Friday, November 30, 2018

Five Bookish Tropes that Should Jump Off a Cliff.

G'day, readers! I have returned (as promised) with my opinion of five bookish tropes that need to vanish from bookshelves. Or from my life. Or the globe. Or something like that.

(Okay, not exactly. These tropes could be done well, I'm sure. They are just ones that either particularly rub me the wrong way, I've seen way too often, or I just disagree with entirely. If you don't agree with me—don't be offended. This is all in fun. I'm also not intending to bash any of the books I use as examples—I'm linking to them for the reference of the readers.) 

{ love triangles }

You saw that coming a mile away, didn't you? I'm pretty sure this is the most hated bookish trope out there and yet...people are still writing it? And publishing it? And selling it? It's quite annoying, honestly, for this gal to have two guys literally falling at her feet while she tries to decide which one she "really loves." (Um, maybe neither, or you wouldn't have this problem...?)

To be fair and not so negative, I have enjoyed books that included this trope. One that comes to mind is a book that I'd count among my top favorites—A Cousin's Promise by Wanda Brunstetter. But in this instance, the triangle had a purpose in the book without taking over, and it wasn't an "in love with two men" situation, because it was obvious who she loved.

BUT. I read a book last summer that contained, not just a love triangle, but a love square. You're laughing right now, but I'm not kidding. There was a guy and girl who aren't sure if they're still in love or not (he's just came back from war). So meanwhile, the girl is over here kissing this other guy, while dude #1 is kissing his nurse. In a closet. At the hospital. And she knows he has a girlfriend. LIKE WHAT. WHAT EVEN. (Did I mention the guys are/were best friends? Yeah, not okay.)

*forces self to stop because I need to save my energy to give all of these a fair rant* Moving on, folks.

{ when THE ONE appears on your doorstep } 

Okay, so, I get it. You dream about meeting "the one" and how it all will go and where you'll meet and so on and so forth. I get it. I really do.

However... *pulls y'all closer and whispers* He/she isn't going to magically appear on your doorstep seconds after you prayed for God to send them your way. If it's in His plans for you to marry, then yes, that person is out there, and yes, they'll show up when the timing is right.

God isn't some little magician sitting up in the sky, waving a wand at your beck and call. It doesn't work that way—thank goodness.

But I have legit read books where the guy prays for his future wife and then just assumes the first supposedly-eligible girl that appears in his path is The One. (It actually was his doorstep/doorway in one book and I almost died.)

Like, what kind of message does that send? "Hey, dude. Want a girl? Just pray for one. And then the first one you lay eyes on—you'll know because she's so drop-dead gorgeous you'll almost pass out—yup, she's the one. ... What was that? ... Oh, she hates you? No problem. Just keep pursuing her and making an absolute nuisance of yourself. She'll come around."

(This seriously happened. No joke. Quit laughing, Krispy.)

{ perfection overload }

When everything turns out perfectly. They win the game/race/competition, they get the guy/girl, they work out all family relations, they get the dream job... You know what I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong, I love a happy ending just as much as the next person—maybe more. But again, this can really send a confusing message.

In life, everything doesn't turn out perfect. You may not end up with the guy/girl you were certain was right for you. Your team may not win the game and go to state. Your relations with family and friends may always have rough patches.

Life isn't perfect, y'all. But good, because God is good? Oh my, yes. <3

{ the powerful girl...thingiemajig } 

I don't have a thing against women, y'all. Obviously. Golden starting line, Faith.

But the whole plot/trope/I-don't-even-know-what-to-call-it of a woman who decides she ain't going out with him even if he gets down on his hands and knees and begs... Why? Because "she don't need no man," and he's obviously trying to steal her freedom or implying she's incapable or... *flaps hand* Something like that.

Why does it have to be a need thing? I mean, c'mon. Maybe he just genuinely cares about you. (Not sure why, if you're as awful to him as my description, but...) Maybe he admires your strength and independence and wants to come alongside you to walk through life.

Nothing wrong with a strong, female lead to a story. So long as she doesn't think she's invincible and capable of handling everything on her own—without God or anyone else, be they guy or gal.

{ plain or fancy }

*is cringing* Okay, I like Amish fiction for the most part. I'm pretty sure I've talked about it on her many times before. Y'all know this. I'm not bashing the genre in any way, shape, or form.

But I have to wonder... how many Amish teens/young people actually leave the faith and flee out into the sinful, wicked world just so they can cut their hair and drive cars. And meanwhile, their mother cries over their departure and their father gets mad and shuns them and their siblings and friends (and sometimes a boyfriend/girlfriend) don't know whether to talk to them or not and it's so drawn out and dramatic and... *ahem*

Like...what? Does it really work like that? And, most of all, is it really so common? (Name more than five Amish books that don't deal with this in some way, and I'll give you a cookie.) I'm going to take an uneducated guess and say "no." It's not as common as it is in the books. Why it's such a hyped/used/abused trope, I'm not sure.

(If I'm wrong here, someone feel free to correct me.)

Also—Englishers going Amish. That sounds like it would be awfully darn hard. *spends 47 seconds contemplating giving up my modernization and decides I wouldn't survive*

So, yeah, there's that. Also, I'm up really late. I'll probably re-read this and regret it when I get up in the morning... *pause while Faith realizes it is morning*

Keep having a fabulous life, my humans, and let's chat about these tropes. Like or don't like? 


  1. First comment on this amazingly epic post. And everything you said about that powerful girl trope? Yes. Just yes. I agree. A guy doenst have to be a need in order for you to accept him. You can love him and still be independent. *probs isn't making sense*

    1. First comment because you were up at an even more unearthly hour than I was. YES, exactly. Like, maybe he just really loves you—and you love him—what's so wrong with that?

  2. 2nd comment! Always wanted to do that, lol!

    Trope 1! Grrrrrr! I hate it with a vengeance! Not read it in books, but seen it in too many movies. And that second example? Slap everyone! (Wow, Ryana Lynn, calm down!)

    Trope 2. Wow, if only it were that simple...I'd have been married at 16! Agreed, that is soooo anoying!

    Troupe 3. Don't get me started! Call me scrouge, but I hate perfect ends ;) Life ain't like that y'all. But it is good :p God is always good! I'm currently writing a series that ain't gonna end "perfect" because my characters just lost the war and are in the beginning of the reconstruction. I'm actually having trouble figuring out how to end with something happy...maybe a baby. Babies fix everything, right,lol!

    Trope 4. I'm not even gonna rant on this one because it drives me so insane and the negative overload would permanently scar Pollyanna ... I like strong characters, there is a limit!

    Trope 5. I can name one! A series in fact! It's the Lily Lapp series! We just read them this year, so cute! And the 1st two are romance free, the last two have a few references. But agreed, this one is way overused! I don't read a lot of Amish fiction, but I've read plenty of back covers, lol! Oh, and chocolate chip are my favorite cookies, just saying, lol!

    Love this post, Faith. Sometimes you need to get it out!

    1. Haha! ;)

      Slap everyone is EXACTLY what I wanted to do!! Come to think of it, I instead read book 2 (which was better, for the record) and considered buying book 3... xD

      I know, right?! Like...can we please not portray it this way? :P

      I'm a sucker for a happy ending, but perfect? Nah. Like, if the dude has gone off to war and comes home "just fine".'s not fine. He's saw things. He's bearing the scars. He's not the exact same person who left. Let's show that, please and thank you. *laughing* A baby totally fixes everything. xD

      Agreed! Use in moderation. XD

      Oh, I've heard of those! Looks like a cute little series. ;) *hands over some fresh chocolate chip cookies because they're the best kind*

      Haha, thanks, Ryana Lynn!

    2. YAAAASSSS! Guys going to war totally come back different! Met a guy who was suffering from severe PTSD. So sad! That's what I liked about a certain Marine I read about in a book this year...;P He was so real and true to life! (Okay, those are basically the same thing...)

      They are cute! you should totally read them! Ahh, thank you, these cookies are amazing, lol! You'll have to give me the recipe XD

    3. Yesss. <33 Haha! I'm kind of partial to that Marine, come to think of it...

      *laughing* Will do! XD

  3. Loved reading this post! I live near a Amish community, and I have to agree, some(most) Amish fiction is pretty inaccurate.
    -Brooklyne <3

    1. Thanks, Brooklyne! Yeah, from what I've seen of Amish areas, the books are sometimes dramatized.

  4. Haha, loved this XD And oh so true. I was just ranting to my sister last night about another...I guess you could call it trope, that I am tired of. The one where the main character decides to head into a dangerous situation ALONE because they can't wait 5 SECONDS for help, or they don't tell their best friend or parents, etc. Like, just no. I get that some instances may call for immediate reaction, but you should ALWAYS tell someone when you are going to meet with a murderer because you could be dead. Yep. XD

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has these rants. xD My poor mom usually gets the pleasure of hearing mine.
      OH MY GOODNESS YES. Like, they're probably worrying themselves senseless about you, dork brain, while you're off trying to save the world... Good one there. ;)

  5. Wow, Faith! Those are some of my least favorite tropes too! ;) I have also gotten frustrated with these before. Great post! :)

    1. I'm glad you found the post relatable, Molly Anne. :D Thanks for commenting!

  6. Totally agree with you! Love triangle are so terrible overused. I actually read one with a love fan. Like, one girl, four guys. I was pretty grossed out. ;P
    Yeah, the whole girl power thing is getting frustrating. I've read so many books with girls "not needing the guys" and I'm just banging my head on a desk over here. Like, when since did girls get so self absorbed that they decided they didn't need guys? =P
    I have read one Amish book, and that's probably all I'll ever read. Personally, they all sound exactly the same. ;)

    1. Love fan?!? Gross!

      And I must echo your sentiment on the girls not needing guys thing. So dumb! God created us with the need for guys and vice versa! We just aren't complete without them!

    2. @Mikayla
      Say whaaa?! That's just so wrong. Pretty sure no girl is that amazing and attractive to every single guy she comes in contact with, soooo.... :P
      It's frustrating. XD
      Hehe! Lots of them do share some similarities. xD

      Yup! We (girls or guys) are complete in Christ alone, and then God instituted marriage, between a man and a woman, as part of His plan. :)

  7. This post is great!

    The first trope is sicken to me... because seriously does that really happen?

    The second trope is almost as bad!

    The third is the worse to me! And I think disrespectful to the men (fathers, brothers, boyfriends, or husbands.) in our real lives.

    The forth is wrong-about Amish life. My Dad moved sheds for the Amish and they weren't like most books. If Englishers join the Amish they have to know Pennsylvania Dutch, go to classes, meet with the elders and a lot of other things to become Amish.

    1. Thanks, Kaylee!

      Yeahhh. I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen. At least, I've never saw it. xD

      Totally agree with that! Disrespectful to God too, in my opinion.

      Yup! I find their culture interesting, I just often wonder how correct some/most fiction is.

  8. Me? Laughing over here at your epic sarcasm? Not at all...

  9. Oh,oh,oh! Just thought of another one! This is more so in movies, but what about the couple that start out engaged at the beginning of the story? You know right away, they are not going to be together by the end.

    1. OH MY GRACIOUS YES. I was watching a movie with the family the other night, and it starts out with the main girl dating this guy (not the guy on the cover!) and I'm like... "Even if the focus of the movie wasn't her romance with the other dude, her and dude #1 would never work." xD

  10. This is hilarious, and (sadly) true. XD XD

  11. YUUSSS! To all of these! So cringy! XD

  12. This was fun, Faith! :D
    Love triangles are confusing. How can you be in love with two people at once…? It’s strange. Some love triangles can be sort of fun to read though.
    Hmmm…how is it that the two books you mentioned in the first two sections are books we read together? ;) ;) That Blueberry Surprise story was strange for sure!
    I love happy endings, but everything turning out perfect isn’t realistic at all.
    I don’t care for strong women story lines…
    Faith, you need to read more Beverly Lewis! She writes the best Amish fiction ever!!!!!!!! Yes, some of her books deal with people leaving the Amish, but it isn’t like in that odd/doesn’t seem realistic way. (Do I get a cookie? ;D I came up with 5! *winks*) So yeah, read more Beverly Lewis Amish fiction. =)

    1. It's very strange and...disconcerting. :P Yes, some can be fun, so long as they aren't....weird. XD
      Haha, I noticed that too! It really was...
      I really do!! Her books have been the best Amish fiction I've read, as far as the writing style and staying true to Amish culture, as far as I can tell. I need to read The Road Home and then the Rose Trilogy... ;) *passes you the cookies* Have some, dear!
