
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

My Life in Books // a tag I stole from my favorite book tuber

Am I the only one that absolutely adores books, bookishness, bookstagram, and booktubers? I think not. ;) Today I bring to you a bookish tag that I unofficially borrowed from my favorite booktuber.

Lindsey blogs over at Books for Christian Girls. On her booktube, she recently did the My Life in Books tag. It looked like SO much fun, and I decided to nab it for a bookish post for the blog. ;D

// Find a book for each of your initials

F ~ From This Moment by Elizabeth Camden ~ Charming, intriguing, historically-rich mystery! 

L ~ Love Finds You in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts by Melody Carlson ~ This book looks super sweet, and the cover is just lovely. <3 

P ~ Promise Me This by Cathy Gohlke ~ Titanic and WWI? Sign me up. ;D 

// Count your age along your bookshelf. What book is it?

Because I have several shelves full of books, I chose to count along my TBR shelf. The 17th book is Behind Enemy Lines: The Story of a Young Pilot by H.R. Demallie.

// Pick a book set in your country. 

Well...nearly every book on my shelves is set in my country. :P So, I copied Lindsey and took it a step closer, and chose a book set in my state. The Mandie series by Lois Gladys Leppard. Sure, Mandie travels a lot, but her home is in North Carolina. ;D 

// Pick a book that represents a destination you'd love to travel to. 

Umm...Well, I want to visit WWII battle places, so lots of books would work here. xD We'll go with Remembering You by Tricia Goyer...

// Pick a book that is your favorite color. 

My favorite color is blue (betcha saw that coming... XD), and I have a ton of blue books. Anchor in the Storm is one of my favorite blue covers though.

// Which book do you have the fondest memories of?

Literally anything by Wanda Brunstetter. Well, anything that's not a recent release. I read most of her  Amish books when I was younger. I carried The Hope Chest into a tree and spent nearly the whole day there, lost in the story. Another book (Looking for a Miracle, perhaps) went with me into the back of a dog house where I read...and got trapped there by two dogs that decided to reclaim their home... *ahem* Story for another time. ;) 

// Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?

There have been a couple books that I had to finish to review, but I can't think of anything that I really struggled with, other than just not having the time for it... 

// Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it?

A classic, probably. xD Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, to name one.

Since I wasn't tagged I'm not going to tag anyone, but if y'all would like to do this, you should totally steal it from me. ;)

Hope y'al enjoyed! Who's your favorite booktuber?


  1. I love Lindsey!! She's probably my favorite booktuber since I don't know a lot of them. Great answers! This tag sounds like fun, but I have WAAAAYYYYY to many piled up to steal any, lol. XD

    1. Me toooo!!! She's so super sweet. :D Haha, thanks! Yeah...I'm behind on tags too... :P

  2. Oh yes, I saw Lindey’s video of this tag! It’s such a fun tag. :D I loved your version of it!


  3. I remember Lindsey doing this tag. It was a lot of fun and reading your answers was super fun too!
    “Promise Me This” sounds good. I think the Titanic is interesting to read about. Sad but interesting.
    I like your fondest memories answer. :)
    Hmm…I may just have to do this tag sometime. ;D

    1. Her video was so fun! Thanks, Rebe! :)
      I does sound good! I'm interested in reading about the Titanic too, but yes, so sad. :'(
      Hehe, thanks. ;)
      You should! :D

  4. Oh, I loved Lindsey's video, and I was about to steal it for myself, so I'll just borrow it from you ;D Your answers were great!

    ~ Abby

    1. Haha, how fun! ;D You totally should! Thanks, Abby!

  5. What a fun tag! I might have to do this one on my blog too, at some point. :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. I'd love to see your answers, Rachel! :) Thanks for reading! <3

  6. This is so neat! I've never looked at Lindsey's channel , but certainly will! Might just swipe this tag too;)

    1. You should, Ryana! Her videos are sooo fun and bookish. :D Go for it. xD

  7. This looks like such a fun tag!! I loved Lindsey video too! Ahhh yes!! When I was younger, I literally read The Hope Chest in one day and loved it!! Same with Looking for a Miracle!! They were SO entertaining!!!

    1. Isn't she awesome?! :D That one was so good—and Looking for a Miracle too! Ahh, good books. :D

  8. I found Wanda’s recent books not nearly as good as her first books.

  9. Faith! Oh my goodness, I am so touched by your & everyone's sweet words about BFCG and our BookTube channel! I'm honestly crying from them all. Y'all are the best and I'm sending big hugs to all y'all! <3
    I adored reading your answers to this tag! I love how you picked a Mandie book for one! Such a classic. And I have that Sarah Sundin book on my TBR! I agree that the cover is so pretty. :)

    1. Sending hugs right back, Lindsey!! :) <3 The tag was so much fun!
      Ahh, the Mandie series is so dear. <3 Me too! Her books are quite lovely.

      Thank you so much for commenting!!

  10. I don't actually watch any Booktubers (just don't have time) but this was a super fun tag! I remember reading Mandy when I was younger ;D

    1. Lindsey is the only booktuber I watch. ;) Thanks, Faith! Those books are so good. <3

  11. This is a fun tag! I don’t really watch any booktubers... From This Moment Sounds interesting, have you read anything else besides that by Elizabeth Camden?

    1. Thanks! :D It was quite good! I have not, but I would like to... Oh, wait—yes, I have! I read "Summer of Dreams", the prequel novella to "From This Moment". ;)

    2. I looked up her books at the library where I live and they don’t have From This Moment but they do have other books by her so I may read some of her books sometime. :)

    3. There are several of her other books that I want to read. Her writing is really good. :D

  12. I am totally gonna sorta cheat and use my Kindle instead because I don't have that many print books. ;P

    1. Find a book for each of your initials.
    Sooo. . . I arrange my books alphabetically on my Kindle, so I just took the first books in each letter (except for L, because the first Line book is actually French xP. Its “Le Livre d'histoires: Récits Scientifques” par Jean-Henri Fabre).

    K—“Kilmeny of the Orchard” by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
    H—“Hans Brinker, or, The Silver Skates” by Mary Mapes Dodge.
    L—“Left to Die” by Ivy Rose.

    2. Count your age along your bookshelf. What book is it?
    Starting at A, #17 is “The Adventures of Prickly Porky” by Thornton W. Burgess.

    3. Pick a book set in your country.
    “The Settlers in Canada” by Frederick Marryat. It's even set in my province, Québec! ;) *checks to make sure* Or actually. . . I'm not sure about that. :P Are they in Upper or Lower Canada?? I don't remember. :P

    4. Pick a book that represents a destination you'd love to travel to.
    Hm! I'd love to go back to Prince Edward Island (. . . seriously. . . have you ever been there?? It's literally like you stepped into Montgomery's books. Literally. You *have* to visit some day. Really). So I'm going with “Anne of Green Gables.” Did you see that coming? xD

    5. Pick a book that is your favorite color.
    I don't have a favorite color. So can I pick *a* favourite cover? Thanks. I. just. love. the cover of “Jonas & Olivia” by Victoria Minks. EPIC. <3

    6. Which book do you have the fondest memories of?
    This would be a very hard question. . . but I've just started rereading “Heidi” by Johanna Spyri and I remembered just how much I read this and how much I loved it. <3

    7. Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?
    Hm. Well, recently I was rereading “Happy Jack” by Thornton W. Burgess, because I am reading though my Kindle alphabetically (from Z-A ��). I'm reading the books I haven't read yet since I got my Kindle, so they're not highlighted (I'm a Kindle-highlighting nerd) and also because after drawing up a list of 100 books and having always a TBR right after finishing one, last year, I was unable to just wander through my books and pick one. It's kinda complicated. Anyways. So I wasn't particularly wanting to read it right then. ;)

    8. Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it?
    *checks* I have Volumes II and III of Sir Winston Churchill's Second World War books. I really wanna read them but I can't till I get Volume I and I'm waiting for it to get on sale. ;P So it'll be a big thing when I finish those three first volumes (and of course I'm getting the rest. You had to ask? ;P)

    ~Katja L.

    1. Hehe, that works. ;)

      Ahh, "Left to Die" is amazing! So is Anne of Green Gables. (I want to go to Prince Edward Island sooo bad!! From photos, it looks absolutely lovely! :D) Oh, yes, the cover of "Jonas & Olivia" is truly darling. <3 I really must read "Heidi"!

      Thanks so much for sharing your answers, Katja!! I really enjoyed reading them. :D
