
Friday, April 5, 2019

A New Routine + Secret WIP || March Recap

I'm not even going to waste time expounding on just how quick March flew by—other than to say it's went by even faster than the past two months of the year. So, like, by the end of the week I'll probably be thirty years old or something.

(Also, yes, I'm aware this post is embarrassingly late. Read on for a flimsy excuse.)

|| New Routine

• So, my routine got tossed up a bit this month—meaning, it went right out the window. I've been working 30-35 hours a week, which—on top of ASL homework, blogging, writing, and communicating with other human beings once in awhile—doesn't allow much time for anything other than food and the occasional snooze. So figuring out how to juggle has been a, uh, learning curve. ;)

• For the next two weeks, I'm on the schedule at work for 40+ hours/week. So this is probably the story of how I died. Or how I actually made some decent money. Ya know, one or the other. *clueless shrug*

• Looking back though my phone...apparently I was tired a lot? In all the selfies (I never realized I took so many blurry shots of my face, yikes) I look like I'm half dead... But my guy is adorable, so it's fine. <3

|| Craziness

• March had lots of crazy days. Like the days where you find yourself falling asleep at your desk because you've hardly slept all week.

• Speaking of which, I graduated to a new kind of crazy this month. This realization struck me when I found myself drinking coffee in the shower at 10:30 pm...

• Not knowing what day it is. Since my off days are sporadic, unless it's Sunday, I'm always going "wait, what day is it?" (I think I need help. Go to to donate to my therapy fund.)

• (OKAY, FINE, I'M KIDDING. Not even sure I can apologize for the sarcasm at this point.)

|| Random

• My fam went to a rodeo one weekend in celebration of the bro's birthday. So that was pretty cool. ;D  And a good reason to dress like an honorary Traven, ahaha.

• I felt like I was literally always looking for a pen...? One night, while pilfering through my bookbag for one, I shouted into the next room, "that's probably what they'll put on my tombstone, ya know? 'She never found the pen.' " No one laughed as hard as I did.

• More conversations with my clan of crazies. (You're welcome.)

      Granny: *giving Mom some dishes* When Faith ever wifes out, you can split some of that stuff with her
      Me: *splutters* uh, wife out?!

      Fam: talking about steps in old house and how to make then not as slick
      Dad: our steps aren't slick. ...are they?
      Mom: Faith fell down them. Like, all the way from the top
      Dad: oh yeah
      Mom: I fell down them when they were still carpet
      Dad: I fell up them...

• Spring is coming! Maybe...? I think? I hope...? Let's just pretend it is. I'm so ready for summer.

• My little bro turned SIXTEEN and I just... I just can't even... *sobs*

• My friend, Bethany (of A Great God and Good Cocoa fame) shared with me a video that she and her sister filmed and put together. I know they'd greatly appreciate it if you took a minute to watch their video and perhaps subscribed to their channel!

|| Best Read

Just Sayin' by Dandi Daley Mackall was FANTABULOUS. The kids, the dogs, the snark, the grandma, the match-making, the epistolary style... *happy sigh* Adored it to pieces. I'd got this book for free from Tyndale Rewards Program because it looked cute and I was far from disappointed!

(Psst! If you sign up for the Reader Rewards program using this link, you'll get extra points and so will I. Free books all around, am I right? :D)

|| Worst Read

The American Sign Language Phrase Book by Lou Fant, I suppose? It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't astounding either. And, I mean, given the measly amount of books I read, I don't have much to pick from here. :P

Total Reads: 3

|| Update

I'm still writing and it's SUCH a beautiful thing, y'all. (The fact that I'm writing, I mean. What I'm writing isn't exactly beautiful. It needs help. It all needs help. Shucks, the writer needs help—what do you expect?)

I did more short story work during the month of March as well as some plotting because... Well, you see...

I'm writing a new book.

Yes, you read that right. And, yes, I felt the bold font was necessary. I had this idea dumped in my lap mid-month and just couldn't escape it, so I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to do Camp NaNo this April (previously, I'd planned to skip and/or edit) and just write the darn thing.

So here I am, the girl that has a zillion other things she should be doing, drafting a sixth book. And I am SO darn hyped over this pathetic little bundle of words, y'all. I could ramble all day about it... except, not.

You see, I've decided that I ain't spilling details. None. Zero. Zilch. (If you're in my Cabin, you're hereby sworn to secrecy, 'k?) If I finish—or nearly finish—the WIP during Camp NaNo, I'll divulge all my deep dark secrets in April's recap. But if the plot fails and the storyline totally falls apart and I burn my notes in a fit of rage... Well, let's just hope it doesn't come down to that, aye?

|| Snippet

The fire had burned low, now only a heap of smoldering coals that emitted just enough of a glow to outline his brother’s tall form as he loaded a rifle on the far side of the room.  
“What do you think you’re doing?”  
The rancher whirled toward the voice, cartridges scattering across the carpet. “Blasted… I thought you went to bed.”  
“I asked what you’re doing.”  
Running his hand through his damp hair and still growling, he reached for the rifle. “I don’t know yet, but it's about time somebody did something.” 

|| Favorite Posts

More Precious than Gold >> I Need God

The Peculiar Messenger >> Most Anticipated Reads of 2019

twilight to dawn >> it's part of the journey

Alyssa N. >> 19 Life Lessons I've Learned in 19 Years

Allison's Well >> How to Survive Camp NaNo

|| My Posts

|| March Goals

• Read 8 books.       Nope.

• Finish a short story.       Nope...

• Blog weekly.       Uh, barely not...?

• Review 3 books.      *just cries*

|| April Goals 

• Write a book.  (Whew, it's gonna be lit.)

• Blog 4 times.   (*fingers crossed*)

• Read 3 books.    (Puhleeaasseeee....) 

• Announce 3 super awesome writerly things.   (All are wickedly awesome. Not that I'm biased. And none are the new WIP.) 

• Don't die.   (Ya know. Just thought I'd add this just in case.) 

so how was your month, lovely human? are you doing something crazy in April—like writing a book or climbing Mt. Everest or fighting grizzlies or jumping out of a plane?


  1. A...secret...WIP?? “I don’t know yet, but it’s about time somebody did something.” For whatever reason that line is ironically funny to me!! I need to know more about this book. ;) Your dog is so cute!!
    And... I tagged you for the Awesome Blogger Award. ;)

    1. *beams and nods* thank you much! Daww, he's my baby. <3

      Thanks for tagging me! :D

  2. New routine's can be so hard! I feel for you, and pray that God gives you a flood of renewed energy! <3
    (Wifes out...I like that term XD I think my family might be wondering if I will ever wife out too XD)
    Yay for a new story!! That's so exciting. I hope it goes really well for you! <3

    1. *hugs* Thank you so much, dear! <3
      Ikr?! But like, what was that suppose to mean...? xD
      You are the sweetest! Happy April :)

  3. Replies
    1. *runs and jumps on your back and screams in your ear*

  4. Hi (This is Boots, by the way, I just officially launched my blog a few days ago, so I shall now be commenting from this account.)

    Wowsers. Sounds like you had a CRAZY busy month!!! I hope things slow down enough where you can get a breath in edgewise every once in a while!

    Your book sounds A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! ! ! ! That snippet is like...*dies*. I'm floundering!! Boy, now I wish I did Camp NaNo.

    I hope you can accomplish your goals!! I know what it's like to leap for them and fail. No fun. But geeze, I mean, you're juggling a bajillion other things right now, too!! More than I could do!

    Also...that's awesome that you went to a rodeo! Rodeos are the. best. Hands down. xD

    My month wasn't bad, all things considered. I mean, I got to ride or work with my horses twenty-six out of thirty-one days, so that is DEFINITELY something that I accomplished. (I love horses, did I mention that?)

    As for what's coming up...well, yeah, I might be attempting to take refuge in left field oblivion myself. xD I'm currently in the process of getting my current WIP to alpha readers, and then I shall edit it...and I have three other WIPs I'm plotting and will hopefully begin writing. Craziness...xD

    Anyway, loved you post!!! Blessings to you! <3

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    1. Congrats on starting a blog, Lily! It looks great. :D

      Hehehe, I appreciate that greatly! Things are still pretty wacko over here, but I'm trying to breathe and keep my focus in the right place, ya know.

      SQUEEEE! I'm so glad ya think so! Ahh, Camp NaNo is such fun. Although my cabin mates probably thing I'm dead since I haven't written or been on much in a few days.... :P

      Aww! Well, I don't know how well I'm doing it, but I'm certainly giving it my best go. There's always something to be said for that, am I right? ;)

      THEY ARREEEE. <3

      Oooooh, sounds super fabulous for you! :) I've only ridden a horse once (yes, as in, once in my LIFE), but I certainly admire the animals.

      LOL!! Hope you're month is absolutely amazing and you're able to keep up with the madness and stay on top of the craze. :D

    2. Thank you bunches, Faith! I appreciate your support!

      Ahh, that's good!!

      Haha!! Yes, it sounds to die for! Oh boy...xD Yeah, that happens.

      Yes, of course!! The try is what counts! It doesn't matter if you lose or win, it's just important that you try!

      Very muchly so!! I'm going to be riding in a "rodeo" (they call 'em playdays when they're not huge sanctioned events) this Friday. It'll only be the third time I've ridden my young horse in one, so I am hoping everything goes well.

      Yeah, it was lovely! xD Oh my!! Well, you know...heh heh, if you want to admire them from up CLOSE and personal, you could come here! ;) We've got six.

      xD Thank you and same to you!! <3

      Blessings and prayers to you! <3

      ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    3. <3

      Hehe, it is what it is. I have most of the weekend off, so maybe I can get some words in. ;)

      Absolutely agree, sista!

      Oh, that is so fabulous! Congrats on your first time. :D I hope your playday is a complete and total success! <3

      LOL, on my way!!

    4. Yep, definitely! Well, that's good!! Give yourself a rest from work!!

      Thank you!! <3 It was!! Thank you so much for the encouragement! ^^


      ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    5. I tried! xD

      That is FABULOUS!! :D :D

  5. My month was crazy too! I do hope spring will come!

  6. Ooh, the new WIP sounds so cool! <3

    Also, can I benefit from Because this Faith also needs therapy. XD

    1. Thanks a bunch!

      Ohhhh, most definitely. As a band of crazies, we gotta stick together...

  7. Yup, I'm doing something crazy this month! I decided that I want to write 218,000 words before the year is out and for me that's a lot and each of those words will hopefully go in my current projects and I am not starting another project. *refuses to glance at my plot bunnies*

    That snippet is so good! I can't wait to know more about your story! And I'm sure you'll do great even if it's spur-of-the-moment!

    1. WOAH. That is awesome, Kaylee!! I hope it goes splendidly for you! :D *shoos away the plot bunnies*

      I appreciate the encouragement! <3

  8. Great March recap, girl!! Woah, it sounds like things are pretty busy! Coffee in the shower definitely qualifies for CRAZY BUSY! Hope things settle down for you soon! Praying for ya! <3

    Rodeos are SO MUCH FUN!!! Although I haven't been to one for forever! Love your red shirt and boots!! ;)

    *squeals* YAY! I'm so excited for your new WIP! And your secrets safe with me, my lips are sealed! *winks*
    That snippet though... <3

    Well overall, it sounds like you have had a busy but productive month! I hope your April is going amazing!!

    1. Coffee in the shower, yup, my family was concerned. I haven't had to figure out how to eat in there yet though, so maybe I haven't *quite* gone off the deep end.... Prayers are always appreciated! <3

      We hadn't been in ages either, and it was a complete blast. Aw, thanks! :D

      *squeals and bounces with you* Ahahaa, many thanks for that.

      Hope you have a FANTABULOUS month, m'dear! <3

  9. March went by a little faster then I would’ve liked it to, but that tends to happen often! I can’t believe it’s already April!!
    Wow, you’ve definitely been busy lately, Faith!
    Aww, I love the picture of you and your puppy dog! ;)
    Drinking coffee in the shower at 10:30 at night….? Ummm….wow. I plan to go donate on your new website as soon as I’m done commenting here!
    I love your “rodeo clothes”! You’re so pretty and cute! <3
    Hehe! “Wifes out”…never heard it put that way before! ;D
    Loved the snippet! ;D
    I hope Camp NaNo goes well for you, girl! :D

    1. I know.... O.O I mean, I'm pretty sure it was January, like, 9 days ago. Or something.
      He's precious. ;) <3
      *cracks up* *nods solemnly* Yes, yes, donations are always accepted. Apparently I have the type of crazy that is semi-curable if caught in time, so...there's still hope... xD
      Awwww. I love you, cutie. <3
      Ikr?! ;D
      Thanks a billion!

  10. Faith, Faith, Faith, Faith! Your recaps are the highlight of a month! xD This one was particularly funny somehow. I’m guessing you wrote it super tired one night? You always cone out most funny when you do that. :P Yay for Camp NaNo! I’m in a cabin with my sister and fifteen other lovely girls (including Bethany Reinstedt xD) and so many of my friends! We’re having such a blast and we’re already sad at saying goodbye after camp. :P
    Also, that snippit. <33

    ~Katja L.

    1. Your comment totally brightened my day, Katja! :D Me? Write something super late in a sarcastic mood and then toss it out there for the entire world to view? Nah, never... (Okay, yes, I did. xD)
      Ahh, that sounds like an awesome gang! Isn't Bethany great? :) My cabinmates are lovely as well!!
      Thanks for commenting, dear!
