
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Remembering Pearl Harbor // 75th Anniversary

75 years ago today was December 7th, 1941. Should that date mean something to you? Let's take a look back into history and find out... 

December 7th, 1941 was a Sunday. In Pearl Harbor, Hawaii that morning all was calm, quiet, and peaceful. If you were one of the soldiers or sailors stationed there, maybe you were on leave. If you lived there, perhaps you were eating breakfast. Or maybe you were enjoying the weekend by sleeping in. 

Whatever the case, your plans were interrupted. 

Bomber planes appear in the sky. 

Japanese torpedoes slip in unannounced. 

The attack begins. 

Chaos erupts. 

At 7:55 AM the base and nearby town was found themselves under attack by bombers and torpedoes. The USS West Virginia and the California were hit and sunk. More than 200 men were killed. The Utah was hit and capsized. The USS Oklahoma was hit, rolled over, and trapped dozens of men inside – 32 of which were rescued in an agonizing ordeal lasting 36 hours. 

At 8:10 AM a bomb exploded into the deck of the USS Arizona. Over a million pounds of gunpowder were ignited – causing an explosion that instantly sunk the ship and killed 1,177 sailors and marines. Killed in such a quick and horrific way. There is now a USS Arizona memorial at the site, built on the remains of the ship. What an amazing place that would be to visit. 

The second wave of Japanese bombers arrived at 8:54 AM. By this time, Americans were slightly more informed as to what was taking place – although the questions of why? was no doubt still ringing through many minds. The bombers were met by anti-aircraft fire. 

By 10:00 AM the attack was over. The Japanese returned home, leaving the Americans to attempt to rescue the trapped and tend the wounded. An event that lasted just over two hours had such a powerful impact on history. 

May we never forget Pearl Harbor, the lives lost that day, or the horrible war that then dragged America into its filthy grip for the next four years of turmoil. 

Never forget, always remember. 


  1. I love the post, Faith! It's just ... wow. Right now, at this time in Hawaii 75 years ago,the 2nd wave of Japanese bombers would have just hit. Just thinking about it is just... yeah.
    Thanks so much for posting; may we never forget!

    1. *smiles over how you commented 6 minutes after the post went up* Oh wow. I hadn't even thought about it that way. Wow. <3 <3

      Thank you for commenting!

  2. Great post! It's a good thing to remember such an event in our history, and remember the lives lost. We'll never forget those who lost their lives and who sacrificed their lives.

    1. Yes, it certainly is. Too many people (myself included) forget too quickly the loves lost for out freedom. <3

      Thanks for commenting, Marrok!

  3. Wow. What Jesseca said. Strange to think that when I woke this morning it was before/during the attack. Cannot imagine having to go through that. Though writing a WW2 novel gives some perspective to that. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know! I hadn't even considered it from this view, until you and Jesseca brought it up. Just, wow. Yes, writing a novel set during WWII is a good way to at least imagine that perspective. :) Never forget – amen!

      Thanks for commenting!

  4. This is such a great post, Faith!
    It's so sad that so many people died and were wounded that day.

    1. It's terribly sad. :( They should be remembered and honored for their sacrifices.

      Thank you for commenting!
