
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

My Top Five Reads of 2019

Happy Tuesday, pals. I'm jumping on the bandwagon and sharing my top reads of 2019. Enjoy the recs and take a moment to appreciate my lousy photography skills. xD

Clara's Soldier by Brittany Fichter

Oh my stars, you guys. I assumed I would enjoy this book when I read the synopsis. But-but...THIS BOOK.

  • a retelling of the Nutcracker 
  • tender, beautiful WWII love story 
  • just enough hints of mystery and intrigue to give a magical feel
  • the sacrifices of loving someone broken <33

The Mercy by Beverly Lewis

As some of you already knew or had gathered, I used to read a ton of Amish fiction. Like, a TON. I don't read as much as I used to, but I read this trilogy last year and thoroughly enjoyed the story and the trip down memory lane.

  • elegant and poetic writing style, even while depicting the ins and outs of daily life in a small Amish community 
  • bittersweet saga of love and the warmth of a family 
  • much more engaging and thoughtful than the typical amish-girl-meets-english-boy plot
  • a full circle story of love ultimately bringing you home <33

Made for the Journey by Elisabeth Elliot

Hey, look, a non-fic made the list. My favorite nonfiction of 2019, out of the ten I read last year, penned by a hero of the faith.

  • recounting life anecdotes, thoughts, and lessons of Elliot's first introduction to the jungles of South America  
  • vulnerable struggles and challenging questions, presented in journalistic prose
  • thoughtful reflections from the mission field <33
  • { review here }

When Christmas Comes Again by Beth Seidel Levine

A book I grabbed from the library on a whim, relying solely on the fact that I've adored nearly all the other books I've read from the Dear America series. Needless to say, I was not disappointed.

  • touching inside view of the heart, mind, and life of one of the Allies' first "Hello Girls" of the First World War
  • a personal and descriptive account of the brutalities of war, told through a seventeen-year-old girl
  • patriotism, grief, family, and hope
  • survival of young love in the midst of war <33

Beloved by Kaitlyn Krispense 

This geeeemmmm. My friend and I dual-released novels last fall, that both dealt with the infamous topic of suicide. As you know, this is hers. <3

  • an estranged teen in need of love, family, and home 
  • the epic gang of brothers, who's methods of connection aren't always as heartfelt as their intentions  
  • finding a reason to live <33
  • { review here }

what's your top read(s) of 2019? favorite book so far this year? 


  1. ahh I was the same way, I read SO much Amish fiction back in the day LOL
    and I've heard so many good things about Clara's Soldier!! I need it nowwwww! xD

    1. right?? like, I still do some, but at the time it was THE THING.
      OMW it was the most precious story <33

  2. Yes, “Beloved” and “The Mercy” are both so so good!!
    I should look into these other ones.
    My top reads of 2019 were: “Katie in Waiting”, “Beloved”, “Becoming Us”, and "The Tinderbox" and "The Timepiece". :)

    1. Yes, yes, yes! <3
      Sounds like good choices! Noticing a trend with those last two ;)

  3. Ahh, these all look like good reads! I like how you staged the book pics! ;)

    1. thank you! I spent way too much time on it, haha xD

  4. Clara's Soldier sounds really good! Great photos! ;)

  5. I just got When Christmas Comes again and Beloved! Need to read them. And even though I don't care for romance Clara's Soldier!

    O To Be Like Thee by Kassie Angle was my #1 favorite from last year. Then Worth Dying for by Roarke Denver, Let's Roll by Lisa Beamer, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and Wedding Score by Amanda Tero.

    My favorite this year so far is Tattered Wings by Kassie Angle!

    1. Oh my goodness, I think you're going to love those :D Clara's Soldier was sweet too, and it wasn't super romancy. It really focused on what love is really about, which I adored.

      Ahhh, I still need to read Kassie's debut! Others sound great as well, I'm hoping to read Let's Roll & Unbroken this year. ;)

      TW was incredible! <333

  6. My favorites of 2019 are My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie and Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell.

    1. My Dear Hamilton looks like a particularly intriguing read. :D
