
Friday, February 17, 2017

When Calls the Heart ~ A Word for a Character ~ Day Five

Welcome to day five of the blog party! :) Can you believe tomorrow is the last day?! I'll hate to see it go...but it's been so much fun! 

Remember to...
Visit Rebekah's blog for her post for today 
Click here for details on how to take part! :D 

Today, I'll be sharing with you all a different kind of post than anything I've did so far this week. Instead of a guest post, a tag, or episode reviews, I'm going to share some pictures of characters and try to sum them up a couple words/phrases. I won't do all the character, just a couple that I especially like. :) Sound like fun? Here goes! :D 

Elizabeth Thatcher is... 
~ The beloved schoolteacher who is kind-hearted to all she meets. 
~ She's truly caring, especially when it comes to her students and other children. 

Constable Jack Thornton is... 
~ A protector to everyone in Hope Valley, particularly in instances like where Elizabeth and Julie were held hostage by outlaws. ;) 
~ The only law the town has, who will insure justice is done at all times. 

Abigail Stanton is... 
~ An adviser who anyone can go to for advice and encouragement. 
~ Despite all she's even through, Abigail remains strong and is a confidant and friend when someone just need a listening ear. 

Lee Coulter is... 
~ A man who wants to build a prosperous business in Hope Valley despite continued opposition by Mayor Henry Gowen, and then later, by a business competitor out to destroy him. 
~ A guy who will do anything to win Rosemary's heart. (Remember when he 'dated' Molly?) 

Rosemary LeVeaux is... 
~ A woman who's bubbly and full of life. She always has a quick word to make you laugh and advice to any problem -- whether you ask for her opinion or not. She doesn't mean to interfere though, it's just part of who she is. 

Clara Stanton is... 
~ A young widow who seems the best in all people -- even young outlaws. *wink* 
~ A character I would like to see get more of the spotlight. 

Which WCTH character do you think YOU are most like? 



  1. Love this! Great pictures and descriptions! I would LOVE to see more of Clara too.
    I would love to say I'm like Abigail but I'm probably more like Rosemary hahaha

    1. Glad you enjoyed, Lauren!! :D Wouldn't that be great? I can think of so many good story ideas with her. ;)
      Haha, I think everyone wants to be like Abigail in some way or another. Hehe, I can see that... :P

    2. Haha yes! Maybe we should start a FanFic Fridays full of WCTH fan stories 🙌

    3. Haha, yeah! That would be cool! :D

  2. I loved this post, Faith!!! :D
    Hmmm....I'd say that I'm the most like Elizabeth. Who would you say that you're most like?
    Tomorrow is the end of the party. I'm kinda sad for it to end, but it has been a blast!!! :)

    1. Thanks, Rebekah!! :D
      *nods* Aww, yes. You're a lot like Elizabeth for sure. :) Hmm...I don't know. I'm probably like Rosemary from time to time, but maybe Elizabeth too. ;)
      Yes, it has been soooo much fun!!! :D
