
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Book Lovers Tag.

In celebration of National Book Lovers Day (yes, it's an actually thing!! <33), I thought I'd do this book tag that I was tagged for awhile back. Thank you to Rebekah for tagging me! :D 

The Rules
1. Answer the questions 
2. Have fun!
3. Tag some book loving bloggers

1. If you could rewrite the end of a book, which one would it be?
Hmm... The only book that I can think of that I wouldn't mind rewriting the ending of would be The Princess & I by Rebekah Eddy. It was a good book (that I got to beta-read *wink*), but the ending was just SO SAD. *sniffles at the remembrance* 

2. Which fictional character are you most like?
I don't think there's any fictional character that I'm *entirely* like, but there's a couple that I can relate to. Piper from The Fences Between Us by Kirby Larson is a PK (obviously an awesome gal xD), and Nora from True to You by Becky Wade has fictional crushes. *coughs because that's totally not me* And the book talks about her Goodreads account!! How epic is that?! :D 

3. Do you have any signed books?
Do y'all got fifteen minutes to wait while I go pull them all out? Yes? Okay. 

I'm not going too name all those off, but *nods* fabulousness. Some of them are from giveaways and some I bought directly from the authors. :) 

My favorite autographed book (as in the actually signature is my fav) is Jonas and Olivia by Victoria Minks. Isn't it gorgeous?! 

4. What's the best book that you've read this year so far?

How about my top five? ;) 
Courageous Love by Susan K. Marlow -- western setting with sweet romance, last in a wonderful series 
Deliver by Tricia Mingerink -- fantasy, utterly fantastic, last in an epic series 
The Ebb Tide by Beverly Lewis -- contemporary setting, Amish fiction, standalone 
Millie's Faithful Heart by Martha Finley (adapted by Kersten Hamilton) -- 1830s setting, smackdab in the middle of a lovely series I'm currently falling love with 
A Question of Courage by Jesseca Wheaton -- astounding WWII fiction, middle of the trilogy, releasing later this year

A fun fact? With the exception of Millie's Faithful Heart, all these books released/will release this year! 

5. Do you have any bookish pet peeves?
Any? I have MANY! *laughs awkwardly at the not-funny pun*

~ when the book covers are creased and/or torn. Why are people so abusive to books?! 
~ when books have those ugly little stickers on them. Price stickers, ad stickers, some-random-kid-put-me-here-stickers... They should all be outlawed. 
~ when the spines don't match. Does anyone know how positively annoying this is?! Like, y'all, they don't line up nicely on my shelf. This is not okay.

6. Out of the books you've read so far this year, what has had your favorite cover?
*beams* I have several of those too. 

// Love Me Tender by Janice Hanna // 

// Dandelion Dust by Yours Truly // 

// A Question of Courage by Jesseca Wheaton // 

7. Is there a book that releases this year that you cannot wait to read?
Yes and no. :P 

The Farmers' Market Mishap by Wanda E. Brunstetter is a book that I was really looking forward to that came out earlier this summer. Other books that have/are coming out this year that I'm looking forward to reading are... 

With Love, Wherever You Are by Dandi Daley 
Freedom's Ring by Heidi Chiavaroli 
The Return by Suzanne Woods Fisher 
The Proving by Beverly Lewis 

8. What is your favorite nonfiction book?
As always, I can't just pick one. 

The Other Side of Infamy by Jim Downing 
Passion & Purity by Elisabeth Elliot 
The Gift for All People by Max Lucado 
And a book I'm currently reading, Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris, is amazing so far! :D

9. Do you have a favorite location and/or time period to have a book set in?
Hehe, yup. I love WWII!! I have so, so, SO many WWII books, both fiction and nonfiction. The sad part? I haven't read them all. *sobs* 

10. Is there a book that reminds you of something else? (Movies, life, etc...) 
*was just thinking of something the other day and can't remember it now* Hmm, well, Love Me Tender (mentioned above) reminds me of the 60s TV show "Happy Days". I can't think of anything else at the moment. ;) 

I tag... 
Kaitlyn @ Twin Thoughts

Happy Book Lovers Day!! :D What are you currently reading?


  1. Thanks for doing the tag, Faith! I had so much fun reading through your post!
    I did not know that today was National Book Lovers Day. (I didn’t even know there was such a day. ;))
    I still want to read “The Princess and I”, but oh dear, a sad ending?
    Signed books are so fun!
    “Courageous Love” and “The Ebb Tide” are both some of the best books that I’ve read this year too. :) “Millie’s Faithful Heart” is amazing!! <3 I’m quite happy that you’re falling in love with the Millie series. =)
    I’m so looking forward to “The Proving”!!! It comes out next month!

    1. Thanks for tagging me! :)
      Hehe, I didn't know either, except that a promotional email I got from Barnes&Noble said so. ;)
      It's really good! But...yeah...sadness in the last 1/4.
      They are! :D
      They're SO GOOD!! So's Millie! <33 I'm hoping to start book-5 in the next day or two! :D
      Ohh, it does!! That's soon, haha! xD

  2. This was fun to read. I love books so much. Happy late National Book Lover's Day! :)

  3. What a fun tag. Have you read any of Sarah Sundin's books?

    1. It was! :) Yes, I've read the Wings of Glory series and the Wings of the Nightingale series. They're great!!

  4. Oh my gracious - "Jonas and Olivia" - that signature is GORGEOUS. AND SO many books, Faith!! XDD Millie Keith again <33 #Cyril hehe... Thank you for the tag!! Rebekah tagged me too so I need to get to this. XD (I actually have the post partially written up, but haven't had time to finish lately, haha)

    ps. your book pictures always look so pretty!!!

    1. ISNT IT THO?! xD *beams because I'm kinda a book hoarder* I must finish that series! Oohhh. Sorry about that! I didn't realize I double-tagged you. XP Hey, at least the questions are the same. ;)

      Aww, thanks!! That means a lot – some of them are quite labored over. xD

  5. WHOOOAA fun tag, girl! And Vee's signature is sooo pretty!

    1. It was great! :D IKR! I'm sorta kinda jealous of her awesome skiiilllssss. xD

  6. Ooo, happy belated National Book Lovers Day!! :) How cool is it that you have your own book in this list lol.. That cover is so beautiful, though. <3

    Hey, if you're up for yet another tag, I've tagged you for the Early Writings Tag!

    1. To you too! :D Haha, I know right. Not that I'm slightly biased on the cover or anything... *wink* <33

      Oh, thanks! I'll definitely check it out! :D
