
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Reading Jar Challenge // Wanna Join?!

Good morning, readers! :)

Today I bring to you a reading challenge that I recently came up with. Upon realizing that I have lots of books that I have not even read (and I'm constantly buying more... O.O), I decided that I need to remedy that.

Thus, the challenge.

And what's a challenge without friends to keep me accountable? ;) If you'd like to take part in the reading challenge, you can do so for any reason. It's not hard – just read books!

In my case, the purpose of the challenge is to encourage myself to read all the books I own but have not read. (Yes, there are literal tons of them.) Then, I'll reward myself with a money system. Once I finish a book, I'll put money in the jar (pictured above) according to how much the book is worth. Then I'll only use money from the jar to buy more books!

Here's what I'm planning to do...

Owned book -- $2
Library book -- $1
All review books (physical copy and e-copies) -- $2
Ebook -- $1

If y'all want to join, you can decide what type of reward would work best for you. Maybe you want to use candy or free time. Maybe you want to finish multiple books before sticking something 'in the jar'. Or maybe you want to follow the system I set for myself. It's totally up to you! :D 

Y'all wanna join? Post the graphic on your blog (if you have one, and then only if you want xD), and read, read, READ! :D I'll be adding updates to how this is going in my monthly recaps this year as well as on the new '2018 Reads'.

Have a blessed day, all! :)


  1. This sounds awesome, but I have no unread books at the moment on my physical book shelf. I hope it all goes well, though! :)

  2. Sounds like a nice idea! However, I have a Goodreads goal of 50 books, and I think that'll be a little more incentive than money. But you go for it, Faith!!!

    1. Goodreads challenges are awesome. ;) Thanks, Julian!

  3. That looks like so much fun!! This looks like a great way to get through my to-read pile!
    Thanks for sharing the idea! =D

  4. I saw this on goodreads! It sounds so cool, but I feel like I would be broke very fast... and I like makeup as well as books. XD

    So it's probably not for me, but I might lower the money to one quarter and try! XD

    1. Haha, good point. xD I'm going to try to only buy books from the far it's $5 under.... :P

      Good luck, if you do! :)

  5. This sounds like a really good and fun idea! Because, as you already know, I have a lot of book that I own but haven’t read. ;) I’m definitely going to be doing this! :D

    1. I'm glad you think so, Rebekah! Hehe, yes, I was thinking of you when I posted this. ;) Yay!

  6. Lovely idea though I read so much I'd end up with no money. Haha

    1. Haha, sounds like a good problem to have though! ;)

  7. This is a really great idea wow, I'm definitely going to have to try my version of this. Thanks for sharing, love this!

    1. Sounds awesome, Ashley! Hope it works well for you. :D

  8. Love the new look, and I might join, but I don't know when.

  9. Sounds fun! I probably won't be doing it, but it's definitely a fun idea!
