
Friday, December 15, 2017

12 Days of Christmas // Signed Sealed Delivered: For Christmas {MovieReview}

Welcome to day-two, all! :D How have y'all been enjoying the party so far? I'm a bit behind on reading everyone's great posts, but I plan to remedy that soon. :D

Today I bring to you...a movie review! 

Signed, Sealed, Delivered: For Christmas ~ Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

Shane, Oliver, Norman, and Rita work together in the Dead Letter Office to answer all notes to Santa, and are especially touched by the plea from a young girl who just wants her mom home from the hospital for Christmas. The team comes together like never before to help the child, but soon discovers  that they have reignited their own faith in the most wonderful time of the year. Based on the beloved Hallmark Channel original series, Signed, Sealed, Delivered For Christmas is an inspirational holiday entertainment for the whole family. 

A dear friend of mine had been telling me for awhile (something crazy like 6 months...) that I needed to watch Signed, Sealed, Delivered. She mentioned it, told me of its greatest, and even sent me the link to watch the first movie on YouTube. (Because is Faith gonna spent money on something she might not even like? Not often, friends. Not often.) 

To keep this long story semi-short, let's just say that the aforementioned epic friend sent me a package for my birthday. And it was the first SSD movie. *grins* I told you she's awesome. Soon thereafter (maybe even that night) I watched the first movie. And officially (I was legit online ordering every SSD available within 24 hours.) It's an amazing series, peeps, so what can I say? 

I love SSD and I love Christmas movies, so this one is a particular favorite. *all the hearts* I'm supposed to be writing a semi-coherent review here though, not giving you a short explanation of my SSD history. So let's dive in. 

First off...the dance. For postal workers. (Can I just say I love all the postal-y-stuff in these movies?! It's so cool!!!) I found the picture above online and I love it. Oliver and Norman's reactions when the girls walked in was great. ;D 

And we can't forget that this is the scene where we get to know Jordan a bit. He's pretty cool...and that's all I'm gonna say about that. 

On a mission to solve the mystery behind the last letter the post office received (this one addressed to God), the Postables (my adorable foursome) head over to the hospital and masquerade as a group of carolers. *glances back to above picture* Even the dog doesn't believe that one. 

The Postables idea to have a nativity play in the lobby of the hospital was ingenious. And it turns out so well too! C'mon, y'all, just take a look at that wise man...err, bear.

Another thing I loved about this SSD episode was alllllll the faith content. Like, I was in tears during Shane and Oliver's precious convo. <33 <3 Not sure if y'all can read those captions *points up the page* but if you haven't saw the movie, I wouldn't suggest it anyway. xD #semi-spoilers

All the way around, I would heartily recommend this movie (and the whole series/show). If you've seen some SSD, then hopefully you've saw this one. If you haven't, then what are you waiting for! It'd be better to watch the series in order, but...I guess you could watch this one if you haven't saw the others...if you really wanted to. ;) 

*Images and summary not my own


The fun is only beginning! Click over to any (or all!!) of the lovely blogs linked below for more... :D 

Colorful, Creative Cards // Christmas Tag
Twin Thoughts // A Vintage Holiday
Creative Scribbles of a History Detective // Invitation to a Secret Sister Gift Exchange
RebekahAshleigh // Christmas Movie Review
9 Kids Plus 2 // Christmas Tag
Chosen Vessels // Christmas Book Review
The Ramblings of a Book Worm // DIY Gifts + Gift-Wrapping Inspiration

(Psst! Do y'all prefer seeing the links listed by name, like yesterday, or by blog name, like today?)

I've got a ton of things to do today, including my last class of the semester, a stack of homework, gifts to plan, posts to finish for the weekend, and play practice tonight. What's on y'all's to-do lists for today? =D



  1. Signed, Sealed, Delivered is such a great show!!! :) I loved your review, Faith! I really like that there is a SSD Christmas movie. Because wonderful movies/shows are even more fun when there's a Christmas episode in there. ;)

    1. It truly is!! Thanks, Rebekah. :) Me too! I do believe that adding Christmas could make anything better... ;)

  2. Ohhh yesss I've seen the series *insert heart eyes* LOVED It! But as of this moment I have not seen the Christmas one, although it may be on my 'next movie to watch' list :D

    1. It's sooo good. <3 Goodness, girl, what are you waiting for?? *wink* This one is amazing!

  3. Hey! Umm, I posted today, since it's the 15th (like I said in the email ;). Here's the link... When would you be adding that to the party, tommorrow? Just wanted to know, thanks =D

    1. Hey Michaila! Thanks for the link. :) Yes, I'll link to you tomorrow. I checked your blog this morning, but since the post was not up yet, I couldn't give a direct link. I prefer to not edit my post midday (I don't know what time zone you're in, but it's 12:45 PM here), because someone may have read the posts earlier and would miss yours. ;)

    2. I put my post up at 9:10 and my Mom had literally spent all of yesterday baking the cookies, and so I literally took the pics for it yesterday and today and compiled it all this morning. Am I supposed to get it up really early?
      Thanks! <3

    3. I posted at 9:06 eastern, and I thought I checked your blog again after that...I'm thinking we're in different time zones. xD That sounds fun! ;)
      Not super early, but I'd appreciate it if your post could be up by 8-ish if you want to be linked to that day. *hopes I didn't miss you somehow when I sent an email about that*

  4. This looks like an awesome movie! Also, I like how you did the links listed by blog name today better but whatever you want ;)

    1. It really is!! :D Okay, thanks. I think I like the blog names better too. ;)

  5. I want to say that I've seen one SSD episode, but not the movie. I remember enjoying the episode I watched though! And I think that I like it listed best by blog. But names work too. Or both. ;) Looking forward to reading more great Christmasy amazingness!!

    1. *gasps* Girl, watch more!! ;) I seriously love this show so much. Just...Gahhh. <33
      Thanks for the feedback! I think I'm going to stick with blog names for the rest of the party. ;)

    2. Haha, I guess I'll have to go watch them. ;)

    3. Let me know what you think if you do! ;D

  6. Never heard of this movie, but might have to give it a shot! Awesome post, Faith! :D

  7. I love them! I’ve seen the series (we own it) and I’ve seen the first movie. I actually saw the last thirty minutes or so of the Christmas one you’re talking about so I missed some.... but I like them!

    1. Ohhh, yay, another fan!! They're soo great. :D

  8. SSD *heart eyes* We just watched Lost Without You and I'm emotional oh my word. I need to rewatch the whole series again, I love it so much.

    1. YAY, an SSD fan!! :D Gahh, I'm actually planning to watch Lost Without You tonight. I'm so hyped for it! <3

  9. Well I had never watch the movie. But I think I did a mistake. Well I watch online this movie on this coming Sunday.
