
Sunday, August 6, 2017

Camping, a New Project, and Sweet 17 // July Recap

Welcome to August, friends! Be prepared for lots of outdoorsyness in my recap of my favorite month of the year. :D 

// Life. // 

>> Dad killed two huge black snakes near the house and like ewww. *shudders* This is not okay. 

>> We went camping with friends. It was a week of total epicness and food and bikes and hiking and memories. :) 

>> Someone said I was "absolutely darling" and I'm still trying to figure out what they meant by that. #random

>> I turned 17, y'all!! :D Sweet sixteen was amazing, and I'm sure sweet seventeen (yes, it's a thing – don't argue) will be as well. 

>> Okay, wow. It feels like this segment was really short when, in reality, life was amazing this month. I lived and laughed and loved. *smiles* I don't have time to go into all that now, but keep an eye out for a post about my 'best summer' and all that I've learned in the past two months. I know who I am, Who I'm loved by, and that He has a beautiful plan for my life. <3 

// Books. // 

Reading and bibliophile-ing went well this month! :D Feast your eyes on all the loveliness... 

I read 10 books: 
Millie's Courageous Days (#2) by Martha Finley -- 5 stars
Millie's Remarkable Journey (#3) by Martha Finley -- 5 stars 
Katy by Mary Evelyn Notgrass -- 3.5 stars 
Admirable by Sarah Holman -- 4 stars 
The Farmers' Market Mishap by Wanda & Jean Brunstetter -- 4.5 stars 
Millie's Faithful Heart (#4) by Martha Finley -- 5 stars 
Andora's Folly by Abigayle Claire -- 5 stars -- Review HERE
The Coronation by Olivia Lynn Jarmusch -- 4 stars -- Review HERE
Darkness before Dawn: A Memoir in Verse by R.S. Oswald -- 4 stars 
The Notes in Our Hearts by Gabriellyn Gidman -- 5 stars -- Review HERE

And I sorta kinda got *cough* 20 books this month. Used bookstore, review books, birthday gifts, and a CBD sale...Twas lovely, and my wallet doesn't hate me that much. 

Gunner's Run by Rick Barry 
Found in Translation by Robert Bruner with Kristi Rae Bruner 
Winds of Change by Gilbert Morris 
Freedom's Ring by Heidi Chiavaroli -- review book 
The Return by Suzanne Woods Fisher -- review book 
Paige Torn by Erynn Mangum -- Tyndale Rewards

Millie's Grand Adventure by Martha Finley - #6 
Millie's Reluctant Sacrifice by Martha Finley - #7 
Millie's Fiery Trial by Martha Finley - #8 
Westward Hearts by Melody Carlson 
Amish Promises by Leslie Gould 
Hiding Places by Erin Healy 

Not by Sight by Kate Breslin 
The Atonement by Beverly Lewis 
From the Start by Melissa Tagg 
Love's Enduring Promise by Janette Oke - #2 
Love's Long Journey by Janette Oke - #3 
Love's Unending Legacy by Janette Oke - #5 
Love Takes Wing by Janette Oke - #7 
Love Finds a Home by Janette Oke - #8 

// Writing. // 

So, basically, I failed Camp NaNo this month. 

Surprisingly? I'm not bothered by it. Like, at all. I wrote about 2k, and less than half of that was in my 'pre-planned NaNo project'. You see, I was planning to write a sequel to Dandelion Dust. I have the Pinterest board (because #priorities), the characters, the possibilities. I was going to pantser-it. It was going to be great. 

Except that it...wasn't. Not only was I not able to focus on anything writerly for the first four weeks of July, this book Like, Time for a change of plans, right? 

Yup, that's what God told Faith. And that new project mentioned in the post title? Let's just say it's going to be amazing... <3 (What you should read between the lines here: more info to come.) 

// Music & Movies. // 


Okay, so basically, I'd heard about this show aggeesss ago on TV, and then a friend told me to watch it and, like the rebel I am, I didn't watch it right away. (Okay, so the real reason was I kinda forgot half the time, and then didn't have time whenever I did think "hey, Self. You should totally go watch that show Micaiah recommended, Self.") 

All that to say, I'm IN LOVE with Signed, Sealed, Delivered. Oliver and Shane and Rita (someone should really just give me her wardrobe. Like puhleezzz. I would totally kill the t-shirt/denim thing-I-got-goin' and be the cute sundress-n-cardigan type of girl) and Norman and all the side characters and just YUSSS. 

> Songs on Repeat <

Where I'm From // Jason Micahel Carroll 
People Loving People // Garth Brooks 
God Love Her // Toby Keith 
Hills and Valleys // Tauren Wells 
Mama's Song // Carrie Underwood 

// Goals. // 

~ July Goals 

>> Finish beta-reading aforementioned book.     No...but I'm close. 

>> Read 10 books.    Yes!! :D 

>> Go camping.    Yup!! 

>> Post about mission trip.    *cough* no. But I have a post nearly written, sooo... Soon? 

>> Live life to the fullest and savor the golden moments...without worrying so much about 'goals'.      *beams and nods* 

~ August Goals 

>> Finish beta-reading project. 

>> Read 10 books. 

>> Begin again posting weekly on Chosen Vessels. 

>> Start school. 

>> Catch up on blogging and emails. 

>> Write 10k in new writing project. 

>> Edit 14 chapters of War Tears. 

How was your month, friends? Have you seen SSD? Did you win Camp NaNo? Been camping? Ready for school? Let's talk!! XD 


  1. Looks like you had a great month! So proud of you for being to let go of that other project- I've had to do that several times this year and it has been very painful, but always for the best.

    1. I did! :) It was painful...and honestly, I think I will write that story someday. But now is not the time.

  2. Fun recap! And love all those beautiful books! So pretty. :) And happy belated birthday - yay for being 17!! I hope it's a great year for you. :) <3

  3. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a fun month. Have a wonderful August! :D

    1. Thank you! :) Hope you have a wonderful one too!

  4. I just love reading your recap posts, Faith! :)
    Huge snakes are not good, especially when they’re close to the house…
    I’m so glad that you all had fun camping!
    Sweet seventeen is definitely a thing. ;)
    Eeps! All of the Millie books! :) For some reason it seems like it was a long time ago that we read “The Farmer’s Market Mishap”. ;) Getting 20 books sounds lovely. May was my month to get a ton of books. ;)
    You’ll have to let me know what you think of “Paige Torn”! Yes, “The Return”. I started that one but it kinda got pushed aside for now…
    I look forward to seeing what your new project is!

    1. Aww, I'm so glad! :D
      Snakes aren't *good* at all... :P
      We did!
      Haha, okiedoke. ;D
      They're so pretty! Haha, I thought the same thing. But we did finish it in July apparently. ;) Seems like those months just happen sometimes – you get all the books at once. ;)
      I will! After seeing Lindsey talk about the series (and author), I grabbed it when I saw it on Tyndale Rewards. Haha, same...and I've got to review "The Return" soon.
      I think you'll like it... :)

  5. It sounds like you guys had a great time camping, girl! AND OMW YES YES SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED!!!! #Isoagree #isstillhappyyoulikeitsomuch #fellowfans AND YES AGAIN - Millie Keith!! That series... <33 And you got "From the Start" by Melissa Tagg!! You must tell me what you think of it. ;)

    *really wants to know what your new project is* Pleaaaseeee tell me? *wink*

    1. *nods* Twas epic!! SSD IS SO FAB YAS. #fellowfansforever #iorderedtheotherstoday Milie – its sooo goooddd. <33 I did!! :D Haha, it was cheap. I will!! XD

      Haha, it's kinda connected to another... #droppinghints *really enjoys these guessing games* I'm so bad. xD

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (Late.) Loved seeing all the books. :D

    And yes I won Camp Nano!! Can't wait to hear more about the new project.

    Hope you have a lovely August. :)

    1. THANK YOU, ZANE! :D

      Congrats!! :) I hope you enjoy hearing about it soon!

      You too!

  7. The only thing I wonder is how I didn't find your blog sooner?? SSD is one of my newest obsessions (IT'S SO GOOD OH MY WORD), and I loved the Millie books when I was younger! (I need to reread those seriously that's would be so fun). Also HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY *confetti* I look forward to getting to know you and your blog better ^.^

    ~ Abby {}

    1. GAHH, ITS SO AMAZING! <3 Hehe, re-reads are always epic. xD Aww, thank you! Hope you enjoy what you find here!

      *goes to stalker your blog*
