
Monday, May 16, 2016

3 Day Quotes Tag ~ 1/3

HEY PEOPLE! (Pardon the caps. I'm still trying to come alive.) Okay, a few reminders and things before I move on. ;) 

-- The deadline for this writing contest has been extended to Saturday, May 21st. If you were planning to enter but haven't had time, you have this week to do just that. :) 

-- Don't forget to submit some questions for my upcoming Q&A session!! And a huge thank you to everyone who already has! :D 

Rebekah Eddy from Rebekah's Remarks tagged me for this little 3 Day Quote tag. Thanks, Rebekah! :) Now, if you're one of my poor (but loved!) Goodreads and/or Pinterest followers, you've already picked up on my love of quotes. 


Without further ado, 

I give you... 

(Is anyone still reading this?) one of the quotes!! :D 

(Just kidding. We have to do the rules first. Because what would a tag be without rules?)  

The Rules. 
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Nominate 3 new bloggers everyday
  • Post a new quote everyday for 3 consecutive days

The Quotes. 
(Yes, that was plural.) Like my dear tagger-person, I'm a rule-breaker with these things. "A rebel without a cause", as Kayla Aimee would say. ;) So yeah. There may or may not be more than one quote in all these little posts. B-) 

I saw this on Pinterest this morning and literally burst into fits of laughter. The humor, the serious look on the guy's face...I love it. ;) 

Annnnndddd. Another one. Just for good measure. B-) 

Is that mind blowing or WHAT?? I mean, think about it. *waits for y'all to put on your thinking caps* It. Is. An. Amazing. Thought. It reminds me of John-Boy teaching Elizabeth her letters, telling her it's kind of like magic how all the 26 letters work out together. <3  (And don't even TELL me you haven't watched The Waltons!!!) 

Since I'm not sure who's been tagged for this and who hasn't (and I'm much too pathetic this morning to actually look up everyone's post(s) to find out), I'm just going to tag people and not worry about it. It isn't like there's tag questions for this one, so if someone gets double tagged it's a-okay. ;) 

I tag... 
Lydia S. @ C'est La Vie
Lydia Dyslin @ Through the Wardrobe

See you tomorrow! :) 
> Faith


  1. Thanks for tagging me! I really like the first's just so true! XD

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. Isn't it? :D Looking forward to your posts!

  2. Great quotes, Faith! I especially liked the last one. ;) It's so true, but still really interesting to think about! :)

    1. I really like that one too! I read it to Mom and she's like "um, you just blew my mind." ;)

  3. Thanks for tagging me Faith! And wow...that book quote is - mind-blowing. Never thought about it that way! And the first one - oh goodness, I just laughed so hard :P

    1. You're most welcome, Blessing! :) Isn't it? Gaahhhh, I just love it. ^_^ Hehe, me too. It's so hilarious!! :D

  4. Lol! You had the funniest quote challenge today!! =) I love it!!

    1. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. *dramatic bow* Thanks for commenting, Hosanna!! :)

  5. Thanks for tagging me Faith!
    I love that last quote! I saw it a while back and it blew my mind. :) The English language is so amazing!

    1. You're quite welcome, Lydia! This tag is lots of fun; I hope you enjoy it! :D
      ME TOO!! It's so amazing to think about. :) Oh, absolutely!

  6. *whispers* I haven't watched The Waltons...
    *in normal voice* Hey, thanks for doing the tag! Sorry, I'm a little late with my comment. Explanation will come in blog post very soon. B-)

    1. *gasp* You have NOT SEEN THE WALTONS??? O.O You are missing out, girl! The Waltons is one of those shows that everyone needs to see every episode least once. ;) (The first ones are best, but that's just my opinion.)

      Thanks for tagging me, Rebekah! :D
