
Monday, January 9, 2017

2016 Bookish Recap Tag // Me

And I'm back! By popular demand! With my answers to the tag I created!! Mwahahaha!! XD Sorry. My brain is still on Christmas vacation. From 2003. 

I'm including links to my reviews for a lot of these, so that you can check those out if interested. :) 

-- Include the above button in your post. 
-- Answer the 11 questions. 
-- Use as many book covers as you like. (The correct answer to this question would be ALOT. B-)) 
-- Tag 5-10 people and notify them that they have been tagged. 

>> Questions. 

// How many books did you read in 2016? (Exact if you know, or approximate if not.) 
130 books! :D 

// Did you set a reading challenge for yourself and, if so, did you meet it?  
Yes, my goal was 101 books and I met that in...October? ;) 

// What was your most read genre this year? Least read? 
Most-read was historical fiction. Least read was a tie between allegories and sci-fi with one of each. :P  

// What's five of your favorite books from 2016? 
Okay, I'm gonna be perfectly honest. WHY DID I MAKE THESE QUESTIONS SO HARD. *cough* Faith isn't very bright sometimes. Anywho... 

Interrupted by Rachel Coker // I have already read this book twice and I'm already aching it read it again. The writing is absolutely beautiful. <3 

A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke // Ahhh, this book is so great! :D I wanna read it again this year too. 

Defy by Tricia Mingerink // I love this series. That is all. Read my full review here

With Every Letter by Sarah Sundin // Eeps! This lady's books are fantastic!! :D I especially loved this one with the way the couple fell in love without meeting in person... <3 

Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton // An amazing WWII Cinderella retelling. Read my full review here

// What's five of your least favorite books from 2016? 
This wasn't nearly as hard as the previous question... XD 

Christmas Union by Karen Anna Vogel // Blah. This story really fell flat to me. Let's just keep the rant short and say it had potential but needed editing... XD 

Same Dress, Different Day by Juliet Van Heerden // Eh. This book wasn't what I'd hoped for it to be. It was kind of 'okay'. Read my full review here

The Soldier's Bride by Rachelle J. Christensen // *groans* I really wanted to like this book. And the beginning and certain parts of it was great. But things that happened towards the end were gross, weird, and even morbid at times. Read my full review here.

What I Want by L.N. Cronk // Well, I read this book in a day. I liked many parts of it, especially the disabled guy and his blind girlfriend. They were cute. But...things happened. And then there was things happening at the ending that was completely pointless. Ack. 

Danny's Girl by Susan Aylworth // Again, the end of this one ended up being gross. Read my full review here

// What new favorite author did you discover? (Not necessarily that the author is 'new', but that they became new to you this year.) 
Ahhh, so many!! And I'll be reading more by all of them. :D 

Willowy Whisper 

Tricia Mingerink 

Melanie Dickerson 

Jennifer Lamont Leo 

Deborah Raney 

// What's five of your favorite book covers from the year? 
Let me just clarify that this says five OF your favs. Not all. That's legit the only way this is possible. XD

While You're Awake by Amber Stokes // Eeps, this cover is so cute! It fits the story perfectly...and I love her dress. ^_^ 

The Last Ride by Susan K. Marlow // IT'S ANDI, OKAY. *ahem* It's blue. With a girl and a horse. Me loves it. <3 

Remember to Forget by Ashley Royer // This book...tore me up. It was my first YA that I can think of, and it was so amazing. I'm pretty sure I cried. <3 And so OF COURSE it has a beautiful cover. I mean, just look. *siiiighhh* 

Defy by Tricia Mingerink // Sunset. Castle. Prairie. 'Nough said. 

This Quiet Sky by Joanne Bischof // Oh my. This is book is gorgeous. The cover fits the story line to. a. tee. *sniffles in remembrance* 

// How many books did you purchase for yourself in 2016? (Exact if you know, approximate if not.) Well, I got about 100 books in 2016. Most of them I bought, but some were gifts, review books, or giveaway wins. XD 

// What's the longest book you read in 2016? 
According to Goodreads, it's On Distant Shores by Sarah Sundin, with 420 pages 

// What's the shortest book you read in 2016? 
Maggie's Hope Chest by Amanda Tero, 11 pages 

// What's your reading goal for 2017? 
131 books. Yep, I'm only upping it by one book from what I accomplished in '16, but I'm expecting a full and busy years in lots of ways, soo... *nods* :D 

>>The tagged ones... 
Rebekah Eddy @ Rebekah's Remarks

Blessings, all! <3 


  1. Love reading your answers! I love bookish things. And thank you for tagging me! I'll do it soon as I can! :)

    1. So glad you enjoyed, Raechel!! :D I look forward to seeing your answers!

    2. :) I just tagged you too now. ^.^

    3. Oooh, thanks!! I'll check it out!! :D

  2. *bounces happily bc you tagged me* I really wanted to do this tag so me is happy. ^_^ <3

    1. *smiles* Hope you enjoy! Looking forward to seeing your tag. :D

  3. I just love reading about people's favorite books. *sighs dreamily* It's wonderful. I enjoyed reading this!

    1. So do I, Bethany! :D Tis very lovely. So glad you enjoyed! <3

  4. I really enjoyed reading your answers, Faith! This is just such a fun tag! :D
    “Interrupted”, “Beyond the Horizon”, “With Every Letter”, and “A Gown of Spanish Lace”! All so wonderful! :D I was thinking about re-reading “A Gown of Spanish Lace” this year too. :) I re-read it last year as well, but it’s just SO good! :D
    I really want to read “The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest” I actually got the ebook copy, so I’ll hopefully read it soonish. ;)
    Yes! I love the cover to “The Last Ride” too! It’s so pretty! (And I can’t wait to read “Courageous Love!!)
    Wow! I didn’t realize that “On Distant Shores” was that big. =)
    Good luck on your 2017 reading goal, Faith! :D

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed! Hehe, yes, because BOOKS! :)
      Aren't they all so great?! Yes, I want to re-read "A Gown of Spanish Lace" this year as well! So many good books. ;)
      Eeps!! So exciting!! I hope you enjoy "The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest" and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!! :D
      Yes, it's so purty! <3 I know! So excited for "Courageous Love"! Not much longer to wait. :P
      I didn't realize "On Distant Shores" was that big either! Until I was trying to figure it out for this tag. :)
      Thanks!! You too! <3

  5. Loved reading your answers to the tag!

    Oh my goodness, the cover of "The Last Ride" is so pretty. That has to be one of my favorite book covers out of all the ones I own (besides my Puffin in Bloom Edition of Little Women).

    I discovered Tricia Mingerink this year, too! ;) Actually I read a review of yours on Dare and decided I had to read the series. SO GOOD.

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed, Lydia!! :D

      I knoooww. I just love that cover. <3 Ooh, I bet the Little Women cover is pretty too! :)

      Hooray for The Blades of Acktar!! Haha, yes!! I remember seeing on your Goodreads when you were reading those. ;) I'm so glad you've been able to enjoy them too! YES THEYRE FAB.

      Thanks for commenting, Lydia!! :)

  6. I come back to copy the questions...and am instantly hit by a Bee-YOU-ti-ful new blog design! It's so pretty and light and fun and eeps! Love the pictures! How long has it been since I was at your blog?! I feel so sorry!!!

    Great answers though! And thanks to you, I also discovered Tricia Mingerink. That alone will make me love you forever ;)

    1. Awwww, thank you so much, girl!! I must say, I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. ;) Aww, don't feel bad! <3

      I'm so glad you enjoyed! :) Hehe, isn't she great?! Awww, you're a dear. *hugs*

      Thanks for commenting, m'friend! ^_^
