
Saturday, January 6, 2018

From the Shelves {Winter Reads}

Welcome to the winter edition of From the Shelves! Today I bring to you six winter-ish books, in three fun genres, and two books from winter TBR. :)

My prop for this picture is a dandelion decoration that a friend gave me. It makes me think of a snowflake too, so I figured it would work for this. ;)

It certainly feels like winter here lately – lots of cold! Unfortunately, no snow recently, but maybe soon. 

Here goes! :D


Ahh, the Little House books. I have read this series at least two or three times. When my brother and I were young, we read the entire series aloud as a family more than once, and then I read the series as a unit study in fifth grade. The Long Winter is one of my favorites and a definite winter read!

classic // historical fiction // always re-readable

This is another precious series that I've read more than once! Caleb's Story is my least favorite of the five, probably because it's from Caleb's POV and the others are from one of the sisters' POVs. It's a very sweet story though. I just love Cassie and Grandpa! <3

historical fiction // children's book // reunion story

I was scouring my shelves for wintery books, thinking I needed a Janette Oke book to make the selection complete, when I spotted this one. It starts with a blizzard, so it's obviously a winter book... And such a wonderful one too! :D

historical fiction // christian fiction // romance // western

This is a super sweet story of winter on a family farm in the '30s!! I really enjoyed the A Life of Faith: Kathleen McKenzie series, and this was one of my favorite books! The extended McKenzie family is barrels of fun. ;)

historial fiction // christian fiction // great depression era


The Rachel Yoder: Always Trouble Somewhere series was one that I really enjoyed as a preteen. Book three, Out of Control, is a wintery book that has to do with snow and sledding and the like. Very cute story!

contemporary // amish // juvenile fiction


The Blades of Acktar is an amazing fantasy series, and one of my top favorites. Dare starts with one of our main characters walking around during a blizzard... Definitely a winter book! It's been around two years since I started reading them, and I'm looking forward to re-reading these books soon. 

*Read my full review of this book here

fantasy // christian fiction // no magic


// Little Women by Louisa May Alcott // 

In New England while their chaplain father serves during the Civil War, mother "Marmee" watches the four March sisters grow up. Beautiful capable Meg, tomboy writer Jo, shy musical Beth, and selfish temperamental Amy struggle to pursue their dreams. Kindly neighbor Mr Laurence and his grandson "Teddie" soon become part of the friendly family.

I actually started this book last month, but I'm only about one-quarter of the way through it. It's so sweet and whimsy! I'm really enjoying it. Winter is the perfect time for lengthy reads.

// Winter is not Forever by Janette Oke // 

"What are you gonna do after graduation?"

Everybody's been askin' me that question. With graduation only a month away, it seems like I'm the only one in our little school who doesn't know what he's gonna do after the big day. I've been prayin' about it, but I still don't have an answer.

Is God nudgin' me to become a minister? A farmer? A husband? Life is filled with choices. The hard thing is figurin' out what to do!

I've read the first two books in this series and somehow it's taken me forever to get around to reading the last two! What better time than winter to read it wth a title like that, am I right? ;)

Have you read any of these? Got any favorite winter reads? :D


  1. Ahh, you updated your blog! It looks so pretty!

    I've read a lot of these (Dare is my fave, but Caleb's story is great too <3)

    1. Thanks! I kinda love it xD

      Dare is soo good! <3 And yeah, Caleb's Story is precious ;D

  2. “A Gown of Spanish Lace” is most definitely a wintery book! I really want to re-read that one this month! :D
    “Kathleen’s Unforgettable Winter” is super fun and another great one! ;) So it “Dare”! If a book has a blizzard in it then it definitely is a great book to read during the cold winter months. :) It’s been forever since I’ve read the Rachel Yoder: Always Trouble Somewhere series, but I remember those being pretty fun books! I really want to finish the Sarah Plain and Tall series and the Little House series soon!!
    “Winter is Not Forever” sounds so fun and wintry! I want to read the first book this summer and then read the other ones in the season that they go in! "Little Women" is a book I should definitely read soon!
    I’m planning to read “White as Snow” by Janice Thompson this month. That one has a fun winter title too. :)
    These From the Shelves posts are always so much fun, Faith! I always look forward to them!

    1. I want to re-read it too, but it'll probably be next month or later. ;D
      Agreed! I want to re-read both the Kathleen books and the Blades of Acktar series this year. It's been a long time since I read those too, but I remember really liking them!
      I think you'll enjoy those! :)
      It really does! That sounds like a fun way to do it. I read the summer book in spring, and the autumn book in summer...maybe I can at least read the last two in the correct seasons! ;)
      "Little Women" is so good so far!
      Ohh, that one sounds good too!! Let me know how it is. :D
      I'm so glad! <3

  3. I read The Long Winter a while ago... and I’ve read Little Women. The others sound like good books too! :)

    1. The Long Winter is great, and I'm really enjoying Little Women so far! Thanks for commenting, Sarah. :)

  4. I remember reading the Long Winter a while back too, and Little Women. I love the idea of reading books to fit the season. :D

    1. Gotta love the classics! ;) Me too! Thanks for commenting. :D

  5. I've read Sarah, Plain and Tall and Skylark, but I didn't realize there were more! Is Caleb's Story the same as the Winter's End movie?

    1. Yes, there's actually five books in the series! :) Yup, Caleb's Story is basically the same as that movie. Then there's More Perfect than the Moon and Grandfather's Dance, which are both from Cassie's point of view. :) Sweet books!
