
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

SURPRISE! // We're Hijacking her Blog

Twelve days of Christmas is over already.  All of us participants had such an amazing time!!  As a result of all of her hard work, we just wanted to hijack Faith's blog for a day to say "thank you".

Dear Faith,
Thank you so, so much for spreading the joy of Jesus! Putting together a blog party for the past few years definitely hasn’t been easy - but you not only pull it off like a champ, you also keep spirits lifted to Yahweh through the craziness! Thank you so much for the 12 Days Of Christmas. It means so much to me the past 2 years I’ve participated. You’re definitely amazing, girl. Merry Christmas and a very happy new year!

First off, thank you so much for all the work you do to make 12 Days of Christmas a reality every single year. I know it entails a lot of organization and we’re all so very grateful for everything you do to keep it up and running. I’ve loved being able to participate for these past two years and be able to make blogging connections with you and everyone else who participates. Blogging can be pretty lonely and daunting if you don’t have other blogger friends to support you, and 12DoC helps us all build a little “blogging community” where we can encourage each other. Thank you for your willingness to do this and we hope you know that we’re all here to help support you!

So, putting aside our sharing the greatest name ever (;)), I just wanted to say thank you for putting this together. You took time out of your season to create a HUGE blog party, and it’s been super fun! I wasn’t able to post much, but what I got to put up and read was amazing. We love you--thank you so much for all your dedication and work to make this Christmas season terrific!

Faith!!!! This has been my first year participating in the 12DOC and wow, you my dear are amazing! December is probably the craziest time of the year and then add blogging every day!  Thank you so much for organizing this! It's been quite a pleasure to be a part of Celebrating Christmas and most importantly honoring  the Birth of Christ! Also how Fantastic is this that we get to connect with people we've never met before! This has been such a wonderful experience for me to be a part of! Thanks again!
Merry Christmas!

Wow, Faith, this is seriously the busiest time of year for you, on top of having a crazy busy year, and yet you still take the time to put together an amazing blog link up. You're epic dearie.
I love ya lots and am so blessed to be able to have been a part of the 12DoC every year since it's started. It's been a blessing to me, and I know it's blessed so many others as well.

Wow, girlie.  During the Christmas season, you’re not just getting ready for Christmas.  You’re doing school, making wreaths, helping out on the tree farm, practicing for a Christmas play, AND AMONG ALL THIS, you’re organizing a twelve-day-long blog party, posting twenty-four times within those twelve days.  Yet, through all this, I’ve seen how you focus on God and His reason for Christmas.  The fact that He sent His son to earth.  For us.  Faith, you’re an inspiration.  I’m blessed to be a part of 12DOC.

Hey Faith! I’m just participating in 12DOC for the first time this year, and wow! How do you manage to do so much during such a busy time of the year? I’m beyond impressed! I know how crazy it is to get posts out on time sometimes - and twelve at a time? While organizing twenty-one other bloggers? YOU ARE A SUPERHEROINE. And I love that you’re doing it all to the glory of God. I can only imagine how many people will be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas this year! So … thank you. Thank you for giving me (and all these other bloggers) an opportunity to be a part of this. With love, Kell

Hello Faith. I’m just swinging by to say thank you. You have truly done something amazing here. For the past 3 years you have takab random bloggers from all over the world, all different walks of life, who didn’t know each other, to all participate in a 12 day Christmas blog party. I know it isn’t easy. And I know you do a ton of work for this. So, thank you for all your hard work this year and every year. I hope to be able to continue to participate and hopefully help you out in the coming years. Again thank you for all your hard work and have a blessed Christmas and New Years!

Faith!! Thank you SO much for all your hard work in putting together the 12 DoC blog party again this year. It’s been so fun participating with you all (though I wasn’t able to do as much as normal, apologies for that :P) and it’s been equally amazing seeing how the party has grown in the past three years. Talking about the past...can you believe it’s been three years since we “met”?? Crazy!! It’s been awesome seeing how you and your love for Christ has shone the past few years through your blog. Keep up the amazing work, girl!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! <3

Faith, I just wanna say thank you. You multitask it all like a pro and have given everyone apart of this such a great time. I know it takes a supreme level of patience to take care of everyone’s needs in a blog party, and a whole lot of communicating...and you aced it.
Thanks so much for making this Christmas shine brighter & for bringing Christ’s joy into the spotlight!
Lotsa love girl,
Merry Christmas

Ahh Faith, you have done so much this year in organizing the 12 Days of Christmas blog party, and I’m so glad I get to be apart of it! You are truly an example of a hardworking, cheerful, beautiful Christian girl, and I really appreciate all you’ve done!! The 12DoC blog linkup has helped me to focus more on Jesus as Christmas arrives, and that’s a really really good thing. You’ve created something that people are blessed by and THANK YOU for that. You’re amazing to have done all of this ON TOP of everything else you have in your life, like schoolwork, homework, Christmas planning, and whatever else in between!! You’re an inspiration and a light for Jesus. Keep it up! I hope you have the best of Christmases and an awesome New Year.

Faith, I've been enjoying this link-up since the very first year, and it never fails to encourage me and introduce me to other amazing blogger's who seek to glorify God during the Christmas season. I have the awesome privilege to call you my friend, and I sincerely hope this little post we’re doing on your blog can scratch the surface of the gratitude we all feel for the time and effort you put into this fun blog series. :)
It hit me yesterday as I worked on scheduling my first post that having this link-up to look forward to each year has become a highlight of December for me. That's the highest compliment I can give anything, Faith, because December is one of my favorite months of the year, and there are so many things to keep me busy...but I wouldn't want to miss being a part of this link-up even with everything going on in my life right now. It has become one of those things that make my Christmas, like the decoration of our house, watching “It's a Wonderful Life”, and making Christmas cookies at my grandma’s house.
So thank you for everything you do to make this possible. I hope this post we’re putting together blesses you as much as your effort toward the link-up has blessed all of us. <3  I can honestly say that my Christmas would not be the same without it.

From all of us here,


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. This was seriously like the sweetest thing ever!! <33 Y'all are just amazing, okay?! xD #besthijackinginhistory

    1. hahaha love your hashtag xD By the way, I loooveee your new blog design!!!

    2. Haha, thanks. xD Thank you so much, Olivia! <3
