
Sunday, December 10, 2017

From the Shelves {Christmas Reads}

Welcome to the second From the Shelves post, darling readers! :D 

This edition will be Christmas recommendations, and I've chosen some goodies. ^.^ All of which are either Amish fiction or WWII ( ironic). One is even both, sooo. xD 

On another note, my area got over a foot of snow in the past two days. *is very happy* I'm happily getting lots of reading done, while somehow not getting too distracted by the beautiful view. :P

Let's dive into the books! 


Ahh, this book brings back memories. I've read it 3 times, I believe – a fact which my copy bears proof of – and I'm hoping to read it again this year. I don't know why, but I always love the stories of people who were adopted when they were young, and are reunited with someone (or more than one someones) years later. White Christmas Pie is a lovely story, that definitely has that. <3 

*Read my semi-coherent, really-bad review here.

amish // contemporary // christian fiction // romance // re-read worthy 

This was such a sweet story! Like the previous book, it deals with an adoptee and her search for her birth family. (This is not gonna be a trend here – promise.) I read this one in early 2016, and I'm hoping to read it again soon. :D 

amish // WWII era // romance // christian fiction 

It's been a couple years since I read this book, but I recall really enjoying it. It's told from an English couple, who end up stranded with an Amish family around Christmas. Sweet story!! 

amish // christian fiction // contemporary 


*all the heart-eyes* This book, y'all...this book. I snagged it from CBD because Sarah Sundin is one of my favorite authors, and then I ended up liking the other two stories (it's a three-in-one, but they're all related) equally or maybe even more than hers! 110% recommended. xD 

WWII era // christian fiction // romance // three-in-one // family story

EEPS, this little book is precious. A combination of WWII, Christmas, and a darling Cinderella retelling... What's not to love, y'all?! (Plus my critique partner wrote it, soooo. *nods* It's epic. Go read the thing, pals.) 

*Read my full review here.

WWII era // christian fiction // romance // cinderella retelling // novella 

I recently read this book with my reading buddy *wink*, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would! Even if the synopsis doesn't appeal to the book. It's quite a bit different from the synopsis. xD I'll hopefully be reviewing this one in the next couple weeks, so watch for that! 

WWII era // christian fiction // teen-boy POV


// The Angel of Bastogne by Gilbert Morris // 

In the tradition of It's a Wonderful Life and John Grisham's Skipping Christmas… 

Newspaper reporter Ben Raines is a full-fledged cynic trying to bypass what he feels is the least wonderful time of the year-Christmas. But his plan to escape on a dream vacation overseas is foiled when the boss assigns him to write the annual front-page holiday story. With a humbug twist, Ben chooses to investigate a World War II legend involving his own father that will expose the fallacies of religion and everything related to December 25th. 

Willy Raines fought in the Battle of the Bulge at Bastogne during Christmas 1944 and – to Ben's embarrassment – believes a real angel saved the lives of every man in the 101st Airborne unit. Some angel that was. Life was never easy for Willy after the war, and he was far from heroic in his son's eyes. 

Ben sets out to find other veterans who witnessed the angel of Bastogne, sure to return empty-handed. Instead, he comes home with a heart that is overflowing. 

Doesn't this sound great?! I found it by chance at 2nd & Charles awhile back, and I'm really looking forward to reading it this Christmas!! :) 

// A Simple Christmas Wish by Melody Carlson // 

Rachel Milligan is caring for her seven-year-old niece, Holly, at her home in Chicago when she receives devastating news: Holly's parents have been killed in a plane crash. Because Rachel is Holly's only known relative, she assumes that she will be her beloved niece's guardian. However, custody is awarded to Lydia, a distant aunt who happens to be Amish. 

Just a week before Christmas, Rachel takes Holly to the Amish community in the hopes of persuading Aunt Lydia to relinquish custody. Instead, Lydia sets out to teach Holly to live according to the Amish way. As family secrets emerge and old wounds are healed, Rachel realizes that she will do whatever it takes to ensure that Holly has the loving family she needs. 

Combining an Amish family saga with the anticipation of Christmas cheer and the promise of a budding romance, this newest Christmas story from beloved author Melody Carlson is sure to please.

I'd had this book on my TBR for some time, and I found it at 2nd & Charles too. (I know this for sure, because I peeled off the stickers before snapping pics xD) Sounds cute!! 

Hope y'all enjoyed and found some Christmasy reads! Don't forget – the 12 Days of Christmas party starts on Thursday. ;) 



  1. Christmas books are just wonderful! :)
    I have read all of these except for “The Angel of Bastogne” and “A Christmas Gift for Rose”, but I’m planning to read that last one soon! :)
    *wink* “The Christmas Star” is definitely a good book. “A Lancaster County Christmas” is a favorite of mine. It’s so cold and snow and great! I really like “White Christmas Pie” too! I wanted to re-read that one last year but never did. Maybe this year?… We’ll see! ;)
    I hope you enjoy "A Simple Christmas Wish". It wasn't my most favorite book, but it's not too bad either. ;)
    I love these “From the Shelves” posts, Faith! :D They’re so fun! :)

    1. Agreed! :D
      "A Christmas Gift for Rose" is really good!! :) I hope you enjoy, and I'd love to talk about it with you. ;)
      It really was! I'm hoping to re-read "A Lancaster County Christmas" again this year, but with all the others I want to read...we'll see. ;) Hehe, me too! I just love that one. :D
      Hehe, okiedoke. ;) I want to read it in time to review it for 12DoC...we'll see. ;)
      Aww, I'm so glad, Rebekah!! :D

  2. I've also listened to a lot of audiobooks this year! *high-fives back* I listen to them to do chores and exercise. :) I found a favorite reader on Librivox (Karen Savage <3) and listen to classics like “The Railway Children,” the “Anne of Green Gables Series”. . . also some group readings of like “Little Women” and other classics, where she is often in as well. :)

    -Katja L.

  3. Book covers. . . oh, how I love seeing them!! *heart eyes*

    I have several Christmas books on Kindle--many of Rebekah Morris', Amanda Tero, Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin, Grace Smith Richmond, and a couple others.

    -Katja L.

    1. Sammmeee. <33

      Ohh, fun! Christmas books are the best. I've read a few by Rebekah Morris and Amanda Tero. :D
