
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Dear Wildflower...

Dear Wildflower...

Thank you for gracing us with your presence and your bright colors that speak of happiness, light, and summertime. 

Of evenings when the sun remains until late,... 

...when the earth smells fresh after the rain lingers,... 

...or when the wind is tainted by the musky scent of dry dust. 

Your appearance, though overlooked by some, would be greatly missed if you failed to show one summer. 

Your friend and admirer, forever and always.

~ ~ ~ 

Borrowing the theme of some of Jesseca Dawn's recent posts (Dear Autocorrect and Dear Research), I thought I would share a letter to wildflowers with you all today. :) 

What do ya think? Do you have a favorite picture? A favorite flower? 

In Christ,

**All pictures are mine. 


  1. This post is so great, Faith! :)
    I totally agree with everything that you said. Wildflowers are so beautiful! :D
    All of these flowers are sooo pretty! Are they all from around your house? I love that flower in the second picture. That pinkish/red color is super pretty. :)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Rebekah! :D
      I just love wildflowers!! We have a lot around the house and they're all so pretty and unique. :)
      Yes, all of these were taken around our house. :) The top one is in our field and the bottom is on the porch, but the rest are in Mom's flower beds. :D I love that one too! And I was super pleased with how the picture turned out.

      Thanks for commenting! ^_^

  2. Ohhh....great post, Faith! I LOVE flowers, and your pictures were so pretty! I think my favourites were the fourth one and second-to-last one :D

    1. So glad you enjoyed!! :D Aww, thank you! My pictures often don't turn out so well, but I was quite pleased with these. ^.^ Yes, I love those too!! The fourth was actually taken last summer (all the rest were taken this year) and the second-to-last is my absolute favorite. :)

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Oh, so pretty!! The first and last pictures are my favorites. :)
    My favorite flower is either the daisy or the sunflower. Both so bright and cheery!! :D
    You should to another "Dear" post; I really enjoyed this one. ;)

    1. Thank you! :) Hehe, I love the shadow in the first one. ;)
      Yes, those are both lovely! Mom grew some beautiful sunflowers this year, but unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. :(
      Hmm...maybe I will... ;)

      Thanks for commenting!
