-old niece, his sister Erin's daughter. She's the cinnamon roll of the story and one of my favorite characters – so fun to write! 

5) How do you prepare to write? (Outline, research, stocking up on chocolate, howling, etc.?)
Outlining, research, chocolate, coffee, music (either alive, upbeat and happy or sad and tear-jerking. there is hardly ever an in-between.)...definitely a little howling. Or maybe that would be called whining? You know, like "I don't even know what I'm dooooiiingggg. Someone heeellppp meeeeeee." *sobs in a corner* 
I totally didn't do that. *cough* 

6) What are you most looking forward to about this novel?
FINISHING IT. Haha, no joke though. Step one, finish it. Step two,...set it aside for awhile (like a couple years) and then edit. :P 

7) List 3 things about your novel’s setting.
1. War. (duh. It's right there in the title). 
2. Tears. (refer to above note)
3. Airplanes. Bombers, to be more specific. 

8) What’s your character’s goal and who (or what) stands in the way?
Goal? Um...complete missions, keep his crew alive, and go home. Who stands in his way...Hitler? XD 

9) How does your protagonist change by the end of the novel?
He learns that God is the same in the hard times as well as in the good. He's in control and what He wills is ultimately for the best. :) 

10) What are your book’s themes? How do you want readers to feel when the story is over?
Themes, hmm. War, heartache, trusting God, finding happiness in the hard mention a few. :) 
I hope readers feel satisfied when they finish my story and I want them to be encouraged. I also hope they enjoy it – of course!! :) 

Before I bounce off to do some things before bed, I wanted to let y'all know about something. I guest-posted on Amy L.'s blog!! :D Click here to check it out! (Psst! It's WWII related! ^_^) 

Have you did Beautiful Books? Are you doing NaNoWriMo? 


Monday, October 24, 2016

Hidden Gems: Dare by Tricia Mingerink

Hey everyone! Hope y'all are having an awesome Monday. :) Well, as awesome as any Monday can be anyway... *cough* 

If you have not already glanced over the above post graphic, then let me enlighten you. I'm participating in Shantelle's super cool bookish series, Hidden Gems! :D This week Shantelle is spotlighting author Tricia Mingerink and, in participation, I'll be posting reviews of a different book in the Blades of Acktar series every other day. :) Ordinarily I publish my book reviews on Chosen Vesselsbut since this is part of a link-up-ish thing, and this blog gets more traffic... Well, here I am. ;) 

Hope you enjoy! :D 

Courage could cost him everything. 

Third Blade Leith Torren never questions his orders or his loyalty to King Respen until an arrow wound and a prairie blizzard drive him to the doorstep of the girls whose family he once destroyed.

Their forbidden faith and ties to the Resistance could devastate their family a second time. 

Survival depends on obedience, but freedom beckons. How far does he dare go to resist the king and his Blades?

No matter what Leith chooses, one thing is certain.

Someone will die. 

My Review

Ahhh, this book. *clutches it to my heart* It's truly a gem. I'm so grateful I stumbled across it – last year – as a gift ebook for participating in a Black Friday sale promotion. :D 

I devoured the entire 300+ pages within two days (had there not been a huge and awesome snowstorm at the same time, who knows, I may have read it ever quicker ;)) and loved. every. speck. of. it. 

Up until then (January) I had read hardly any fantasy. Maybe even none (not sure...) So I started into this with some reservations and totally expecting to not like it. Peeps...I was so wrong. I fell in love with this series – hard and fast. 

The whole 'wicked bad Blades serving King Respen, and the Resistance fighting back against the darkness' plot line was soooo awesome. The storyworld (Acktar) that Ms. Mingerink has built is amazing. It has a western feel with prairies and plains and horses, but it's also got a medieval touch with lords and ladies and castles. *smiles* It's just perfect-o. 

The characters are amazing and well rounded. My personal favorite is Leith, is...just...ohmygoodness, I don't even knnooowwww. I love seeing his struggle between right and wrong, acceptance and rejection. *hugs book* And then Renna, she's such a dear. She too has struggles and challenges to face throughout the book. I enjoyed her character in Dare, but more so in Deny. :) And there's Brandi. Golly, do I love that child. Can I please adopt her? She's so sweet and caring and funny. Gotta love her. <3

And THAT ENDING!!! Gaaahhhh. As I was nearing the end I'm like "oh, yay, it's going to end so happily!" *fake laugh* Haha, nope. More like end with me screaming. "What?! No?! This can't happppeeennnn to meeeeee." 

(A few cautions... There are some described murders, stabbings, torture, etc. and for those reasons I wouldn't recommend it to a younger – under 11/12 – audience. But for teens? Yeah, it's a great book. ;)) 

A hearty five of five stars!! :D 


Have you read the Blades of Acktar series? Are you participating in Hidden Gems? Check back in Wednesday for a review of book two, Deny!! :) 

Friday, October 14, 2016

You Might be a PK if...

In honor of last Sunday being Pastor Appreciation day, I'm bringing to y'all today a post that I've been wanting to do for quite some time. Mostly it's random facts and things about my experiences as a PK. If you're a PK I hope you can relate, and if not, maybe you can glean something for all this rambling, even if it's laughter. ;) 

First off, for all the church kids out there, you can probably relate to these sort of things... (In other words, this is some cool relatables I found on Pinterest so y'all are getting them.)

Haha, I love this. XD With the wide variety of ages in our youth group, someone actually thought we were all one family when we went hiking a month or two ago. The lady was like "wow, big family." Lady, if only you knew... B-)

Matthew and John are on a diet... B-) 

*cough* Yeah. XD

BUT. (#picturedumpover) If you're a PK, it's much more than this. If your Dad is a preacher/pastor, chances are you've experienced some of these following situations... 

// If you're like the P. family, maybe your Sunday mornings also go something like this... 

Everyone is 'congregated' (pun totally intended) in the bathroom (although there is another in the house...). I'm trying to fix my hair, Mom is trying to see in the mirror around me (advantages of being short with a tall mom. She can see over my head). Tucker is slicking his hair down/brushing his teeth (I mean, he's only been up five minutes, what do you expect?) Dad comes down the hall looking for his glasses...and realizes they've been in his shirt pocket all along. Once we finally make in to the car a good ten minutes after we were supposed to leave, Dad is in zombie-mode and Tucker gets sent back inside with the words "everyone thinks that's the only shirt you own. Go change into something decent!" And then we *somehow* arrive at church at exactly 10:00, granted no one has had food.  

(Yes. All that actually happened a few weeks ago. XP) 

// You've ever ate breakfast in the car on Sunday mornings...or trashed your room while getting ready (connecting with the gals, here).

// You have won lots of scripture memorization trivia. (It's apparently expected that it's been drilled into your head since infancy.) 

// People expect you to be perfect. (Sorry to disappoint but we *are* human...) 

// You're name WILL be mentioned from the pulpit at least every other month. Because, whatever embarrassing thing you did last week is most definitely related to Paul's ministry. 

// If someone new is there that's your age, it's up to you to show them to the Sunday school class. 

// People expect you to know what Dad's going to preach on days in advance (uh, no. Mom usually doesn't even know.)

// Everyone knows you. Usually it goes something like, "oh, that's Pastor ___'s son/daughter". 

// You get asked if you're going to be a preacher/marry a preacher. (Drop the stereotype, please.) 

// Whenever someone wants to know where something is kept at church, you often get asked. (Hey, I don't live here either ya know.) You may also get asked for a key to those little closets that no one
really knows what lives in. 

// A pool party can very quickly turn into a baptism. 

// You've had a drug problem from a young age. 

Me: We have a drug problem. 
Other person/church member: You have WHAT?! 
Me: Yeah, we're drug to church three times a week... 

You have to admit that was pretty good. XD

5, 12, and 14... YES! 

Annnndd...that wraps it up, folks! A quick shout-out to all my PK pals in the blogosphere. (If I forgot someone, forgive me. Or let me know and I'll quickly add 'em. :)) Y'all have been there. Y'all understand. *high fives* Keep on being awesome. 

  // Rebekah Eddy // Bethany R. // Jonathan Trout // Hannah // Amanda Beguerie // 

So. Are you a PK? Do you know any? Can you relate to any of the above? XD

Hope y'all are having a great week! :) God bless, 

**All photos from Pinterest, excluding post graphic.

Friday, October 7, 2016

A Place Called Lonesome // Short-Story

Hey everyone! :) Today I bring to y'all a short story a wrote, a short story that placed second in Willowy Whisper's recent contest. The theme/prompt was a place called lonesome and this is what I came up with. Hope you enjoy! :) 

P.S. If you want to read the story that place first, you can find it here. 

   As the sun slinked low along the horizon, making its nightly descent and dazzling the prairie in peachy-orange rays of splendor, one lone rider cantered across the vast plains. His mount was a fierce black stallion that stood out in sharp contrast to the bland brown grasses. The large man in the saddle rode tall, straight, and solitaire. 
   It had always been evident Travis Atwood was born to be a cowboy. Ride the range. Stick around a town until trouble arises, then gallop off to the next two-bit establishment. It was his way of life. 
  A reminiscent smile flitted over his tanned face as he recalled the memories. How thankful he was that he no longer lived that way. Sure, the cowboy life had been fun sometimes. But, like with all things, the good times came to an end all too soon – leaving you alone in a desolate land. 
  Travis raised his eyes from the path ahead to scan the prairie all the way around him and Sierra – his faithful mount, named for the area they called home. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he prepared to wind up his work for today, namely the drudgery task of riding fence.line. 
  Stopping in an ideal location, one he could easily return to when it came time to complete the task of checking the fencing, Travis dismounted and yanked a stray cloth from his saddlebags. Sierra’s reins held secure in one hand, he looped the bright-colored bandana through a low limb of the juniper tree and knotted it. 
  “Our work is done for today, ol’ boy.” He spoke softly to his steed as he swung a leg across the saddle and directed the horse’s head in the right direction. There was no need to tell Sierra where to go, though. He would take Travis home in the middle of a Nevada snowstorm. 
  On the ride home Travis saw the prairie through new eyes. He would never feel at home anywhere else, yet he seemed to just then be noticing how lonely it was. It was desolate space, filled with nothing but void emptiness. The land was so flat and barren, going on endlessly until it met the distant horizon. Only it didn't meet the golden sky where it looked like it did. Travis had ridden towards it countless times. For every one of Sierra’s powerful gallops towards it, the line where the land met the clouds was that much farther away. One could often ride for days without coming across another living, breathing soul. 
   About an hour and a half had passed when, with a few powerful strides, the horse crested the hill and the Atwood Ranch spread out before them. A good, solid fence, sturdy and proud, marked the perimeter of the yard and enclosed the house and the outbuildings. 
  The house was small and quaint, but large enough. A adequate sized stable sat off to the side, with a cellar, outhouse, woodshed, and smithy scattered about between the two larger erections. 
  The lone horseman gave the equine his head and he trotted across the field, through the opening in the fence, and up to the closed stable doors. The stallion whinnied and tousled his head. 
  “Yeah, I know,” Travis muttered, sliding to the ground. “This is where I get off.” 
  He tromped into the stable, rolling his shoulders as he walked. A long day in the saddle made for stiff limbs and sore muscles, even for the most seasoned horseman. 
  Travis had left home two days prior to journey to Fresno and purchase fifty acres that was adjacent to his already owned spread. He had then spent the latter part of the day checking the fence-line along the northeastern pasture on his way back to the ranch, just as he had did with the northwestern stretch on his ride to Fresno. 
  Hefting off the saddle and saddlebags off the horse’s strong back, Travis slung it across the stall divider. Whistling softly to himself, he appreciated the methodical, repetitive motions as he brushed and curried Sierra’s sleek coat. 
  Noting that all the other chores were already nicely completed, a sense of deep appreciation swelled within Travis. He placed the brush on the shelf, nudged a crooked pitchfork in line, and turned towards the open barn door. 
  The top of a blonde head peeked around the bale of straw, inching out until large brown eyes looked back at him. A pigtail that had once been neatly braided but was now ragged and sloppy, flopped down and swung about carelessly. 
  A tired grin stretched across Travis’ face. “I see you, sugar.” 
  A pair of twinkling brown eyes emerged fully and a toothless smile beamed back at him. “Hey, daddy!” The young girl vaulted over the prickly bale and scampered to his side. “I missed you. You were gone two whole days! Did you miss me much?” 
  “Of course, I missed you, my Annie.” Travis sank down to his daughter’s level and plucked a stem of straw from her flaxen hair. “But I got all my business settled up with Mr. Myers and I won't have to be gone from home overnight for a good long time.” 
  “I’ll like that,” the little girl nodded decisively. 
  Travis jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Did your brothers already take care of the stock?” 
  She nodded, braids flopping and eyes sparkling. “They even let me help!” 
  “Really?” Travis asked, surprised. Benjamin and Samuel, at ten and nine, were usually frustrated with their younger sister’s desire to assist them with chores. 
  “Yep!” she replied enthusiastically. “They let me feed the chickens.” 
  Travis snickered to himself. Now that made sense. The Atwood’s cocky rooster, dubbed King Charles by the children, was Benjamin and Samuel’s greatest nemesis. But, then again, there wasn't much of anything that would be friendly to you if you hurled rocks in its direction at random intervals and dunked it in a watering trough for no reason. 
  Travis stood, lifting Annie into his arms and swinging her up to his hip. As he crossed the barn, he tugged more straw from her braids. He almost left it – she was so cute with stuff sticking out of her hair – but Sarah would appreciate it if he brought a clean child back into the house for supper. 
  Annie’s grin dimmed and she ran her lower lip our at the sight of the straw in his fingers. “Mama tries to keep my hair clean and out of the way, but it doesn't work out too good. I like it loose and free. I do try not to get too messy though.” 
  He smiled and tenderly kissed her forehead. “I know you try, sugar.” 
  “Why do you call me that?” the little girl asked, her inquisitive eyes inches from his own. 
  “What? Sugar?” Travis stopped to close and latch the barn door behind them. 
  She nodded, studying him. 
  “Hmm,” he tapped his chin in a teasing way. “Maybe because you're as sweet as sugar?” 
  She giggled. “Nope, that’s not it. Mama says I have a meanness streak – just like you.” 
  “Oh, she does, does she?” Travis laughed, wondering what the young girl had done for Sarah to tell her that. The possibilities were endless. 
  A movement caught his eye and he lifted his gaze to the house. The screen door slammed shut behind Benjamin, Samuel and Eli – the youngest. The three tow-headed boys bounded off the porch and across the yard to greet him. Grinning, Travis knelt down for hugs and talked which each of the kids. It was difficult to decipher who was saying what with them all jabbering excitedly. 
  Travis stood and they all started on across the yard and up the porch steps. Another blonde head appeared through the doorway, following my Travis’ bride sweet smile and enlarged stomach. He had worried about leaving her alone with the children for the two-day jaunt to Fresno, but they must have fared alright. Everyone was accounted for and lacking life-altering injuries. 
  “We missed you.” Sarah smiled up at him. She stood on tiptoe for a kiss and Travis obliged. “You're just in time for supper.” 
  Laughing, chattering, and teasing one another relentlessly, the children gathered around the table and slid into their usual spots on the low wooden benches. Travis washed up at the basin near the kitchen door and took his seat at the head of the table. After placing the bowl of mashed potatoes and a basket of biscuits on the table, Sarah sank to the bench directly to his right. 
  The children joined hands with each other and with their parents and Travis led his family in prayer. 
  “We thank you, Lord, for this food which you've set before us and the loved ones you have set beside us.” His thought during the ride home flitting back through his mind, Travis added, “I thank you for this lonesome land that we call home, Lord, but I thank you that we’re not lonely in it. You have given us each other. In Jesus’ name. Amen.” 
  The prayer over, little hands were released and food quickly consumed as supper-time chatter filled the room. Travis noticed that Sarah held his fingers a moment longer and caught his gaze with a sweet smile. “I'm thankful we’re not alone here too.” 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Befriending the Beast // Blog Tour & Book Review

Hey everyone! Hope you're having an awesome week so far. :D Today, I'm joining in the blog tour for Amanda Tero's latest work, Befriending the Beast! :) It's a super fun Beauty and the Beast retelling, with a cool twist. :) Purchase it from Amazon before October 8th and get it for the discounted price of 99¢! :D 

About the Book
Belle has returned unannounced to the castle to restore her relationship with the king, her father. Her hopes are dashed with the devastating message: "The king refuses to see you." Convinced that God has led her home, she is unwilling to return to Lord and Lady Kiralyn.

Time is running out for the decision that will change her life. When tragedy strikes, will she and her father be pulled further apart or knit together? Could she stay at the castle even if she will never see her father again?

Purchase Link
(order before October 8, 2016, to get it at the discounted price of $.99!)

My Review

4.5 of 5 stars 

*happy sigh* Oh, what a beautiful story. This was the fourth story I had read by Miss Tero (previously – Letters From a Scatter-Brained Sister, Debt of Mercy, and Coffee Cake Days) and it's certainly my favorite. :) 

When I first started reading "Befriending the Beast", I wasn't sure what to expect. The writing was good (really good!!), but I wasn't sure where the story was going or if I would like it that much. I was so wrong, peeps. :P 
I loved it so much!!! It's a beautiful story, such a unique retelling of Beauty and the Beast. I had never ever considered a retelling with someone besides a love-interest as the beast. The change was so sweet and refreshing! Also, I loved all the names – Keirstrider, Galathia (horses), Favian, Kiralyn... Eeps! All the lovely medieval-ness! :D And then...ahhhhhh. I absolutely adored the ending. <3 I hope Miss Tero writes more, similar, retellings. :)

**I received an e-ARC of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.** 

About the Author
Amanda Tero is a homeschool graduate who desires to provide God-honoring, family-friendly reading material. She has enjoyed writing since before ten years old, but it has only been since 2013 that she began seriously pursuing writing again – starting with some short stories that she wrote for her sisters as a gift. Her mom encouraged her to try selling the stories she published, and since then, she has begun actively writing short stories, novellas, and novels. If something she has written draws an individual into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, it is worth it!

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

Connect with Amanda

Don't forget to enter the super fun giveaway! :) 

U.S. Giveaway: Enter to win one of two paperback copies of "Befriending the Beast"

International Giveaway: Enter to win one of two eBook copies of "Befriending the Beast"

~ Blog Tour Schedule 

September 30th, 2016
Emily (review, giveaway) (

October 1st
Amanda Leite (review, blog tour, giveaway) (

October 2nd 
Kellyn Roth (review, interview) (

October 3rd 
Faith Blum (review, book spotlight, giveaway) (

October 4th 
Faith Potts (book spotlight, review, giveaway) (

October 5th 
Lesa Mckee (Book spotlight) (

October 6th 
A.M. Heath (book review) (

October 7th 
Anika Walkes (interview, book spotlight, giveaway, book trailer) (

October 8th 
Tarissa Graves (book review, spotlight) (