
Saturday, February 15, 2020

WCTH Party 2020 ~ Series Overview pt.2

Welcome back to day three, friends! I'm sharing the second half of my series overview, and you can find Rebekah's post here! There will be spoilers, so beware. ;)

|| Season Four 

Favorite part of season four? The long overdue proposal. xD I was glad that Jack and Elizabeth finally got engaged, especially since we know he's been carrying around an engagement ring since the end of season two. (Talk about a man who takes his time...ahem.)

Other than that, there's lots of story material with the railroad and the possibility of the railroad coming to town. Elizabeth is fired as teacher, during a Gowen-instigated scandal. Dr. Carson Shepherd comes to town. Jack is off to an assignment in the Northern Territories. We get to meet a young friend of Jack's (Doug! <3), who's afterwards killed in the line of duty.

Most of the favorite characters are present, and each have their own stories to tell—Rosemary and Lee, Bill Avery, Abigail Stanton and Cody, Frank Hogan, and Henry Gowen. Overall, it's a pretty great season.

|| Season Five 

Ummm....what?  << my original thoughts

To be honest, I wasn't really thrilled with season five. It was okay. I still watched it. But I felt like nothing really happened. Without Jack and Elizabeth's wedding occurring mid-season, and the death of Hope Valley's hero near the end of the season (*SOB*), there really would have been nothing to give this season any sort of substance.

Elizabeth's sister, Julie, visits. Carson has a new romance. A.J. Foster returns. Frank and Abigail break-up. And others. But it's all small little happenings that are quickly resolved or don't even take up much screen time, and that weren't really (in my opinion) enough to build a whole season on. There's no major, driving purpose to the whole thing. Without the wedding and death to build on, it would've been worse.

But yeah. I still watched. xD  As horrid as it sounds, the final/death episode might've been the strongest of the whole season...

|| Season Six 

Ahhhhaaa. I like this. After all the sadness and not-that-great-ness of season five (and parts of S4), season six felt like a much-needed attempt at redemption. To me, it felt much more like the earlier seasons and less like the lame and/or rather dramatic S4 and S5. ;)

Why? Things are happening. Carson and Faith begin a relationship. Jesse and Clara are getting serious about a life together. Rosemary and Lee are afraid they can't have kids. The telephone comes to town. Elizabeth is juggling teaching and raising Baby Jack. And new faces are showing up in town—the telephone operator girl who's name I can never remember, Lucas Bouchard, and the Mountie Nathan Grant and his niece.

Yes, there's a new Mountie in town—something we all knew was inevitably coming, whether we're over Jack or not. And, ya know, I kinda like him. He's raising his niece, which is kinda adorable—and which has him frequently in contact with Allie's teacher, the widowed Ms. Elizabeth Thornton. How ironic... *wink*

And as for Lucas, I'm still not sure what to make of him. I'm still convinced he's some kind of criminal...but I do have a history of not trusting new characters, soooo. xD

During the airing of S6, it was put on hold for like two months when Abigail's character had to be cut and parts re-worked. Although I did love her character, the cast still remains strong and entertaining.

|| Giveaway 

We're giving away two When Calls the Heart DVDs each to two separate winners. To enter, simply comment here on my post and/or on Rebekah's! Every comment published beneath a participating post, throughout the four days of the party, will count as a giveaway entry. More comments = more chances!

Today is the last day to enter! Winners announced tomorrow. :D

which season is your favorite? 


  1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on these later seasons. I actually kind of like season 4. My favorite episode in that season is for sure the proposal! <3
    I’m so glad that at least Jack and Elizabeth got married before he died.
    I really liked season 6 too! I seriously am so excited for season 7!! :D I’m mostly excited for the whole Elizabeth/Nathan/Lucas thing. ;)

    1. Season Four had some good parts, it just wasn't my favorite. :)
      Me too! And she has Baby Jack <3
      Bahaha, I'm sure that will be played out in S7 ;)

  2. Favorite season 4, haven't watched 6 yet......

  3. Ive enjoyed all your posts!!!❤❤
    So excited to see who won the giveaway!!!


  4. I'm glad that season six has some better writing. Thank you for the overview.

    1. I think S6 is going places! Thank you for following the party :D
