
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Update, News, and Reminders

Hey people! *waves tiredly* I'm back! I know, I know -- I just posted yesterday...but it had been 12 days before that since I'd last popped in, so I felt like mentioning it here. XD 

This is just a super short post to let y'all know a few things, give a few reminders, tell some news, and the like. 

(On a side note, I'm sitting on the porch looking at this as I write this up...) 

Gloriously beautiful, yes? 

Okay, on to the purpose of this post... 

Quick FYI. 

My inbox is beyond overflowing with blog posts, comments that I need to respond to, and sweet emails to reply to. So if you're expecting any of those from me, I. Am. Coming. I'm just slightly sidetracked. ;P (If people would stop posting things I might could get caught up... Kidding, kidding! Y'all are fabulous and I enjoy your posts!! <3) 

My monthly wrap-up post should be up tomorrow, providing nothing upforeseen comes up. :) 


The winners of the writing contest went up yesterday. If you entered and have yet to see the results, check it out HERE. :) 

Don't forget to send me your questions for my Q&A coming up on June 11th! :D Details are HERE


I got a job. Okay, not exactly. B-) 

Today I started a fellowship program at the art center where I've been taking pottery classes for about 18 months. I work around the studio barn -- cleaning up, loading and unloading kilns, pugging clay, mixing glazes, etc. -- in exchange for studio time. :) It so much fun and I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to learn and get experience! :D 

I believe that's all for now, so I'll see y'all tomorrow! :) 



  1. I'm not even wanting to start my May wrap-up post. *cringes* It'll take me like three hours to write. ;P
    Sounds like you've been busy! :) I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post!

    1. I worked on mine some yesterday...and some this morning...and some now. All together, it's probably taking that long. :P
      Very busy! Thanks! :) It's not up yet, but I hope you enjoy. ;)

  2. Ugh. I barely got my Wrap up post on the blog today! And I totally understand about not responding to blog commenters and falling behind in general. Because I'm right there with you :P

    Congrats on your job! I always wanted to be good at pottery. :)

    I just submitted a truckload of questions for your blogiversary so don't feel obliged to answer them all :P Congrats on 1 year!

    1. *hugs for someone who totally gets it* Yes! It's just...crazy. :P
      Thanks! Pottery is so much ME! So this is a blast. :D I got to run the machine that recycles the clay today, so that was awesomeness. XD
      Oooo, some good questions. :) Thanks, Abi!

  3. Beautiful picture! :) Congrats to the writing contest winners!! And congrats to you as well for the new job - that sounds like so much fun! :D

    1. Thanks, Eve! ^_^ And thanks again! LOL. It's so much fun and I absolutely love it. <3

  4. That is a beautiful view indeed! :)
    Oh my goodness, I so know what you mean about your inbox being full to over-flowing! I've got that problem too...and too many tabs up on the computer that I need to deal with. XP We'll get there eventually, right?!

    That's great about your job! What a lovely experience!!:)

    1. Isn't it? So lovely. :)
      Someone else who understands my problems! *hugs* Yes. Yes. Yes. I am with you! =D *sigh* I certainly hope so!

      Thanks, Raechel! I was back this morning and I'm just having so much fun with it. :-)

    2. :)
      Yes! I definitely, definitely, definitely understand! *returns hugs and gives high five*. We need to stick together so we don't drown under our "to do" inbox lists! XD

      Yay, how fantastic! It's such a blessing when you can enjoy what you do!

    3. Yes, absolutely!!! Inbox and to-do list procrastinators must stick together!! XD

      It certainly is!! ;-)

  5. I'm over here staring at my boring living room drooling over that top photo. That sky! AHHH!! I so feel you on getting behind on comments and emails, *sigh* also: congratulations on your new job! I'm so excited for you, Faith, what an amazing opportunity! :)

    1. Isn't it gorgeous?? We're blessed to live in such a lovely corner of the world.
      Yay, someone else who gets me!! *grateful hugs* Thank you a bushel, Emily! I'm enjoying it oh, so much. :)

  6. Another really pretty picture of the sky. :) I love taking pictures of sunsets and of the sky when they have all of those different pretty colors in it. :)
    Just before we went on vacation I sent in a couple questions for your special post on the 11th. ;) By the way, I'm really looking forward to that post! :)

    1. Me too!! We have some really pretty sunsets around here. :)
      Yes, I got your questions! Thanks for sending them; and I hope you enjoy the post. :)
