
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Time Management. {It's Not as Hard as It Sounds}

Time management.

We love the thought of it. We hate actually doing it. But we all wish we could do better at making the most of our time. least I do. ;)

Working 30-35 hours a week since the beginning of the month, I've came to realize just how quickly time slips by. I get up, get ready for work, and scoot out the door with coffee in hand. By the time I get home, I have homework to attend to, blog posts to write, emails to respond to, actual writing to do, friends to chat with, TV shows to binge... *cough* Anyway, you get the idea.

However, in an effort to stay sane, I'm learning to...juggle, shall we say. And it's working. Slowly but surely, I'm figuring out how to get everything done—maybe not when I'd like, but in a reasonable amount of time. ;)

So here's a few random time-saving tricks that I've found helpful. Maybe they'll be beneficial to y'all as well.

Make a schedule—and stick to it. 

Honestly, I can't stress this enough. If you don't have a plan, that's already a mark against you. Because how can you manage your time if you're spending time trying to figure out what you need to do? An elaborate, detailed agenda for each day, week, and month isn't necessary. Even a list of specific things you need to complete that day/week is super helpful—that's what I've been doing lately. The important part is that you figure out what you need to do—and when—and then get it done.

Unsubscribe from junk email lists. 

You know those adsy emails you receive that you're not at all interested in? The ones you don't even look at or delete without a thought? Do yourself a favor and take a few seconds to scroll to the bottom and click unsubscribe. When the only emails you're receiving are things you actually will read, reply to, or they're something of importance, "doing emails" will be quicker and simpler. And so much less annoying.

Avoid YouTube like the plague. 

Or like bug bites, because that's basically what it is. Seriously. You scratch once (watch a video) and you end up scratching (watching random/stupid videos) for hours. It's bad, y'all. Almost every time I dare go to the edge of that Deep Black Hole to watch one harmless thing, then 57 minutes later, I find myself watching videos of people trying to pronounce town names in Ohio...or something equally pointless. (Side note—who came up with that wicked "you might also like..." feature?! Sick-minded humans, I tell ya...) Nothing wrong with some enjoyment in your free time, but if you have stuff to do, get away from that time-squelching.

Waiting on something or someone? Reply to blog comments, emails, or messages on your phone. Sure, it's not as easy as a "real" keyboard, but you're saving time.

Eating lunch alone? Catch up on social media or read a few pages in a book.

Dying to finish the book but you need to get ready for the day? Read while you brush your teeth, get dressed, fix your hair, eat breakfast, walk to the car... you get my point. Again, not super easy, but it's absolutely possible to multitask in such a way—reading a book could be replaced with many things in this instance. If I can do it, I'm confident anyone can. xD

So yup, there's that! Hope you found this helpful—and that you're able to forgive me for that weird bug analogy. Not sure what happened poor caffeinated brain... *cough*

what's your #1 time saving/managing trick? 


  1. Hello!!

    I've been "following" your blog for quite some time now, but my mom just recently gave me permission to comment on blogs, so I thought I'd comment here!!

    I'm a Christian homeschooling writer as well, and I find your blog incredibly insightful!!

    Oh my goodness, yes!! This post is sooo true!!! I'm always struggling to find an efficient way to get my stuff done during the day. I've pretty much got a plan ironed out, it's just the doing it that gets to me!! My brain forgets that my schedule has it handled and I CAN work on this one thing and not have to worry about the other because it's not as important.

    Ummm. Time saving/managing trick. Hum. Well, how i like to do things is sort of operate in blocks during the day. I always have this mental (I really need to get them written down sometime) to do/goal list I operate by in my brain, so I decided I'd use that. I basically figure out which days are best for the activities I need to be getting done that week, and I schedule them in. I generally do my laundry on Monday and Friday, cleaning and ironing on Saturday, etc.
    When I've figured out all the particulars, I move on to managing my time by the mental list. On week days I get up and make my bed/do the other morning stuff and basically try to spend those quiet moments praying/reading my Bible. Then I generally try to finish all my school and eat breakfast. By that time it's usually light outside, so I run out and do chores. That's a time block. I spend those early morning/predawn hours doing that, and I stick to it. It's like a routine. I try to ALWAYS do that every morning because it helps me get in the groove. I hope that made sense, and I'm sorry for that horrendously long explanation!!! I'll save you from a larger headache by cutting it off short, but basically, try to work on a routine or by goals. I'm a goal oriented person, so that works for me!

    Anyway, awesome blog, and I enjoyed this post!!!

    ~ Boots

    1. Hey, Boots!

      Ahh, you have no idea how much it means to me! To know that—other than those I know or those who comment—read my little corner of the world. :D I'm so glad you enjoy it!

      LOL, totally relatable! Ah, that's great though. I can never keep lists/goals in my head....I'll forget them entirely. xD Very interesting system you've got going on there! Whoa! All of that done in the pre-dawn hours? I commend your ability to get up so early. Whether I get up at 5am or 8am, I'm a reclusive, straight-faced alien until about 10 o'clock. :P Certainly not a morning person! Give me those late-night hours anytime...

      Thanks so much for commenting! No worries about the length. ^_^

    2. Aww, I'm just glad I finally get to comment on your amazing blog!!

      Haha, yeah, sometimes I do forget. It is quite a challenge at times. Yep! My system is a bit different...xD. Aww, thanks!! :D It is sometimes a struggle. I just set a time that I'd like to go to bed and a time for when I'd like to get up and stick to it - for the most part.

      Haha!!! So you're a night owl! I myself am a morning person. After about nine in the evening I'm dead to the world. I say my "on" switch has flipped to "off" after that time, so if I'm non verbal or otherwise not responding, it's because I'm ready to go to bed.

      You're very welcome!! Okay, good, because I seem to have a habit of commenting in large chunks!! >.<

    3. Hey, nothing wrong with that! Do you. :D That's great that you're so dedicated!

      Yup, for sure! Hehe, my mom is like that. She's much rather get up late than stay up past 10. :P

      Any length comments are welcome here. :)

  2. Such a good post, Faith! I have struggled a lot lately with balance in my daily schedule as well as trying to feel productive...

    I feel like one of the things that help me with my time management is when I get up early! Course then you have to go to bed at a reasonable hour, which can be difficult when you are *cough cough* either binging movies and/or "scratching" off multiple YouTubes (although I've never looked for how to pronounce town names in Ohio!) Anyway, sometimes I like to joke that I am a night owl AND a early bird! Oh well, at least I try to get 8 hours of sleep. ;)

    Well, I've rambled enough, great post! <3

    1. *high five* We'll figure this out. :D

      Getting up and moving early has helped me at times too. But yup, same problem. I'm too much of a night owl to really get up early—and I definitely can't do it often. (Haha, that was an example. xD Are you familiar with the It's a Southern Thing channel? They have some great town pronunciation vids! Just...don't look them up if you're busy... ;))

  3. These are great, Faith!! I’m addicted to lists and they really help me stay on track. I write up a list of things to do on my whiteboard in my room and there they are staring at me every time I’m in my room. XD And...yeah, I’m *slightly* guilty of running around with a book open while getting ready! That’s the only way I’ve been able to keep up with the reading challenge and read some extras!

    1. SAME! Lists are fabulous. As a co-worker said recently while talking about a similar subject, "I have lists of my lists." xD Reading in every spare moment really works!

  4. Hehe, yeah, I kind of needed this post today. . . . Time management is definitely something I struggle with. (I blame YouTube, like you said - the stupid "You May Also Like" sidebar is just a massive timewaster.) Great post!

    1. Isn't it?! And of course, it's always related and/or fascinating things, instead of something as boring as a vacuum cleaner commercial...

  5. *sighs* Great post! And one I needed . . . Though I already have a book in hand when brushing my teeth. The only time I don't have a book in hand while getting ready for the day is likely in the shower. And I don't recommend leaving your book in the bathroom while getting ready for the day. It will get wet, I speak from experience.

    1. Glad you enjoyed, Kaylee! Haha, yup, not recommended. Audiobooks while you're in the shower work though...I may or may not have did that in the past. :P

  6. Time management can definitely be hard at times! I usually have great intensions to get stuff done, but when I get home from work I don’t always feel like doing what I had originally planned. I like to keep to do lists though. I haven’t in a while, but I should get back into that…. ;)
    This week has turned out to be quite productive though, which was amazing!
    Totally agree! YouTube is definitely not something to do when you have other things that need doing. ;)
    Thanks fo sharing your thoughts!

    1. Yes, exactly! Good intentions, but then when it's time to ACTUALLY do it...there's always something else you'd rather do. :P
      That's fabulous, girlie! *high five*
      Thanks for commenting!!

  7. Great ides, Faith! Not so sure if walking to your car reading a book is the best idea... ;) Stay safe! :)

    1. Thanks, Molly! Haha, you have a point.... ;)

  8. Great tips, Faith! Time management is definitely one thing I need to and have been trying to work on in my life right now. Hmm, unsubscribing from junk emails is a really good idea... xD

    One thing I have started doing more recently is not bringing my phone up to my room at night so I don't have any temptation to waste time on there and stay awake much longer than I should looking at YouTube videos, etc. It's been a rather good thing for me I think.

    Also, when you said this: "Almost every time I dare go to the edge of that Deep Black Hole to watch one harmless thing, then 57 minutes later, I find myself watching videos of people trying to pronounce town names in Ohio..." This is hilarious. One night I actually found myself watching videos of people trying to pronounce town names as well... XDXD

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Faith! :) Haha, that's one I've seriously been trying to do.

      Ohh, that's a good idea! I usually end up reading or scrolling through social media or spending countless ages on YouTube right before bed. I use my phone as my alarm clock though, so I can't really leave my phone in another room. Well, I could—but my family wouldn't appreciate it. *wink*

      Bahaha, thanks. xD Sammeee. There's actually some really fun videos like that out there, though...

  9. I find organizing rough, and that is partly why i am possibly failing classes. I found my BEST FRIEND in college is a planner. It will help with knoeing when to do what very well.

    1. YES! Planners are the best. :D

    2. I know this is a older post but i thought i'd share a possible update on how things . have semi flipped with time management and scheduling. Even though I have this week packed with final assignments, I FINALLY found the cure to time management issues. It turns out shutting down your phone while you do work helps a LOT!!! The results of me shutting down phone while working have resulted in me getting back on track and i rally hope it is not too late.

    3. That's great, Evan! Yup, setting your phone aside will definitely improve focus. ;)

  10. Epic tips! I do make a list for the day to help me get things done. Sometimes I write it on my wrist so it is always there begging me to get is done. YouTube takes lots of time, do I know that!

    1. Ohh, that's a great idea, Rakayle! I occasionally write things on my wrist if I don't have anything else. I might have to try your method though. ;) LOL, it's a trap!

  11. Great post, Faith! I think you got all my tips ;) Get up early, multitask (even when waiting for people... One I don’t use but should is STICK to your schedule/to-do list and finish it in order instead of staring at for 5 minutes trying to decide which one I feel like doing!

    ~Katja L.

    1. So glad you enjoyed! Oh my goodness, I FEEL that! Like right now, I have 2947 things to do, yet I'm randomly swapping between tabs and accomplishing...not much of anything. xD
