
Monday, October 28, 2019

Tattered Wings by Kassie Angle || Cover Reveal

Happy Monday, dears. :) Today I've got a cover reveal for y'all—for my lovely friend Kassie Angle and her upcoming release, Tattered Wings! 


Some scars can't be seen. And some can't be hidden.

Layla Trent's life is pretty much perfect, except for the little matter of a dog of her own—and maybe a brother. So why does a random nightmare of a princess dress, a hospital, and a stranger who's definitely not her daddy feel more like an aching wound? And can a broken, glassy-eyed puppy somehow help her release the pain she didn't even know she was carrying?

Corporal Andrew Reyes has proven he has what it takes to be the best—a US Army Ranger. But when a double tragedy rocks his world, his resolve is shaken to the core. What's left for a man to live for when he's lost everything he ever wanted to be? And is the sudden appearance of a teenage girl with a three-legged therapy dog a cruel joke or a divine appointment?

Some scars can't be hidden. But some don't need to be.

Annnddd the cover... isn't it epic? Detailed? Intrigue-inspiring? <3 <33

Author Bio

Kassie Angle is a teenaged Christian author, cowgirl, therapy dog trainer, stereotypical INFJ, and Army girl to the core. Her first love, i.e. debut novel, O to be Like Thee, swept her unsuspectedly into the world of indie authors. She tries to use her stories to fill the silences in literature, helping more people understand the world of the Army and showing how God heals the broken-hearted. You can find her and more of her writing at

|| Website ||

have you read Kassie's debut novel—O To Be Like Thee? I hope to soon!