
Monday, February 29, 2016

Days Go By...

*breaks into "Days Go By" by Keith Urban* I can feel them flying like my hand out the window in the wind as the cars go by... Uh, pardon my singing. *clears throat*

Happy Leap Day, everyone!! :D I'm spending my 'extra' day this year at the eye doctor. *gags* No, really. It's not that bad, and afterwards Mom and I are going shopping. xD 
Anyhow. Seeing as how this is the last day of the month (I typed 'year' the first time. Like, whhhyyy??), I'm doing a 'February review' post...of sorts. ;) Hey, at least I got a better post title than last month, right? 

What's been happening :) 

- I wrote my first ever Flash Fiction, and I was actually quite satisfied with the results. I can improve, sure. But it's not terrible. 

- I won my first writing contest!! Yay!! xD (More on that here.) 

- I got The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi (prize from aforementioned contest) and it's AWESOME!!! 

- I discovered an awesome site, known as Thriftbooks. It's seriously THE BEST! xD 

- I listened to lots of great music like Just be Held by Casting Crowns, Walk on the Water by Britt Nicole, Your Love by Brandon Heath, More Like Falling in Love by Jason Grey, Exhale by Plumb, and 3:42 AM (Writers Block) by MercyMe (this song perfectly describes my life right now, by the way.) 

- I took lots of random pictures of ordinary/awesome things. 


Binder with all my stories inside. :) 


- loving a certain pen, and going to Walmart to buy more because your favorite color of the set you have dried up. *shakes head* It's a tragedy, I tell ya. xP
These are seriously the best pens ever B-) 

- I raided the non-fiction section of my library. They probably cringe when they see me coming. ;)
We call this research, folks B-) 

- I raved over a movie soundtrack with a friend. ;) 

- a discussed books and life with another sweet friend :) 

- I made a cup in pottery and added 'write' to the side of it. :D I'm using it for a pencil cup, though whether that helps with my writing/school work or just distracts me, I'll never know. 

- realizing I have color-coded notes on morphine administration. (It's research, people. It's research.) 

- taking pictures of adorable dogs because they are girl's best friend

- I participated in the February challenge on Go Teen Writers and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. :) 

- I found another writing quote that I LOVE, thanks to Raechel

- feeling super blessed to have you all as 'blog friends' and realizing just how much y'all mean to me. *hugs* <3 

- I woke up one morning to a 'broken' toe. (This actually happened in January, but it's still red and enlarged so it counts. *nods*) 

- A hilarious supper last Saturday night. My brother and I were already in giggly moods, and it only increased. Parts of our conversation went something like this... 

Me: Tucker, your head looks like it's sloped forward. 
Tucker: Well, your head dips down in the middle. 
Me: Yeah, I know. 
Mom & Dad: (continue eating supper, trying to ignore they're extremely strange children) 

Then later when he's getting some ice cream... 
Tucker: (opens ice cream carton) There ain't no rocks in this road! (scoops ice cream) Hey, it looks like Sis's head.  

*eyeroll* Just for the record, the ice cream did not look like my head. ;) 

- And lastly, a list of books I read/finished this month. (You knew it was coming.) 
A Soldier's Promise by Laura Scott
2 John
The Last Ride by Susan K. Marlow
Waltz in the Waves by Sarah Holman 
He Did This Just for You by Max Lucado 
3 John
At the Christmas Lodge by Rebekah A. Morris 
Christmas at Rose Hill Farm by Suzanne Woods Fisher 
Redeemed by Faith Blum
The Asylum by Heather Fitzgerald
Maelyn by Anita Valle 
G.I. Joe & Lillie by Joseph S. Bonsall 
Anchored by Kayla Aimee 
I Survived: The Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 by Lauren Tarshis

If you just need a few laughs, leap (get it?) over and check out Katie's list of 100 ways to celebrate Leap Day. xD 

Also, I added a "Stories" page to this blog. Check it out and let me know what ya think! :D 

Thanks for reading everyone! :) Happy Leap Day!! *leaps away* 


  1. Whoa I didn't even realize it was leap day until I saw this... that just happens to me sometimes.

    And YES YES I LOVE the Emotion Thesaurus! If you like it, you should look into The Negative Trait Thesaurus and The Positive Trait Thesaurus, which are about developing your characters and giving them flaws/attributes.:)

    1. Of course it's leap day!! And it only happens once in every four years so we should totally celebrate it. ;)

      IT'S SO AWESOME!!! xD Like, seriously. I'll never let it out of my sight. B-) Yep, I've look at those after getting this one. They look amazing and just as super helpful. More books on the wishlist!! ;)

      Thanks for commenting, Jonathan!!

  2. Awesome! Sounds like you've had an eventful month! LOVE your conversations with your brother :D sounds like something my family would do!!
    I'm actually working on posting a similar post to this on my blog :P that's what I'm going to do now before I return to schoolwork!

    1. Haha, I have! xD Good to hear we're not alone in our strangeness. ;) Yep, I was thinking of you and your sis when I was typing that up. :D

      *nods approvingly* School can totally be pushed aside... ;) I look forward to reading you post in a few! : )

      Thanks for commenting, Lauren!

  3. Wow! You had a busy month! Oh my goodness, your dog is SOOO adorable! :D Hehe, looks like a lot of research is going on! What's the project?

    I'm working on a post like this too! Hopefully I can get it posted today :)

    1. I didn't realize just HOW busy until I was working on this post! :) Aww, thank you! They're so precious. ;) Oh, yeah, tons of research. B-) The project? A WWII novel I'm *trying* to write. (It's supposed to not yet be revealed to 'the world'. So it's like a secret. Except...not.) XD

      Yay!!! I look forward to it, Blessing! Thanks for commenting! :)

  4. I so love these posts! I just sit and read through them and laugh and nod in agreement and. . .yeah. Seriously, I really look forward to these posts. ;)
    I absolutely love your pencil cup! Is so cute and writer-ly. Does it remind you to write in a certain story??? ;)
    I think I know what soundtrack you're talking about. . .B-)
    Haha, I totally get the notes on morphine! I've researched things such as 'How many times do you have to get shot (in non-vital places) to die', 'pictures of pilots that downed in the English channel' (it wasn't as bad as it sounds!), and a whole bunch of things about medicine in France during WWII. I won't even go into those. ;P Research is awesome. ;)
    Oh, goodness! My sister and I saw things like that to each other all the time! Seriously, if anyone overheard some of Faith's and my conversations, they'd think we hate each other! I loved your and Tucker's conversation. I can so see him saying that. ;)
    I am currently very jealous of all your reading. I have gotten so behind *cries*. I've been otherwise occupied. *glares at editing*
    Anyway, I LOVED the post! (can you tell by my super long comment? ;P)

    1. Aww, I'm so glad! : ) I love writing post like this too! And then I love your lengthy-awesome comments. ;)
      It (or rather something that's currently taken up residence on it...B-) ) does remind me to write a certain story. ;) Maybe these new books I got today will help with my writers block on that scene... *head-to-desk*
      That soundtrack...gaaaah! Oh, and I finally saw the official music video for that song. Her wardrobe definitely needs some help, but those clips mean SOO much more (emotional) now!!! :'(
      So....I get the 'pilots downed in the English Channel' (did that bring up anything 'good'?), but who are you shooting in non-vital places numerous times, do tell?!?! Yes, research can be such fun!!! :D One of these books I got today, you would enjoy. Lots of awesome WWII pictures. ;)
      I'm pretty sure people think Tucker and I hate each other too. (*runs through your siblings age spacings* You and Faith are about the same age difference as me and Tucker.) We argue/pester each other like ALLL THE TIIIMMEEE!! Dad's an only child and Mom's brother is like 10-13 years older than her, so they don't get it. ;) LOL.
      My reading hasn't been very great the latter half of this month. Seriously, I haven't did anything. You have a good excuse to not be reading or writing. Me? Not so much. I couldn't even tell you what I did all day Saturday. Maybe Go Teen Writers' March challenge will get me out of this 'slump'. ;)

      I can sorta tell. B-) Thanks so much for your long and delightful comment! :)

  5. It looks like you had a busy, but fun month. :)
    Oh, colorful pens are great! Having your favorite color dry up is definitely a tragedy. ;)
    It looks like you got some good research books from the library. :)
    I really like the cup that you made!
    Your and Tuckers conversation was pretty funny. Yeah, there can be some pretty strange conversations around our place too. ;)
    It looks like you read some good books this month!
    Happy Leap Day to you too, Faith!! :)

    1. Hehe, yep. Rather busy but with lots of good stuff. ;)
      Yes, colorful pens are so amazing! These are felt tipped, kinda like markers, and I love them SOO much. The pink one drying up was terrible. B-)
      Oh, yeah! Oodles of research. Now if I could just have a month to do nothing but read, I'd be happy. ;)
      Thank you! :)
      Out conversations can usually be quite ridiculous. This was one of the 'nice' ones. ;) LOL. Great to know we're not alone! :D
      Oh, yes. Lots of good books. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah!! Happy (late) Leap Day to you too!! *leaps away because I didn't do enough leaping yesterday*

  6. What a lot of books you were able to finish! How fun. :D This post was fun too - sounds like a fun idea. Those pens look nice! I've got a black one like it but it is almost dried up. O.O

    1. A lot of those were short-stories and novellas, but they're published books so that counts... Right? ;) Haha, maybe you need some new pens too! :D

      Thanks for commenting, Raechel!! I'm so glad you enjoyed. :)

  7. I really enjoyed reading through this update, it made me smile. :) Even if I don't comment very much, I often scroll through people's blogs and try to catch up. I really enjoy you bloggers and I love your sweet and funny spirit, Faith! Keep up the good work and God bless, congrats on winning that contest, I'm so happy for you! <3

    1. Aww, thank you! I understand. :) Thanks again, Emily, your sweet words mean so much to me. <3 God bless!

  8. It's March 5th but it's not too late to comment, right?! :)
    Hahaha that conversation is hilarious!!
    It was fun reading how your month went!

    1. Of course not! :)
      Hehe, I thought it was pretty funny too. ;)
      I'm glad you enjoyed it, Rishona! Thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting! :)

  9. Congrats on the contest!!!!
    Wow, that morphine administration tho!! haha
    So glad you had an awesome February!

    1. Thanks so much, Ashley! :)
      Haha, yeah. The strange thing is, I vaguely remember taking those notes, yet they're color-coded, neatly written and all. *shrug*
      I did! Thanks for commenting! :)

  10. Oh man, a major, huge, massive congrats to you on the contest! That's so awesome, Faith! Be proud. :) Beautiful pictures as well!

    1. A major, huge, massive thank you to you!! :) (Hehe, I couldn't resist. xD) Thanks so much, Eve!
