
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Rainy Days...

Some days are just meant to be rainy days. The days where you lounge around the house – reading books, writing books, and chatting with friends.

I never accomplish much on these kind of days, but somehow it just doesn't really matter. Maybe partially because I'm still recovering from an awesome linkup (haha) and Christmas chaos... 

Once I decide that I need some fresh air and outdoorsy-ness, I go on a walk with Mom and my little blond fellas. (Dogs. They are dogs.) 

The rain has stopped – for now at least – and the world feels clean and fresh. Like God just looked down and decided that our nook of the globe needed a shower. So He sent us one...or two...or two whole days of it. 

The rain clouds leave the mountains blanketed in the beautiful fog and mist. The tree limbs seem so stark and bare against the sky. 

That's our house down there...the brown roof... :) 

The dead brown leaves curl and cup to hold the rain water. As if they're trying to cling to the feel of it and keep it as long as they can. Like the way I want to absorb and savor the feel and comfort of rainy days. 

The 'haunted'-looking old house above us...maybe I'll write it's story one day... 

These are rainy days. These are good days. Maybe not the best of days, but good days just the same. They are restful and relaxing. Clean and refreshing. Maybe, within all of this, is the reason why I love rainy days so. 

What are your thoughts on rainy days? 

**All pictures are my own. 


  1. Beautiful pictures, Faith!! I think the haunted house one is my favorite. :)
    Rainy day thoughts? Ehhh . . . you can have them. xD I rather prefer sunny days! ;)

    1. Thank you! :) Hehe, I like that one too.
      Hmm...seems like we've had this conversation before... ;) You can have the sunny days and I'll keep the rainy days, 'kay?

  2. Rainy days are nice. :) They're great for curling up with a book or watching a movie. :)
    All of these pictures are so pretty, Faith! I really like the 4th picture. Oh, you should write the 'haunted' house story sometime. ;)

    1. They are!! Hehe, that is like literally all I did Monday and it's sunny so I moved my reading to the porch. ;)
      Aww, thank you!! Hehe, me too. :) Maybe I will sometime... ;)

  3. Great pictures! I personally love rainy days, though where I live we don't get a lot of them. And if I could I would send all day outside on rainy days. I really like the pictures of the trees, misty mountain, and of the 'haunted looking' house!

    1. Thanks! Ahh, me too! We get a ton of rainy days...Mom jokes that we live in a rainforest. XD I like those too! Thanks again!

  4. Beautiful pictures, Faith! :) That old house is cool. I like rainy days, too. Snowy days are my favourite though. ^.^

    1. Thank you!! :) Hehe, it is. Ooo, yes!! Snowy days are great. :D I need some...
