
Thursday, September 3, 2020

What a Year.

Hey there, lovelies <3 

I wanted to hop on tonight to share a few things with y'all + find out how everyone is doing. It's been a hot minute, eh? What a wacky summer—and year—this turned out to be....

*hums a George Strait song* 

(If ya know, ya know.)

• My summer has been super busy. With, uh, work work and yeah, that's about it. :P  But hey, that's okay. It's been good, too. I recently switched from 40-45 hours a week to a much calmer 20-25 hours, because... announcement forthcoming... 

• I started college this month. WHAT THE WHAT. I feel so weird and grown-up-ish making such a proclamation. But yeah, it's true. It's actually happening. Full time student, even attending on campus. (Please stay away, Covid.)  Pretty crazy, man. 

• The week before school started, I went to the beach with some sweet friends. (See lovely shot above <3) And it was...amazing. Don't even have words to describe how fantastic and muchly needed those four days were. As I told a coworker when they asked how my trip was, "So good that I didn't want to come home." Total truth, homies. 

• Many indie authors have released books over the summer or will be releasing soon. Because life has been slightly (bahaha) crazy, I've neglected to participate in their launches and/or didn't do as much as I would've liked. So, over the coming weeks and months, I'll be doing bookish posts on Thursdays. Indie releases, reviews, spotlights, etc. Every Thursday? Ehh, probably not. We'll see how much I have time for. ;) 

• Not sure how I feel about the new Blogger layout? I think I like it, but I keep having to re-find things. xD  Speaking of Blogger, I've turned on comment moderation after receiving lots of ugly comments lately. I've never used that feature before, but it's making things easier right now. 

• I haven't been writing much lately...which is kinda sad. Because, honestly, I would love to be writing. But I don't have much time or energy for it. If I'm not working, attending classes, or doing homework, I'm spending time with family, catching up with friends, or occasionally reading a book. So yeah, any tips for better organizing my life to find more time in the day (or just, ya know, surviving on like 2 hours sleep per night) would be greatly appreciated. 

how's the year going for you? 

any new students, new releases, or new life changes? 



  1. Heyyyy!!!
    I know. What a year ðŸĪŠ
    I’m really just dealing with change and dealing with sadness.
    But I am so glad to hear from you ♥️
    Congrats college student!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

    1. It feels like it's been a year of sadness for many people I know. Big hugs <3
      thank you!

  2. Well, this year has been crazy... I lost two grandparents, but am about to gain a niece, I released my fourth Civil War book, am working to have three books ready by next year, and am currently preparing for a revival and some company!

    1. So sorry for you loss, dear. <3 Enjoy your company! ;)

  3. Congradulations on collage! That is so exciting!
    Your vacation sounds awesome! =D
    I'm not a huge fan of the new blogger either, but I'm learning to ajust. I've done comment moderation since I've started, and it's pretty nice for keeping nasty comments off. =P
    I just started working 20 hours a week, so I haven't been writing a lot lately either. That might be due to the fact that I have the time managament skills of a carrot through. ;P
    I'm looking foreward to Roseanna White's new book A Portrait of Loyalty. I have it pre-ordered so I should be getting it pretty soon. =)

    1. Thank you, my dear <3
      I hadn't been on lately, so I wasn't sure when things switched over. xD It probably is more user friendly? I just feel like I'm having to relearn things. Moderation is awesome!
      Ahhaha, I relate to that sentimental. Fellow carrot here ;)
      That one looks super lovely!

    2. Ehh, the new blogger has a lot of bugs. =P I'm not a fan, but now you can't switch back so I'm kind of forced to ajust. XD
      Haha, carrots unite. XD

    3. Blehhh, that's annoying. I haven't really used it enough to form an opinion tho xD

  4. Congrats on starting college! I started grad school last month, and working full time while going to school full time (online, but still) is taking longer to get used to than I expected. Kudos for tentatively setting a reasonable posting schedule; I'm still figuring out what will work for me. The only advice I have is to use a planner, get things in it early (I have all my assignments for the semester outlined, and I add my work schedule and other things in a month at a time) AND designate a time to check in with your planner! I do this at least once a week, because sometimes I think I know what is going on and ignore it for a while, only to find out that I missed something I had written down.

    Have a great fall/semester!

    1. Woohoo, go you! (Random info. My ASL prof is teaching multiple courses, working a full time job, raising 3 kids, AND doing grad school. Like bro how O.O) Great advice there! My planner saves me on a regular basis. xD

      you too, Jana! <3

  5. CONGRATTTSSS ON COLLEGE!!!! SOO proud of you!!

  6. Relate so much to this <3 So excited to see what God’s going to do in your life in this new season.
    Praying for you <3 <3

  7. Hey Faith. :) That’s a beautiful picture!
    Congratulations on starting college. I hope it goes great for you. You’ve got this. <3
