
Monday, December 14, 2015

12 Days of Christmas ~ Introduction

Well, everyone, the time has come! It's officially time for 12 Days of Christmas to begin! Are you all as excited as I am? I hope so! We're going to have so much fun. :) 
If we all lived near each other we would have a 'real' Christmas party, but all things considering this is as good as we can do. :D 

Jesseca Dawn made this festive and Christmas-y blog 'ad' for us :) Thank you, Jesseca! For those of you participating (or even if you're not and you would just like to spread the word about this ^_^), please feel free to put it on your blog and link back here. :) 

There's going to be tons of great things going on these next (almost) two weeks! :) Christmas stories and poems, reviews of Christmas books and movies, Christmas recipes and traditions, the stories behind Christmas songs, pictures of Christmas trees and snowy scenes (hey, that rhymes!), and oodles of other Christmas-y stuff! By the way, are any of y'all counting how many times I've said "Christmas" so far? =D
I have a few other things to mention and then I'll let y'all get on to today's fun! 

Everyday on this blog, there will be a quote from the book "Christmas Tidings" at either the beginning or end of my post. :) 
Here's today's... 

List of bloggers participating. 

And finally...the Line-up for Today's Fun! 
~ Visit Rebekah's Remarks for a Christmas poem! 
~ Visit Counting Your Blessings One by One for the history of "Silent Night" and some fun facts! 
~ Visit Whimscial Writings for another introductory post and the story behind the song of "I'll be Home for Christmas"! 

** I apologize for not getting this posted earlier this morning. My family and I are heading off right now for a one night get-away to do so Christmas shopping, etc. It's sort of a right-before-Christmas tradition; something we've did every year for as long as I can remember. :) But no worries. I've got a couple hour car ride ahead of me, so I'll make sure tomorrow's post is scheduled ahead of time. :) 

Thank you for reading! Be sure to check out everyone else's blogs! 
Merry Christmas! 


  1. I am so excited about the 12 Days of Christmas fun that all of us are going to have! : )
    Thank you so much, Faith, for putting it together. : )
    Have a great time out Christmas shopping with your family!

    1. Yes we are! Thank YOU, Rebekah! =D
      I'm sure we will. :) Thank you for commenting!

  2. I'm excited as well! I think I may have mentioned that. . . ;)
    I feel like I'm actually "going" to a Christmas party! I know I'm already having a lot of fun!
    You're welcome! :) I'm glad you liked it. ;)
    And thank you so much for the "12 Days of Christmas" idea and all the work you've put into it! :D
    Have a great time Christmas shopping! I'm sure you all are enjoying the getaway! :)

    1. Yes, it's so, so much fun!!! :D I'm like super, duper excited! (Can I possibly use anymore 'fancy' words??)
      We're enjoying it very much! Well...Tucker is enjoying the hotel pool...but yeah. :)
      Thanks for commenting, Jesseca!

  3. This is going to be an amazing 12 days!! Soooo excited!! :D Wonderful idea,'re a genius! ;)

    1. I don't know about that but... :D Thank you, Blessing!! I'm super excited too!
      Thanks for commenting!

  4. This can be so exciting. Love the idea of 12 days before Christmas. Have fun guys!!!

    Christmas poems
