
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Book Buddy Collab Tag | w/ Bestie Kate

Happy Tuesday, my pals! *throws up a peace sign*

My friend Kaitlyn asked me to do this tag with her, so we're giving it a shot. :D   There will be lots of question marks. Because I'm apparently a horrible and/or non-observant friend. So. Consider this your warning. But it's a lot of fuuunnnn.


~ Thank the blogger that tagged you. Link back to the creator.  >> Kate was tagged by Katja @ Little Blossoms for Jesus.
~ Pick a bookish blogger friend to do the tag with you and contact them.  >> Thanks, Kate! <3
~ Coordinate so that your bookish buddy posts their part of the tag on the same day as you. Be sure to link to their post/blog on yours! >> Done! You can read Kate's post and her answers about me here.
~ Answer the questions given. Comment on your buddy’s post to let them know how well they answered! >> Ahahaha, we shall see.
~ Tag five other bookish bloggers and give them a set of 10 new questions. >> Ehhh, I'm kinda skipping out on that. If you want to do it, consider yourself tagged. xD

What's your buddy's favorite book-to-movie adaption?

I...have no idea. Like, I'm not even lying or wimping out. I can't even think of a movie adaption that we've talked about, even though I'm sure I'm overlooking something... Maybe Narnia?

What's their favorite cliché/trope?

Strong sibling bonds, especially brothers. If that's considered a trope. xD  This gal has written this trope several times and enjoys reading it too. (right??)

What's their favorite movie? 

A western. I think? She's definitely a westerns gal, but she's also been known to enjoy shows like Walker Texas Ranger, Seal Team, Hogan's Heroes...but that's series, not movies, sooo. I'm going with westerns.

What is their least favorite genre? 

Other than, like, horror, because I feel like that's a given...romance. For sure. (Notice how I feel like I'm probably getting that one right? This is most likely a false sense of achievement.)

Do they check reviews before buying or reading a book, or just dive right in? 

Sometimes? She'll sometimes ask friends their opinion about a book she's considering reading or buying if they've read it, or read friend's reviews, but not just random reviews on Da Web.

What’s your buddy’s all-time favorite character?

....wat. I don't knowwww. She's not one to fangirl over characters like, uh, some of us have been known to do. I want to say one of her own characters, but I feel like that might be considered cheating... *wracks brain* Eddie from Beloved or Erich from A Question of Honor—my best guesses.

Can you name three of their favorite nonfictions? 

Nonfiction? She doesn't read much nonfiction... Can I just say the Bible? Because I can't think of a single nonfiction she's read in the time I've known her... the Bible, the Old Testament, and the New Testament. There we go. Three.

What's their favorite series? 

Hey, one I actually have a chance of getting right... The Questions of War series by Jesseca Wheaton is my pick for top favorite. I believe Triple Creek Ranch by Rebekah Morris is a favorite series, as well. Along with...something by Dee Henderson. *nods*

Does your buddy enjoy buddy-reading? 

I don't...know if she even has? Like, officially, anyway. I can see her enjoying that type of thing or like a book club, though.

Does your buddy like to snack while reading?

*bangs head* I know I have a friend—maybe more than one—who refuses to get food near books, but I don't think it's her, sooo... I'm going to go with, yes, she snacks while reading.

*dashes off to read Kate's post*

do you know your book buddy(s) better than I do? xD


  1. #1 you got pretty's a toss-up between Narnia (I'd actually forgotten about that XD) and Savage Sam. But to pick just one, probablyyyy Savage Sam.
    #2 - nailed it🎉
    #3 - yep, pretty much any western between 1940 and 1990. XD as for TV shows, I do love HH and ST, but WTR is a bit cheesy. XD if I were to pick a fave show,'d probably have to be a western. Again. XD
    #4 - you didn't even have to ask if that one's right. XD
    #5 - right on!
    #6 - Eddie is my fave from Beloved, but Gil is my fave from AQoH. I wouldn't call them my all-time favorites, tho...but idek who is. XD
    #7 - *laughs* pretty much! I've read a couple of Priscilla Shirer's devotionals and loved them, tho..
    #8 - close! QoW is one fave, but TCR is probably some of my least favorite Rebekah Morris books. I've got soooo many favorite series...but I'd have to say that my top fave would be the Sgt. Major Eric Moyer series by Jeff Struecker & Alton Gansky.
    #9 & 10 - good job👌

    1. I've never even heard of Savage Sam (I don't think?). *snickers* The TV shows were basically guesses—I remember you mentioning WTR at some point in time. OH WESTERN—Laramie, was it? Why didn't I think of that? xD
      Ahhhh, Gil... Yeah, I think my tears erased him from my memory...
      OH I FORGOT ABOUT THOSE. I knew there was a series you'd read more recently, but I couldn't think of the titles and I didn't wanna cheat and snoop. xD

      Thanks for asking me to do this with you, dearie <3

  2. Ahahahah, so much fun to read!!! XD Its crazy the number of stuff you DON’T know about your buddy when you sit down to think about it, lol!!

  3. This is great :''D I ought to try this with my best friend sometime.

  4. What a fun tag, but definitely some harder questions! ;)
