
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Christmas Peril by Diane Moody ~ Book Review

(Due to the fact that this is an ebook and I cannot simple copy down the description from the back cover of the book, I borrowed the following summary, which is in bold, from Amazon. Just to clarify it is not mine. :D) 

Lucy Alexander's Teacup Novellas were inspired by a collection of vintage teacups her Aunt Lucille bequeathed to her. She's excited about writing the next book in the series, a Christmas tale loosely based on her aunt and uncle's love story set in the 1940s. But when a hostage situation lands Lucy's boyfriend in the hospital, she sets her work aside to keep a bedside vigil with Mark. As the long hours of waiting stretch on, Lucy starts to read her beloved aunt's handwritten diary. Shocked to discover a frightening story so eerily similar to the one she's living, Lucy longs to find hope and encouragement in the pages of Lucille's diary.

December 1944 - "The most wonderful things seem to happen when you least expect them," writes Lucille Alexander after a serendipitous meeting with Gary Reynolds, a handsome lieutenant home on leave from the war in Europe. The two are inseparable in the five precious days he has left before heading back overseas just weeks before Christmas. On their last morning together, Lucille accompanies Gary to the train station, already dreading the long separation ahead. But that would be the least of her worries after her brave lieutenant rushes to help an elderly woman in distress.

Lucy finds a strange solace in her namesake's ink-stained journal. Though seventy years have passed between them, would their stories have the same ending?

 I found this delightful little read thanks to Bookbub. It was free, the cover caught my interest so I skimmed the brief summary. Hmmm...WWII Christian romance. Sounds like something I'd enjoy. I clicked to download it to my kindle library and I didn't think another thing about it for...oh, a day or two I think it was. :) 
 One Saturday night, I was exhausted. I think all the work and eventful-ness of the past month had finally caught up with me. I took a shower and went to bed. I'm not kidding - I didn't even care if I ate supper! Yep, so not me. :) 
So yeah. After a much desired shower, I crawled into bed with my iPad. After checking my emails and a few other things, I somehow ended up looking through my ebooks. After skimming a few of them and nothing catching my interest, I ended up engrossed in this one. I was in love with these characters and this unique, interesting storyline from page one. 
Lucy is so amazing and I could really relate to her. She is a writer (*fangirl squeals*) and she also has a hard time verbally expressing her emotions. 

Mark is just the best. Even though we don't get to see much of his personality (due to a reason which for spoilers sake I shall not discuss here) except through Lucy and his sister, Shelly, he was immediately a favorite as well. =) He works for UPS and is Lucy's boyfriend. 
Chad is Lucy's brother. I don't know what it is but I always, always love the older-brother/protector characters. I don't know why, but I do. :) So yeah, Chad's great. He takes great care of Lucy and Gertie (Lucy's dog). 
Shelly is Mark's older sister. She has a amazing personality and a wonderful go-get-it-done outlook on life. Her great relationship with Mark, her younger brother, is really evident through the story. The following quote is my favorite of her's but it's a semi-spoiler (if there even is such a thing...) So if you don't want the spoiler, skip the below picture and go on to the rest of my review. ;) 

Those were the four main characters, I would say. Lucy & Chad's and Mark & Shelly's parents were really great too. :) 
So you already have this amazing story, then you throw in a love story from the WWII era (which is my favorite anyways!) and it becomes serendipitous! :) I'm not kidding. I can't think of a single negative thing to say about this book. There aren't many books I can say that about! :)
I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone. Although it's only available in kindle format, the entire Teacup Novellas Collection (and each of the other books individually) are available in paperback. :) I'm totally treating myself to that sometime! :D

"Christmas Tidings" quote -- Day Two

I'm not sure what that has to do with Christmas, but... :) 

Contributions from other amazing blogs! Check these out! 
~ Visit Whimsical Writings for a Christmas movie review! 
~ Visit Rebekah Ashleigh's blog for a Christmas book review!

Does this book sound like something you would enjoy? 
Have you read it? Or any others by Diane Moody? 

See ya later! 


  1. YES!! This book totally sounds like something I'd love to read :) So are there a lot of diary inserts, or what's the style of the book? :) I wonder if it would be at the library. . . ;)

    Thanks for sharing, Faith!

    1. It's oh, so good. *sigh* I just love it. :)
      In this book, it's about Lucy and Mark, etc. But though out it, Lucy reads her aunt's diary and...yeah. :) It's great.
      I don't know if it's something your library would have. But it's always worth a try!!
      Thanks for commenting, Blessing!!

    2. I have to ask...did you read the spoiler?

    3. Not that I know of.... unless what you posted about it was considered a spoiler! :D

    4. Sorry, I didn't word that right. :) I meant, did you read the one quote that I called a 'semi-spoiler'? Or did you skip it? :)

    5. OHHH, gotcha! :P Yes, I did read that part. Forgot that you called it a spoiler though :P Sorry 'bout that!! :D

    6. Oh, that's okay. :) It isn't really a spoiler. Because after reading the summary that doesn't really spoil anything. LOL. I was just wondering if you read it. ;)

  2. This book sounds so good! Now I really want to read it. Although I'm not sure I'll have time before Christmas. ;)
    I've never read any books by this author before. Have you read any other books by her?

    1. It is!! I think you would really enjoy it, Rebekah. :D It's not very long, I read it in two days, but this time of year things are quite hectic. ;)

      I had never heard of this author befoe reading "A Christmas Peril", but since then I've started "Tea With Emma". :)
