
Monday, May 30, 2016

Writers Unite ~ Writing Contest // Winners Announced!!!

Happy Memorial Day everyone! :D (Click on over to Chosen Vessels for my full Memorial Day post.) Hope you're all having a blessed, long weekend. :) Are you ready to hear the winners of the Writers Unite Writing Contest?? 

First, I want to send out a huge thank you to all the entrants! Your stories were amazing and I enjoyed reading through them oh, so much. :) I wish you all could've won something, but that can't happen, I suppose. Again, thank you all for entering! Because...what's a contest without entries? ;) 

Okay...on to the winners!!! :D 

Our First Place Winner is Rebekah Eddy with her lovely poem In Honor. Great job, Rebekah! The comparison of Jesus to the American Soldier was so well done. :) Your poem is beautiful! :-) 

Coming in at Second Place is Blessing Counter with her inspiring story I Did it For You. Blessing, your story was so amazing. I loved all the tie-ins with well-known Christian singers. ;) What a wonderful showing of sacrifice!! 

At a close Third Place is Kaitlyn Krispense with her wonderful short-story Katie's War. Kaitlyn, I loved your story sooo much! WWII is my favorite historical era, and you brought it all out so well. The theme of sacrifice shown through in a beautiful way. :) 

Rebekah, Blessing, & Kaitlyn, congratulations!!! Someone will be contacting you via email to see about getting your prizes on the way. :) Again, congrats!! 

Happy Memorial Day, friends! 
>> Faith


  1. Congratulations, everyone! I really wanted to do this contest, but May is never a good time for me :P Maybe next time. I love how it revolved around Memorial Day and had a larger word count and time frame than most. Great job!

    1. I'm sorry you couldn't enter, but I understand. :) Yes, there's always next time! And I'm pretty sure Writers Unite will have more contests in the future... ;)
      Same. XD I loved the theme, the word count, and the month-length. :)

      Thanks for commenting, Abi!! :D

  2. Congratulations, Rebekah, Blessing, and Kaitlyn! :)
    Did you have fun being a judge in the contest, Faith? :D
    Happy Memorial Day! :)

    1. Yes, I did!!! Judging was sooo much fun, and all my fellow-judges were great to work with. :) It was truly a blast.
      To you and yours as well!

      Thanks for commenting!

  3. Congratulations, Rebekah and Kaitlyn!!!

    How was judging, Faith? Were there lots of entries? :D

    1. Judging was...amazing. :D I really enjoyed it and I look forward to doing more of this type of thing in the future. Uhhh...I think there were 6 entries total. :)

      Oh, by the way, Blessing -- I enjoyed your story very, very much. I loved the tie-in with Trust in You, the way you used the sacrifice theme, and the 'Danielle Gokey' pun. XD Great job!

      Thanks for commenting! :-)

  4. Wow.
    Just WOW.
    I can't believe I actually got first place!! :O
    Thanks so much for hosting this! I had a lot of fun entering! And even more fun realizing I had gotten FIRST PLACE!! (Ok, so maybe I spent the first five minutes staring in disbelief at your post before running around our house squealing for the next five... ;)

    1. Aww, but you deserved it! :) That poem...golly. You tore. me. up. It was sooo amazing.
      You're so welcome! I'm so glad you were able to enter our contest. Thanks! ;) (Hehe, sounds like something I would do... ;)) Enjoy the feeling!

      Thanks for commenting, Rebekah!

    2. Same here, Rebekah! I could hardly believe I even placed at all! I mean, I was HOPING I'd place at most third, but I didn't exactly think I would :D If you know what I mean ;)
