
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Q&A -- Coming soon!!

Hey everyone! :D 

My first anniversary of being in the Blogosphere (June 11th) is rapidly approaching. How exciting is that? While thinking of my entry into the blogging world, I had a lovely idea. I'm going to do something special! :D Well, two things possibly... 

Number one being, a Q&A session with Yours Truly. I've saw this done on other blogs, more than once, in honor of the bloggers birthday. In my case it will be in honor of The Blogs' birthdays. (Chosen Vessels' first post says June 7th, but I'm pretty sure I created this blog first. Soooo. Whatever. It's getting combined. :P)  

The other celebratory something is a giveaway...possibly. I'm not sure what I would give away (a book? A gift card? Homemade bookmarks? Something from an Etsy shop?) so if you have any suggestions, please let me know in the comments. :) 

Okay, moving on. So here's what I'm asking from you all. Questions. Wanna know about my writing? Reading? Favorite this or that? Why I blog? Why I write? How old I am? My shoe size? Um, yeah. ;P 

Anyway. ;) Go ahead and fill out the form below (submit as many separate questions as you like), asking whatever you want to know – random, serious, or silly. I don't promise I'll answer every questions (like if the questions are too personal or 'invade my privacy') but I'll try my best. 

Entering your name is optional on the form. If you do enter your name, I'll mention in the post who asked me the questions. Otherwise they'll just be from 'anonymous'. ;)

So what are you waiting for? Ask away! My answers (along with some other cool stuff) will be included in a whopper of a post on June 11th. :) 

Thanks so much, my dear readers! I can't wait to see the questions y'all come up with! :D 

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out in Google Forms.

Stories by Firefly // Upcoming Q&A session. 


  1. Ooh good idea. *nods* Now to think of some good questions... XD

    1. Thanks, Jonathan! :D (Your questions cracked me up. ;))

  2. Oooo...I like this. Can I steal the idea for my birthday in August? ;)

    1. Absolutely! I 'stole' it from other blogs. ;)

  3. How fun!! I submitted some questions, and I do more if I think of any. :)

    1. Yes, it's already such fun! ^_^ Thanks, Raechel!

  4. Ooohh, an early congratulations, Faith!! :D 1 year is a big, big milestone.. I hope you've truly enjoyed your time blogging so far, and I hope you have many more enjoyable years in the blogosphere! I did my first ever Q&A back in September of 2015 and had a lot of fun with it. Thinking about doing it again soon, but haven't decided yet. I've submitted some questions and can't wait for this! :D

    1. Thanks, Eve! :) Yes, it is! I love blogging so much and I'm oh, so glad I started into this a year ago. ^^ Hmm...I'm not sure if I was a follower of yours then. Oh, you should! :)

  5. Happy first blogiversary, Faith! (super early, I know, but it doesn't hurt to say it now does it? I'll say it again later, though ;))

    A Q&A sounds like fun! Can't wait to see the questions and answers :D

    1. Thanks, Blessing!! :D Nope, of course not. You can be my first well-wished. XD

      I hope you enjoy it! :)

  6. Congratulations on almost blogging a year, Faith!! :) I love reading your blog. :)
    I can't wait for your big post on June 11th!
    I'll have to think of some questions to ask you. ;)

    1. Thanks Rebekah! :) I'm so glad you enjoy what I write and I hope you enjoy the blogiversary poet! :D
      Hehe, okidoke. ;)

  7. Thanks, James! It looks like fun. :)

  8. This is a cool idea! But beware . . . I may or may not have a lot of questions. ;) As far as a giveaway, maybe an amazon card?

    Thanks for doing this! I'm looking forward to it!

    1. Thanks! Hehe, don't worry about it. ;) I love your questions! An Amazon card would be a good giveaway... ;P

      Thanks for helping me by submitting questions! :D
