
Monday, December 17, 2018

12 Days of Christmas // How Christmas Changes Year to Year

Good morning, all!

Whew. I keep saying I'm going to take the time to catch up on everyone's posts, but it (obviously) hasn't happened yet. I was house/pet-sitting Thursday—Saturday, then we had company Saturday night. Yesterday, regular church services, play practice, the play performance, the Christmas dinner, and clean-up meant I was at church for 7.5 hours. Not that I added it up. And today I'm going Christmas shopping, then starting another dog-sitting job tomorrow. Did I mention I have homework due, a story to finish, and gifts to wrap?

Yup, Christmas-craziness. ;) But I'll get around to the posts, I'm sure. Probably more information than y'all wanted, though, yes?

Today I want to talk about how, when you stop and look back, you realize that Christmas changes each year.

(Oh, and don't forget to enter the fabulous giveaway!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

// How Christmas Changes Year to Year

Christmas will always be special, always memorable and dear.'s not always the same, is it?

It isn't. Loved ones pass away or move to another state. Siblings and cousins grow up, go to college, or get married. The family gatherings change each year.

With each passing year, the world shifts the spotlight closer toward the amount of money spent on gifts, the gadgets and merriment, and less time is spent considering the babe in the manger.

When I was young, one parent would take me and my brother shopping to pick out a gift for the opposite parent, and then the other would do the same. It's so different now. I pick out gifts and order most things online, arguing with my brother about who gets to meet the UPS truck—laughing when Mom insists on doing it herself to cover the labels on the packages.

Each year holds something different, something special. Challenges and struggles, yes, but happy times and laughter too. Each year changes us and—hopefully—draws us closer to God, nearer to the person He wants us to be. It's only fitting that, as we celebrate His birth each year, things feel a bit different in our hearts.

So when we stop and see how Christmas is changing, maybe we're looking at it wrong.

Maybe Christmas isn't what's changing. Maybe it's us.

And maybe that's okay.

// today's schedule 

RebekahAshleigh || Five Fun Christmas Party Ideas

The Peculiar Messenger || Books

Inside Out Designs || Writing a Christmas Story

The Ramblings of a Bookworm || The Prescott's Family Christmas Part 2

I Like That || Just for a laugh... Christmas 2018 Edition!

Chosen Vessels || In the Dark Streets Shineth {Book Review}

Lit Aflame || 4 DIY Gift Ideas

Read Another Page || Colors of Christmas

Life of Heritage || Christmas Book Review

Resting Life || Why So Joyful, World? // Joy to the World! // Joy

Hands Made to Love || Guest Post: A Homemade Christmas

How does Christmas change each year in your life? Eight more days! 


  1. Eight days! Ahh! The excitement mounteth!

    Christmas changes for us every year, because we are usually welcoming a new family member! Either a baby or spouse!

  2. Sounds like you are really busy! I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner!

  3. Great post, Faith. <3 It is definitely interesting how each Christmas is different, with either new things, new traditions, or new people. This Christmas will be a little different for my family as well. We had a lot of "presents" throughout the year (including a family trip to Colorado this past summer!), so we're not doing quite so many gifts as we've done before. Also, my mom came up with the neat idea this year for all of us to pick out a special verse for each family member and give it to them on a card or something like that on Christmas day to help remind us all of the value and gift of God's Word. :)

    1. Yes, for sure. Aww, that's a great idea. We've did that in the past as well. :) Oh, I love your mom's idea! That's so special!

  4. You know, I have absolutely NO presents yet *facepalm* Why I do I ALWAYS wait until last minute? Ack! XD

    1. Haha! At the time I wrote this, I had very few, sooo.... XD You got this!
