
Monday, November 4, 2019

Indian Summer & Autumn Vibes || October Recap

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda proud of myself for getting this up while we're less than five days into the month. (Also, HI. I'm not dead.)

|| Impromptu Photoshoot

• One Sunday afternoon, while wearing a cute outfit that I especially liked, I dragged my sweet mom outside to take some pictures. I'm slightly particular about what I like in pictures. Add in the photo-bombing dogs... We ended up with dozens of shots. The good news for y'all is that I'm not posting all of them. ;)

|| Indian Summer

• This year, North Carolina decided to allow summer to last allll the way up into the month of October. I love summer and all, but this got a little out of hand. I mean, c'mon, wearing shorts on the 11th is just weird.

<3 <3 <3

so the leaves finally decided to change xD

book cover material, y'all

|| Random Life 

• Coffee. Coffee. Drinking so much coffee. Oh, wait, that's not new.

• Early in the month, I was house-sitting one weekend. And, yeah, may or may not have required five bags to stay 48 hours... *coughcough*  It was during a readathon though, so maybe we'll just pretend at least two of those were full of books??

• Day-tripped to Mount Mitchell with friends! Highest point east of the Mississippi River. :D 

the view from the top <3

super cool tree...with human in the background

my pretty mama <3

Y'all. I read six books. SIX. This hasn't happened since FEBRUARY. Granted they were mostly smallerish. But STILL. I also bought a ton of books, but that is...neither here nor there. xD xD

|| Chasing a Dream

In many ways, October was about finding (or more like rediscovering) my groove. A routine, a certain way things work best. Figuring out what matters most, what I really want to do and what I was just doing because I thought I had to. Things are much more enjoyable that way. ;)  And in the midst of that I'm finding that, when I try, I can find time to write easier than I expected. My word counts FOR SURE wouldn't break any records, but that's okay. At least I'm writing.

|| Snippets

"Um...this is a colored pencil."  
That gets her attention. With a glare that could kill germs, the girl looks up at me. "So? Do you have a problem with that?"  
I clear my throat. "Well, I mean, usually colored pencils aren't used for, you know, writing."  
Her eye roll would make Hannah jealous. "What else would you do with a pencil, Mr. Traven?"  
"I don't know...nothing? Normal pencils are for writing. Colored pencils are for art."   
"Incorrect. All pencils should be colored."  

Ryder sails across the room atop a rolling stool. “Dude, your gut looks like abstract art.”  
“You studied my insides while I was knocked out?” 

“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine, Dad. Feels good to be doing something.” 
“That isn’t what I meant.”  
I swallow and refuse to meet his gaze. Almost wishing he would leave me alone to my self-pity. Almost wishing he would push hard and make me fess up.  
“It stings, doesn’t it?”  
“Getting your heart broken.” 
Tears well up in my throat until I’m smothering in the pain. I cough, costuming a whimper. Before I know what’s happening, Dad’s arms are around me. And I’m crying like I haven’t since I was eight years old.

I didn't blog much in October...but maybe that's okay, since I was able to catch my breath and get back into the groove with a few other things?

I did participate in Libby May's blog tour for her debut, Dewdrops and Butterflies, and joined in on Kassie Angle's cover reveal for her upcoming release, Tattered Wings. I love supporting other Indies—whether writers, artists, or any small business owner. :D

|| October Goals

• Outline Chasing a Dream + do some minor related research.     Pretty much, yeah. 

• Read 5 books.      YES. Surprisingly

• Catch up on blog post scheduling, book reviews, and marketing plans.      Ehheheh. Sorta. 

• Start planning 12 Days of Christmas.      NO. But soon?! 

|| November Goals

• Write daily in CaD. 

• Read 5 books. 

• Organize things for 12 Days of Christmas + plan my own posts. 

• Clear inbox. 

how was your October? can you believe it's like fifty-something days until Christmas? O.O


  1. Great 2 photos of you in the mirror! ;)
    I love the Sunset photo!
    Hope you have a great November!

  2. Those snippets! Ah, I need this book!

    And I love your wrap up posts!!! ;)

  3. I love all of your pictures!! You are so beautiful! <3
    Okay, girl I NEED Chasing A Dream like now! Those snippets...I'm in love already!! 😍

    1. Awww, thank you! <33
      Hahaha, I'm super excited for it :D :D

  4. That photo shoot was great! You look so cute!!
    And those snippets were amazing :D

  5. Your photos are beautiful. i like your choice of books especially "A Journey to A New World'

  6. Such a cute outfit! Have a nice November. :)

  7. It was fun reading about your month. :)
    I loved seeing all the pictures. That first one is so pretty!
    I hope you have a great November. =)

  8. Yayayayayay!!! Heyo, there, sweet Faith!!

    It's so good seeing another recap by you...and gosh girl, you and that outfit are SO CUTE!!! :D

    And can I just say, those book snippets are the best - especially that first!! *dies laughing* But at the same time, would you mind if I asked for your NaNo name? I wants to friend you!!!! *grins*

    I'm like all over the place right now, but I just drank this crazy Kombucha drink...and I've never had Kombucha before and GOSSHHHH the energy coursing through my veins right now could kill a cat with it's force.

    Eh heh.

    But moving on...NO, I cannot believe Christmas is THAT CLOSE!!! Yeesssh!! Your 12 Days of Christmas thing sounds so fun, and I'm waiting impatiently!

    Anywho, ta-ta for now, friend! Keep up your amazing blog!! ^^

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) |

    1. *waves wildly* hey there, Lily dear!

      Aww, thanks so much! Hehehe ;) My NaNo name is Fireflygirl. I'm not officially doing NaNo, because there's no way I can write 50k this month. xD But I do have some story details and such on my profile!

      Ooooh, really?? I've never tried kombucha...I want to though, because #SignedSealedDeliveredvibes :PP

      I KNOW. Craziness right?! Oh, most definitely! 12DoC details are going out to newsletter subscribers tonight, and to blog readers in the next week or so!


  9. Your photos are gorgeous. Your Mom is a pretty lady. Congratulations on reading six books in October. I am reading a nine part series "The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill". I am on the seventh won now. I have been reading some Halloween and Thanksgiving books as well as a few Christmas ones. Thank You Faith for the update.

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn! <3 Oh, those books sound good. :D I'm ready to read Christmas books too... Thanks for commenting!

  10. So excited for Chasing a Dream!!!!! :D Great wrap-up post!

  11. I know right? That the Carolina weather has been nuts! Sadly, the weather has finally gotten better, right when I needed the weather to be nice it has finally got cold. Really good photography. And that tree, it is quite something!

    1. you're welcome! And yes , i'm North Carolinian, thus why I know North Carolina's weather crisis ! I like have a exam where I have to identify plants that were grown outside, and with the plants losing their leaves due to the final cold coming at a bad timing.

    2. Ohh! Hahaha, not the best timing for you then.

  12. And I have been reading a book about the Philadelphia Convention of 1897, where the constitution was created.

  13. I love your photoshoot pics!!! They're so pretty. <33 And your ball cap... X'D I CAN'T WAIT FOR CHASING A DREAM!! Those snippets were the best!

  14. I loved your post Faith!❤ What a month you've had. I love the pictures your mom took of you. Haha!!πŸ˜†πŸ˜† "Yes," I'm very particular as to what clothes I wear as well for a photo shoot. My dad will just be like let me take a picture, I'll be like Dad I'm in mt pj's.😜

    1. thank you, dear! hahaha, that is funny xD

    2. XD yeah! It isπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Your welcome girl!πŸ’•


    Lovely post! :D And yesss, writing is all that matters and I cannot wait to see what else you have in store. ♥
