
Saturday, December 3, 2016

Tree Harvest, Instagram, & Turkey // November Recap

Hey y'all! It's December third. Doesn't that make ya want to get in the Christmas spirit? :D This is coming from the person who has already downed two and half peppermint coffee creamers + read five Christmas books + watched three Christmas movies. But hadn't ordered/bought a single Christmas gift until a couple hours ago. :P 

*points to post graphic* That's Tucker and a friend working in the tree field. Although it looks more like they're on break... ;)

\\ Life. \\ 

>> What took up the most of my time this month was work. No, I don't have a 'real' job, but...I made 65 four mega ones. Yeah, I'm dying, someone catch me. xP 

>> Another 'highlight' of my month was staying up late with a friend the night of the election until about 12:30. (I'm not getting into politics here, just had to mention this. XD) And then we all got awoken by The Kid about 6:00 as he announced the presidental results to the house... :P

>> I guest posted on Blessing Counter's blog!! :D You can find the post here.

>> I'm...on Instagram now. The girls in my Google Hangouts writing group convinced me that it was a good thing... So I created an account. ;) I'm not very active (a.k.a. posts randomly and not very often), but hey, it's fun. ;) So yes! Follow meeeee (@fireflygirl00) 

>> I have decided that there is one good thing about getting up early-ish on Saturday mornings (coming from the child who enjoys sleeping in...) And that is catching the Top 20 Christian songs of the week broadcast on our local Christian radio station. ^_^ 

>> I won an audio giveaway from Ichthus Family Productions!!! :D I'm really looking forward to enjoying all these goodies. ^_^ 

>> I drank five cups of coffee in one day. Not kidding. Usually I have one...maybe two. But this specific day I had a cup of coffee that morning, an iced coffee mid-day, and three cups that night... B-) 

>> I was taking out the trash after dark one night and I'm just like all cheery and humming and dancing my way down the walk and then I hear something in the woods above the carport and I lug the trash bag (much quicker now) over to the can and quickly dump it inside and ran back to the house. *ahem* But no. I was not a bit scared. It was just cold out there. *nod nod* 

>> I discussed socks with Kaitlyn from Twin Thoughts. Actually, we discussed our brothers' socks. Which was really weird and awkward once we realized it. *cough* Come to think of it, why am I telling this...? 

\\ Books. \\ 

Sad news is – I didn't get any new books this month. Good news is – I read 13 books!!! :D 

All 4 stars and up!! :D

The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson -- 4.5 stars -- Review HERE.
Love in the Details: A November Wedding Story by Becky Wade -- 4 stars 
Christmas by the Sea by Beth Wiseman -- 4.5 stars -- Review HERE
Noelle's Gift by Amanda Tero -- 5 stars 
The Treasure Hunt by Kate Willis -- 4 stars 
War Memorial by Elisabeth Grace Foley -- 5 stars 
Maggie's Hope Chest by Amanda Tero -- 4 stars 
Going Once... by Deborah Raney -- 5 stars 
Dana's Valley by Janette Oke -- 5 stars 
You're the Cream in My Coffee by Jennifer Lamont Leo -- 5 stars 
Return to Sender by Janice Thompson -- 4 stars 
Silly Feeling by Willowy Whisper -- 4 stars -- Review HERE

I did read a lot of under-50-pages-short-stories this month (like...everything in this second graphic *points*) but hey? That counts, right? ;) 

Also... Beta-reading! :D 
Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton -- Completed -- 5 stars 
The Princess & I by Rebekah Eddy -- Still working on it. ;)

\\ Writing. \\ 


That's how I would describe this month as far as writing goes. I didn't do NaNoWriMo *sad face*, but I wrote more than I have since July. :D 

Total words -- 13,382
War Tears progress -- 5,825 
Other projects -- 8 

Also... MY PRECIOUS BOOK HIT 70,000 WORDS LIKE WHHHAAAAA. It happened last Saturday night/Sunday morning. I was ecstatic. See below screenshot for proof... ;) 

\\ Blogging. \\ 

I hit 30 GFC followers and 21 email subscribers! :D Thank you all so much for wanting to read my silly words. It means a lot! <3

I'm not sure when those last two appeared, so we're just going with 30. XD 

Also, Chosen Vessels now has 11 GFC followers and 10 email subscribers! :) 

\\ Favorite Posts of the Month. \\  

The Race @ RebekahAshleigh 

Why I Believe Christians Should Vote @ Whimsical Writings 

He Created YOU! @ Twin Thoughts 

Why Smoking Can Save Your Life @ Wonderland Creek 

Fiction & The Sanctity of Life @ Leah's Bookshelf    (This was a really amazing post about something I had been bothered by as well. I highly suggest reading it.) 

Priceless @ Light of the Son 

Pray for Tennessee @ The Peculiar Messenger 

\\ Music & Movies. \\ 

I watched three Christmas movies! The Christmas Card, Love's Christmas Journey (Eric and Susanna are so cuutttteee <3), and Christmas Child. :D Looking forward to more Christmas loveliness this month! 

Songs played on repeat... 
Photograph ~ Ed Sheeran, feat. Bea Miller  (I don't know anything about either of these singers, so I can't really recommend them. But this soooonnnggggg... It fits really well with my WIP. :)) 
Somebody's Miracle ~ Brian Free and Assurance 
I Confess ~ Tenth Avenue North
Sparrow ~ Tenth Avenue North
Something Different ~ Sidewalk Prophets 
Impossible ~ Sidewalk Prophets 
To Live is Christ ~ Sidewalk Prophets 
Wrecking Ball ~ Sidewalk Prophets 
Rise ~ Danny Gokey
Battles ~ The Afters
Magnify ~ We Are Messengers 
Open Up the Heavens ~ Meredith Andrews 
Higher ~ Unspoken
Press On ~ Building 429

ALSO...I've been listening to Christmas music a lot. (Even some before Thanksgiving. I know – shame, shame.) I'm loving...

Let There Be Light ~ Point of Grace
On This Winter's Night ~ Lady Antebellum 
Behold ~ Jeremy Camp (with daughters Bella and Aerie) 

\\ November's Goals. \\ 

>> Read five books.       Check! 

>> Finish beta-reading the aforementioned book.      Um. No. But I am making progress! :D 

>> Hit 68k in War Tears. (Ha. I'm overly optimistic. But. We'll see.)     *fist pump* I conquered. 

>> Survive the worst of tree harvest. (Starts today. I have 15 wreaths to make in 2 days.)     Yup, yup. This week and some of next, Dad will still be shipping out trees, but it's almost over. :P 

\\ Goals for December. \\ 

>> Read twelve books. (Yes, I have great expectations...) 

>> Hit 72k in War Tears

>> Survive the rest of tree harvest. 

>> 12 Days of Christmas linkup! Click here for details and how to join in the fun! :D 

>> Go to a MercyMe Christmas concert. SIX DAYS YALL. *squeals* 

>> Have a lovely, family Christmas that's focused on giving, not receiving, and reflecting the light of Christ... :) 

So yeah. November was a really productive month with lots of wreaths and books and words. XD Have you read these books? Saw those movies? Took out the trash in the dark? Are you on Instagram? Ready for Christmas? TELL ME ALL YOUR SECRETS PEOPLE. 


*waves* *vanishes* *into thin air* 


  1. Oh I love Lamplighter audios! And that one is so good!
    Sounds like you had an awesome month, and that wreath looks awesome!
    * read War Tears*

    1. Oh, great! :D I'm looking forward to it.
      I did! Thank you so much :)
      Aww, thank you for your interest in my book! I'm *tentatively* thinking March for beta-readers? Mayybbeee? Guess that will depend mostly on how long editing takes me... :P

  2. Wow! You made 65 wreaths?! I knew you made a lot, I just didn’t realize you made that many! :)
    I hope you enjoy the audios that you won. ;)
    That’s great that you were able to read 13 books this month, Faith! :D Out of those I have just read “Dana’s Valley”. It was so good. :’) I really want to read “Beyond the Horizon”.
    Congratulations on writing so much!!!! :D I’m dying to read “War Tears”!! :D
    Oh, thanks for mentioning my post. :) I’m glad you enjoyed it. =)
    Love’s Christmas Journey and The Christmas Card are so good! I really want to watch those two this Christmas season. I’ve seen The Christmas Child too, but it’s been a couple years. I can’t wait to watch more Christmas movies this month! :D
    I have not heard I Confess or Sparrow by Tenth Avenue North, but I’m definitely going to look those two up now! Oh, yes, Christmas music is so great!
    Great job on completing pretty much all of your November goals. I have great expectations for reading this month too. ;) I can’t wait until the 12 Days of Christmas link-up!! :D It will be so fun!
    I hope you have a ton of fun at the MercyMe concert!
    I very much enjoyed reading about your month, Faith! :D

    1. Haha, I didn't realize it either! When I was writing this, I was like "okay, I made 50...and then 15...and 4 big ones. Whaaa??" :P
      So do I! :)
      It was really wonderful to be reading so much! ^_^ Yes, "Dana's Valley" was sooo good. My poor heart though... <3 I think you'll really enjoy "Beyond the Horizon"!! :D
      Thank you! :D Like I mentioned in that comment *points to above* I'm hoping for March for beta-readers, but...we'll see. ;)
      They are!! I just love Christmas movies!! :D I hadn't seen Christmas Child until last year, and then Mom and I watched it again last week. It's not a favorite, but it's still pretty good. :) Yay!! Me too! :D
      YESS, look them up!!! I like Sparrow better than I Confess, but both are good. *whispers* of course they're good...they're T.A.N.!!! :P Christmas music is amazing! *is listening to it right now*
      Thanks!! Haha, yeah...We need to read all those Christmas books while its actually Christmas time... ;) Me either!! I'm really looking forward to it!! :D
      Thanks; I plan to!! xD
      I'm so glad, Rebekah! <3

  3. Cool! I made a wreath once... a long time ago... But wow you made 65?! 0.o it looks good though!

  4. Replies


      Haha, you're good. I didn't take it that way... ;)

  5. YOU DISCOVERED SIDEWALK PROPHETS ALBUMMMMM. *high fives you cuz it's fantastic and I told you about it XD* Oh. my. word. You're going to a Christmas concert from MercyMe?? THEY ROCK. HAVE FUN FOR ME, KAY? Ha, not on Instagram, but I have two friends who want me to be and?? We shall see. We shall see. ;) TREE HARVEST. YOU LIVE ON A TREE FARM. THAT IS SO COOL. LEGIT. *catches you* I hope making the rest of those wreathes goes well! AND YAS CHRISTMAS MUSIC HAS BEGUN. We've been listening to it a LOT lately. XD And I am literally almost done with my Christmas shopping. *blinks* *sympathizes with you* We were watching Hallmark Christmas movies BEFORE Thanksgiving, soooooo... XD They start really early there. :P There was a pretty good one on called A December Bride that was inspired by one of Denise Hunter's novellas (which I thought was really cool bc my mom just discovered Denise Hunter!) and it starred Jack (Daniel Lissing) from WCTH. Yuuuup. AND YOU HIT 70K IN WAR TEARS!!!!!!! *does a happy, congratulatory dance with you* THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOO FANTASTIC. YOU DID SO GOOD. (we should really swap snippets already... XD) I AM HAPPY FOR YOU AND I THINK YOU'RE DOING SOOOOOO GREAT LIKE SERIOUS GREATNESS.

    You do good wrap up posts, btw.

    And you legit read 13 books and some novellas. I'm over here like: only read three books in November and is still reading War and Peace. Will probably only read W&P and maybe a novella or two in December.

    CHRISTMAS IS HERE. *is thinking of Francesca Battistelli's song* *wonders if you've heard Danny Gokey's Christmas music* *or Owl City's* *or any of Owl City's music at all* Have you listened to Owl City?? Did you know he's a Christian? HIS NEW SONG HUMBUG IS LEGIT RELATABLE AND FUNNY. *shoos you away to go listen to it* *shoos myself away from this comment cuz it is just getting long now* *knows you don't mind*

    1. YES I DIIIIDDDD. OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE SIDEWALK PROPHETS SO MUCHLY. *high fives cuz you is awesome for telling me 'bout it*
      YES YES I SEE MERCYME TOMORROW. *shrieks* Haha, will do!
      Yes join me on IG!! I check my feed like every other day only, but it's pretty cool. XD
      I DOOO. My grandpa planted the first Christmas trees on our farm in the '70s. Pretty cool, huh?! :D
      *revives self* Thanks!!! I'll be done with wreaths today so, YAASSSS!!
      I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC. *dances*
      *hyperventilates* I've...hardly started Christmas shopping. This is not good!!! Hopefully we're going to the mall and stuff Monday, so #awesomeness
      Oh, yeah, Hallmark plays Christmas movies in July though. XD I was legit watching a Christmas movie in the summer at my grandmas. #weird #tohotforjinglebells Oh, Jack?! I MUST SEE THIS THING.
      *does the awkward 1/2 blush 1/2 smile thingy* AWWW THANK YOU GIRLIE. Yup, yup, I'm so tickled. (YES WE NEED TO. I keep meaning to send you some and then I forget. XD)

      Hehe, thanks. Good to hear, because I sometimes wonder if they're too long and boring. XP

      But W&P is GINORMOUS. You're doing awesome. *wink* <3

      *wonders which Francesca song* *loves Danny Gokey* *heard a Christmas song of his the other day but can't remember what it was* YES IVE HEARD SOME OWL CITY!! Like, maybe two songs, but yeah. *nod nod* Super cool. XD Nope, I don't mind. Loved it!

      *is tired cuz SO MANY CAPS*

  6. Hi I'm this kids big brother just thought that youns might wanta know that we was on brake in that pic that was thanksgiving day 2 not December we were gitin ready to bail,em lol THIS IS ONE REDNECK BOY ttyl

    1. Do I even reply to this? Obviously a illiterate one too it seems... *cough*

      For clarity, in case anyone else couldn't quite decipher what my LITTLE BRO is trying to get across... this kid = me youns = yall, brake = break, 2 = too, ,em = them.

      Thanks for commenting, lil bro. Love ya anyway. ;)

  7. Whoaaaaa. ‘Kay….that’s a LOT of trees! o_O

    Ooohhh….the wreaths look so pretty! 65? Wow! You go girl ;)

    Congrats on winning the giveaway! The audios looks amazing :)

    5 cups of coffee? How on earth did you go to sleep that night? :P

    Hehe, your taking out the garbage story is hilarious. Can totally relate. And yeah, defeinitly! It was just the cold - not the fact that our crazy imaginations might be conjuring up a huge big furry monster just waiting to jump out from behind the trees and bite your toes xD

    Socks? Hmmm…interesting conversation, I’ll have to admit ;)

    WOO HOO!!! 70,000 words?!? Amazing!!! :D

    1. Haha, I know right?! But that's actually...not that many. They usually cut hundreds in a day... ;)

      Aww, thanks!! Haha, yep, a few more now. :)

      They do! Really looking forward to those!

      Haha, I don't know! I was a little jittery by 10:30/11:00 PM, but I still slept pretty good. :P

      Oh yes. Exactly. You're right on track, girl. I was NOT imagining a bear. Or that humongous bull on the other side of the fence. Or anything like that. *cough* Glad you can relate. ;)

      Yeah. It was...interesting for sure. ;)

      THANKS!!!! XD

  8. I think we stayed up till like 2 AM on election night... Not sure... but we seriously went to bed and like 30-60 mins later they announced it... I had been following the election the whole year, so my Ma got me up to see Trump's speech. We stayed up that late on lollipops and coffee. LOL!
    NIGHT TIME OK. I take my puppy, Waylon, out at night before bed which is like 10 PM and we go outside... and almost every time there is this HUGE rabbit in the yard... I keep expecting it to like turn into some monster and attack but... it usually runs off. ANYWAY... Not being paranoid or anything haha...
    CONGRATS, FAITH!!!! Awesome job. 70,000 is INSANE.:D And congrats on your blog followers, you deserve it. :)
    We put our tree up! Lots of ornaments and lights. ♥ And thanks for putting my post up there. God is with us all, and help is being given to the victims. ♥
    YHVH bless!
    -Angela |

    1. Haha, wow. Y'all are dedicated!! XD Some people in our church stayed up and watched the entire election and then to hear Trump's acceptance speech. I'll like "wow, y'all. I value my sleep more, I think." :P Lolipops and coffee, yayyy!!
      Waylon – cute name. ;) Haha, that totally sounds like me...not at all paranoid, but just in case...lets play on the safe side and run inside...and nearly kill myself on those porch steps that have been there my entire life... ;)
      THANK YOU SO MUCH!! *smiles* Both feel super amazing.
      We put our tree up yesterday! No lights or ornaments yet, but hopefully tomorrow. :P
      You're so welcome, it was an amazing post. Our youth group and church are possibly going to be collecting items for the fire victims. <3

  9. Eeek, sorry for my tardiness in commenting. I am so behind on blogs/emails!
    That is a lot of wreaths XD
    Great job on writing!! Yay!!
    That's exciting about going to a MercyMe concert!! I hope you enjoy(ed) it!!! I'm sure you did/will though. ^.^
    Great update post, Faith! :)

    1. Aww, you're good. ^_^ I'm currently trying to clear out my inbox...ehe. We'll see how far I get by church time. XD
      Haha, it is!!
      Thank yooouu!!! :)
      Thanks! The concert was last night and it was AMAZING. They sang their usual songs for the first half, and then Christmas songs after intermission. :D

      So glad you enjoyed my Raechel!! :)
