
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New Story Idea, Writing Contest, and All That Good Stuff


I've had another story idea. 


If you know me very well at all, you know that this is practically a weekly occurrence. At times its to where I'll announce that I have a new story idea and everyone cringes and groans. Again?! 

Yes. I'm serious. I'm really that bad. 

Someone even went as far as to threaten to hack into my docs. and delete everything except the stories she...erm, they want to read. O.O WUT.

But sometimes I just can't help it. The stories flit and flutter through my mind and I have to write them down. It's what I do. Why I write. Who I am, even. 

Then when I saw about this awesome-sounding upcoming contest hosted by Rachelle at The Ink Loft, it all began again. 

My brain is whirling... 

I grin at random times (okay, I do that anyway. But it's happening more.) as a sudden inspiration reveals itself to me... 

I'm staying up late googling name meanings for the characters... 

And it's such a glorious feeling. To know I'm crafting a story out of nothing, making something (hopefully) beautiful and allegoric (yes, I'm attempting an allegory). 

So far all I know about this story is the main theme, and I'm debating over a few possibilities for the main characters names. There will be lots of hurt and sadness, but also the all-powerful light of God's almighty love. <3 

Ready for a sneak-peek? Here ya go. :) 

God's light shines the brightest in the darkest places. 

Nope, I didn't come up with that one. Bob Smiley did, but I'm borrowing it. :P 

What do ya think? Will you be entering this delightful contest as well? How do you plot stories? And... It's late and I have writing to do, so I'll see y'all later. ;) 



  1. That is so cool that you’re working on another story, Faith. :) Is it just going to be a short story?
    It sounds like it will be wonderful. Once it’s done are you going to post it here so we can read it? :) :)

    1. Yes, it will be a short story. :) The word limit for the contest is 5,000 words, so (if all goes according to plan) this story will be shorter than "Love Needs No Words".
      I'm glad you think so! Hmm, I hadn't considered it, but I probably will post it here eventually. ;)

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Ah, I love new story ideas!! I get thoughts like "that'd be a cool profession to have" or "I love that girl's name!" all the time, and I guess you could call that inspiration. But as far as full 'I have a story with characters and a setting' type of inspiration goes, it is veeeeery rare for me :P I'd say my most common form of inspiration is crazy dreams ;)

    1. So do I! *high five* Oh, yeah, don't ya love those moments? :D I have those thoughts all. The. Time. And books full of ideas. :P Haha, I know what you mean! Dreams can be awesome for that sort of thing. XD Especially when you dream about your characters...interesting. ;)

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Ooh HUZZAH FOR NEW STORY IDEAS. Actually I'm in the same boat. Last week I got this grand idea for another novel and 20k later it's starting to solidify... (of course I did just randomly start a giant civil war but hey why not XD) Short stories are cool though! What's the link to the contest? (in case I'm interested in entering :D)

    1. *grins*'ve written 20k since last week???! *bemoans the fact that I've written less than 5k all month* (haha, sounds intriguing XD)
      YAS! I love short stories. :) *whispers* The link is in the post... "This awesome-sounding upcoming contest"? That's clickable. XD But, here's the link again anyway. ;)

      Thanks for commenting!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. New story ideas are awesome!! :D

    Oh, how's your other book coming? I'd love to read it once you finish. :) Ww2 is one of my favorite periods of history to read about. :)

    1. Aren't they?! :D

      It's coming...pretty well. After writing 30k last month, 3k doesn't sound too good for this month. -_- But it IS growing. ;) Thanks, Krystal! I'll remember that. :)

      Thanks for commenting!

  5. IT WAS A GREAT IDEA! I just need to become a hacking genius. Shouldn't take too long . . . I hope.
    *sigh* I will have to content myself with that fact that at least this story will be finished... ;)
    But the contest sounds like so much fun!! I'm sure you're story will be amazing!! I'd love to enter, but I'm not sure I'll have the time. I'll be looking forward to reading your entry, though! :D

    1. No. It was not. It was terrible. B-) Um, yeah, hopefully that takes you years... *cough*
      *eyeroll* Yes, this story will be finished (I hope?) But so will the others! They'll just...take time. Lots of time. XD
      Doesn't it? :D Awww, thanks! I just hope I can get it all ready in time with school and whatnot... You so should enter! Yeah, I know what you mean, but...maybe? ;)

      Thanks for commenting!

  6. I'm the same way! I come up with a story ideas WAY to often. Stories that haunt you at night, that keep you from sleep, that make you grin randomly (unfortunately that's me to. I've even chuckled out loud), and make you start talking with weird accents when you hope nobody is nearby... I can't understand my sibling's groans over writing assignment ideas.
    Names are on of the worst parts in planning though also one of the most fascinating.

    1. Yay! Someone who gets it!! :D *high five* Yes, yes, yes. *nods rapidly* I chuckle out loud to...and talk to myself. ;) Hehe, I used to DETEST writing assignment, buts now they're my favorite. :)
      Yeah, names can be hard, but they're a lot of fun often too. :)

      Thanks for commenting! :-)
