
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hidden Gems: The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson

Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a great week so far. :) Remember a couple weeks ago when I posted reviews of The Blades of Acktar fantasy series? Well, I'm back with more reviews in participation with Shantelle's Hidden Gems link-up!!! :D 

This week, the author spotlight is Melanie Dickerson. Today I'll be reviewing The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest, book one in the Medieval Fairy Tale series. Also, click here for an author interview, book spotlights, and a giveaway!! All the bookish fun! :D 

A beautiful maiden who poaches to feed the poor.

A handsome forester on a mission to catch her.

Danger and love are about to unite in Thornbeck Forest.

The margrave owns the finest hunting grounds for miles around—and who teaches children to read, but by night this young beauty has become the secret lifeline to the poorest of the poor.

For Jorgen Hartman, the margrave’s forester, tracking down a poacher is a duty he is all too willing to perform. Jorgen inherited his post from the man who raised him . . . a man who was murdered at the hands of a poacher.

When Jorgen and Odette meet at the Midsummer festival and share a connection during a dance, neither has any idea that they are already adversaries.

The one man she wants is bound by duty to capture her; the one woman he loves is his cunning target . . . What becomes of a forester who protects a notorious poacher? What becomes of a poacher when she is finally discovered?

My Review

*happy sigh* Ahhh, this is such an amazing book – with a delightful and satisfying ending!! :) I had heard a lot of good about Melanie Dickerson's novels, but I hadn't tried one until last month. Everyone was so right! Her books (so far, anyways) are AMAZING. So sweet and lovely!! :D This was my first, I've read one since it, and I can't wait to read more! :) 

I think of this book as a sort of different twist on the classic tale of 'Robin Hood'. I haven't read Robin Hood, but I know the general storyline (stealing from the rich and giving to the poor and all that). And with Odette as the talented, girl poacher, it's got a lot of similarities. 

Odette and Jorgen were both such amazing characters. They both have such a heart for the orphans of Thornbeck!! <3 <3 Odette is so sweet and charming, a lovable girl-MC. And then Jorgen is just...the best. His backstory brought me to tears...I'm serious. *tissues* 

Odette's Uncle Rutger and then this Mathis-Papendorp-dude were two that I didn't particularly care for. I didn't mind Rutger at first, but (I totally saw *that* coming, by the way... B-)) They were great-bad-characters though. XD

Anna, Jorgen's mother, and Katharine were all awesome characters! I really enjoyed each of their additions to the story. :) 

Lastly, I can't think of any warnings to give for this book. There is romance (duh.), but it's all clean, appropriate, and adorable. ^_^ 

Five stars, all the way!! :D 


Have you read anything by Melanie Dickerson? Do you enjoy fairytale retellings? Check back Thursday for another review! 


  1. Great review, Faith! :D I really would like to read this book sometime!!
    I'm looking forward to seeing your next review! :)

    1. Oh, you should!!! The love story was super sweet, and I think you would really enjoy it. ^_^
      Good to hear! :D

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Sounds like a great book! :D Thanks for the review.

    1. It really is, Angela!! :)

      Thanks for commenting!
