
Saturday, December 8, 2018

Behold // blog tour // Day Four + Fav Indie Christmases

Happy last day of the blog tour, friends! <3

Thank you all so much for joining me in the tour. It means a lot to have such a supportive community!

Unfortunately, at the time I'm writing this (11:20 pm), paperback still hasn't been approved on Amazon. The files were rejected, but I got that worked out and re-submitted, so hopefully soon... Hey, maybe by the time you're reading this I'll have deleted this paragraph and instead inserted a link to the paperback version. ;D

The final four stops on the tour are linked below—spotlights and reviews today. Give them a read!

Angela Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger >> spotlight
Gracelyn @ Literatura >> spotlight
Serethiel @ The Book Sprite >> spotlight & review
Abigail @ Books, Life, and Christ >> spotlight & review

Favorite Indie Christmases

Today, I'm spotlighting two of my favorite indie Christmas stories. Yes, I've read many more than two—and picking was rather difficult—but I have so many book reviews and recommendations planned for the 12 Days of Christmas party (starting next week!), y'all will have to settle for these. ;)

~ A Christmas Peril by Diane Moody (The Teacup Novellas, #5) ~ 

I love this story so much, my peoples. Like, I can't even explain how or why or anything. It's so dear, so good, so precious. <3

I'm currently reading it for the third (or fourth?) time. It has just about everything a love in a story—contemporary, WWII, sweet romance, a good Christmas tale, and plenty of injuries and some angst. *wink*

~ As in Olden Days by Jesseca Wheaton (Questions of War, #0.5) ~

Ahhh, this story is so darling. For anyone who loves sweet, simple Christmas stories of family, love, and good times—give this one a read.

And if you're a fan of the Questions of War series, you definitely need to grab this little gem! <3

What's your favorite Christmas story, indie or otherwise? Do you plan to grab a copy of Behold? 


  1. Don't worry, Faith!! I'm sure "Behold" will be up on Amazon soon! <3
    "A Christmas Peril" is a good one! I haven't read it in awhile so I don't remember a ton about it, but maybe I should fix that. ;)

    1. Thank you, dear! <3
      It's sooo good! Hehe, agreed. ;) I'm hoping to finish it today!

  2. Yep, I plan to grab a copy of Behold once it's released in paperback! :) (hope that's soon!) Hmm, I may need to check out these two books... Funny thing is, I haven't read As In Olden Days, and yet I've read the other Questions of War books. I'm going to need to fix that soon... ;)

    1. Aww, yay! :D
      Yes, yes, do! Oooh, I totally suggest reading As in Olden Days then! It's a sweet, little story. <3

  3. It's so exciting to have your book up, and I can't wait till the paperbacks are available! :)

    1. Thanks so much for the support, Brooklyne! :D
