
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

12 Days of Christmas || Day 10 || Celebration of LIGHT

Another random peek into the Christmastime ponderings of Faith on this Christmas Eve Eve... 

Christmas is a celebration of light. Of all that is good in the world. Of goodwill toward men. Of looking out for each other. Of kind deeds and words of love. 

A celebration of light in darkness. 

We celebrate with earthly, glowing, shimmering lights. Christmas lights on houses and in yards. Christmas trees adorned in strands of light, whether glowing white or hues of varying color. The light of candles inside homes and at Christmas candlelight services. Lights shining against nativity scenes and Christmas settings on street corners. Lighted snowflakes, angels, and stars stretch out from streetlamps. 

Everything is lit and glowing at Christmastime. 

But also, more importantly, its a celebration of the Light that came into the world that long-ago night in the village of Bethlehem. The Light that came to save us from our inherent sinfulness. The Light that would once and for always break the bonds of darkness. 

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

// John 1:5

The secular world, while claiming no allegiance to Christ, still unknowing celebrates light at Christmas. Christmas lights are still put up, candles are lit, lights adorn everything. Yes, because they’re pretty, but we don't do it year round. 

They're all reminders of light in darkness. They're a demonstration that goodness can still overpower evil. No, not because of any goodness that we may think to obtain without ourselves, but because of the goodness of God. 

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light.  
// Ephesians 5:8

Christmas is a season of sharing light and spreading light. Not just holding onto it and keeping it for yourself, but sharing it with those around you so that all can benefit from seeing the Light inside of us. 

For many, 2020 has been a particularly dark year. If you don't feel like your light is very bright this year, that's okay. It was never your light to begin with. God can and will still shine His Light through you, even when we don't feel good enough or faithful enough. Hold your light out and like God do the work and have all the glory. 

Even after a year like 2020, we can still celebrate LIGHT. 

|| 12 Days of Christmas

3 Traditional Christmas Foods @ Little Blossoms for Jesus

5 Things I Want to Do on Christmas @ Life of Heritage

12 Days of Christmas — Day Ten @ Soldier Girl Stories

Book Review: The Women of Christmas by Liz Curtis Higgs @ Reviews from the Stacks

A Christmasy Story, Part 2 @ Farm Life: Autumn's Adventures

Favorite Christmas Books @ Angela Watts, Author

In Which I Attempt to Write a Christmas Story @ Faith on the Farm

Why He Came @ Showers of Blessings

what has made you pause and appreciate the Light among us this year? 


  1. Wow, I love this! And it surprisingly goes so well with my own post today! I’m so thankful that we serve a God whose light overcomes the worlds darkness. <3 Thank you for sharing this post!

  2. Such a great reminder!

  3. I needed this ♥️
    A very dark day for me. Thanks for the sharing of hope ❤️

  4. This is why I celebrate Hanukkah ��

  5. I thought about this at candlelight service while holding that little flickering flame. <3 Thank you for the simple yet profound reminder of the Light Jesus is to us!

    1. That little flickering flame that, in darkness, brings so much light, yes yes <3
