Saturday, May 2, 2020

Jesus Still Loves You

to the one who feels like a failure:

no matter how far you've fallen, Jesus loves you
no matter what you have—or haven't—done, Jesus loves you

if it's been weeks since you read your Bible
if you can't pray without getting distracted by all that's going on in your world
if you can't remember the last time you shared the story of grace with another struggling soul

Jesus still loves you

this isn't authorization to sin
this isn't permission to backslide
this isn't an "it's okay, you're fine, I don't mind"

this is "I love you anyway, please come back to Me"
this is a Savior with a broken heart and nail scarred hands, but wide-open arms

a God of unfathomable grace and incredible love and unsurpassable goodness
a God who designed your fingerprints before creation
a God of second chances, and tenth chances, and 347th chances

because no matter what

Jesus still loves you

For sin shall not have dominion over you; for you are not under the law, but under grace.
// romans 6:14
And of His fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
// john 1:16
"It is finished." May those words land on your bones for the nights when fear tells you the cross was a beginning and you must finish grace.
// Jon Acuff

how are y'all this week? prayer requests? <33


  1. Amen, that is beautiful! ♡♡♡

  2. That's really good. Thanks for sharing!
    That last quote is deep and awesome!

    1. Thank YOU <3
      Isn't it?? I love the freedom and relief that seeps from it.

  3. Amen! Every morning is a chance to start again.

  4. I so needed to hear this when I was younger... still need reminded sometimes... <33

    1. me too, dear <3 *hugs* *hugs our younger selves*

  5. Thanks for sharing this! I think sometimes we tend to fall on either side of the spectrum... either people say God loves you so don't worry about sin or people tend to get overly judgmental and basically condemn you. But yeah, Jesus always loves us, but that also doesn't condone sin.
    Great post! :)

  6. Great post Faith! Right on!😁 Prayers for my dad's cousin's who may have covid-19?😟😓Thanks girl! ❤

  7. P.S how is sign language school going hun?<3

    1. pretty well! I'm not in ASL/interpreting classes yet, but taking general ed this summer :D
